This is a small square full of history. The ground of the square is entirely paved with blue-gray bricks. Even though it has been renovated many times, these bricks have been replaced several times, but people who come and go every day still use it. The surface of the floor tiles is smooth and smooth.

The scenery of the square is decorated in an artistic style, surrounded by a circle of flower beds, with brown and black wooden benches placed in front of the flower beds.

Inside the fountain in the center of the square, there is a humanoid sculpture about three meters high. The sculpture should be based on a real person. The lines of the face are relatively soft, and the corners of the mouth slightly outline an arc, as if smiling, giving people a sense of Very nice touch.

But if you look carefully, you can find that there is a bit of imperceptible viciousness in his eyes, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth is not a smile at all, but seems to be the joy shown by a beast when it is about to tear its prey into pieces. All kinds of details are displayed, which is enough to prove how skilled the original sculptor was.

Originally, this small square was a place where nearby residents gathered during their leisure time. At this time every day, many old men and women would come to feed the pigeons. But when Xia Ren and the others arrived, the square had lost its usual peace and tranquility, and some people were panicking. Running over, there were people who had seen the scene with their own eyes and were still immersed in fear, crying loudly. Police sirens were already sounding in the distance, and the superintendent would arrive here within three minutes.

Qin Yun grabbed a passerby who looked frightened and was about to leave in a hurry, and asked what happened in the square.

The man wanted to leave immediately, but Qin Yun's bewitchment worked.

"Listen to my advice and don't go watch the fun. I just saw a person on the east side being melted in the sun. Oh, God bless, that must be a devil!"

After saying this, the man speeded up and ran away without looking back.

Several people looked at each other, but based on each other's words, they couldn't get the full story.

Not all the people in the square ran away. There were still passers-by who had not witnessed the horror of the scene and were curious to come over to find out. Some people were even walking towards the site of the accident with their mobile phones in hand.

Upon seeing this, Xia Ren said: "Anyway, contact the logistics department first and come over to control the situation. All the witnesses just now need to have their memories erased to avoid any accidents."

Tang Tangtang took out his black mobile phone and started to contact the logistics department.

Then they walked straight towards the east side of the square. As soon as they approached, Tang Tangtang and Lu Yi covered their mouths and noses and frowned.

An unbearable stench was floating along the air, like the smell of dead animal carcasses exposed to the sun and slowly rotting. Just taking a breath, Tang Tangtang felt slightly dizzy and at the same time felt his stomach ache. Partial discomfort occurred.

"It's such a heavy pollution. Why didn't you notice it before?"

"It seems there is something fishy about this city."

Xia Ren, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, doesn't care at all about this trivial odor. Many pollutants will emit an indescribable smell, especially when Liu Fusheng revealed his apostle body. The smell was far more than just a sensory experience. Stimulate.

Xia Ren and the others walked against the flow of people and headed towards the source of the stench. There was an empty area in front of them. Most of the people had fled. There were a lot of hats, shoes, bags, and various scattered items left on the ground. and garbage, as well as a few puddles of vomit, all left by people who had just been frightened and left.

And among those items, there were several pieces of inconspicuous clothes stacked together.

While thinking about the information provided by passers-by, Xia Ren walked towards the pile of clothes.

It was definitely not left by someone who escaped. After all, who would take off all their clothes before running away in extreme fear?

The closer they got, the stronger the smell became, and even Lily looked a little disgusted.

"what is that?"

Qin Yun said.

Walking closer, they could see that it was a black suit that seemed to be soaked in water. The jacket, shirt, pants and leather shoes were all there, but they were arranged in a strange way, as if they were wearing clothes. It's like the person suddenly disappeared.

The top of the clothes was covered with a golden wig-like thing.

The gray, dirty mucus spread from the clothes and flowed onto the stone bricks below. The source of the disgusting stench was this mucus.

Xia Ren pinched his nose, squatted on the ground, took a closer look, and found that the mucus was mixed with these things that looked like human fingernails.

No, it’s not like, this is probably a human fingernail.

He moved his eyes to the mass of hair on the clothes and realized that these nails and hair were the only remaining body tissues of the person after they melted.

Qin Yun glanced around and noticed several cameras on the street lights on the edge of the square: "The surveillance video should have the scene just now."

Tang Tangtang shook his head and said: "Ordinary cameras can't take pictures of pollutants, only a blur. If the pollution is more intense, the entire surveillance video will become a mess and cannot be opened, but it can be used through these features. Try to track where this guy was before he melted.”

Xia Ren took out the crowbar, pushed aside his clothes, and found a wallet and work ID from the pocket of his suit. Apart from that, there was nothing else of value in the clothes.

"The victim...let's call him the victim for now. His identity is established."

Xia Ren stood up and glanced at the name on his work permit: "Thomas, project manager..."

Opening the wallet, the ID card information inside was exactly the same as that on the work permit. The identity of the melted person could be determined for the time being.

Xia Ren also found several invoices in his wallet, most of which were for consumption yesterday and the day before yesterday. One of them was a taxi invoice with the issuance date showing today.

"Based on the content of the invoices alone, his life should be quite normal recently. He collected so many invoices probably because he wanted the company to reimburse him. At least when he took a taxi today, he did not expect that something would happen to him soon."

For example, it will be some time before the logistics department arrives. Xia Ren, Tang Tangtang and Qin Yun are doing a simple analysis first.

Lu Yi listened in a daze and couldn't participate at all, but Lily listened attentively, nodding from time to time, not sure if she really understood.

Trash was scattered around, and a newspaper was blown by the wind and dragged on the ground, finally sticking to Lu Yi's instep.

Bored, she bent down to pick up the newspaper. As soon as she took a look, she was almost dissuaded by the dense layout, but a picture in the lower right corner of the newspaper caught her attention.

It was a large-looking dam. Above the picture, there was a small title in bold text. Although she was not very literate, Lu Yi could at least understand the meaning of the title.

[The maintenance progress of the Hoover Dam during the dry season has been updated. The water storage test is about to end, and the water will be released on November 29th. 】

Lu Yi counted the days: "Isn't the 29th tomorrow?"

In the previous conversation between Xia Ren and Qin Yun, Lu Yi also learned a little bit about the Hoover Dam. Although she was not interested in most things, everyone wanted to see the beautiful scenery.

Just as I was thinking, the sound of police sirens quickly approached here. Several police cars parked on the road on the edge of the square. Seven or eight tall police superintendents got out of the car. After asking the caller about the situation, they moved towards Xia Ren and the others aggressively. The position came over.

As soon as they reached the halfway point, they were stifled by the stench, and several superintendents bent over and vomited on the spot.

The leading superintendent's name was William, who was the captain of the criminal police. Although his face was ugly, he still cursed angrily: "A bunch of trash, I haven't seen anything like this before, I want to go back and throw it away in disgrace!"

After hearing his words, the other superintendents tried to cheer up, holding their noses and trotting after him.

Xia Ren and the others noticed people from the police station approaching, but didn't pay too much attention. This incident was obviously beyond the scope of the police station's intervention. They could just wait for the people from the logistics department to come over later.

There was no one in the square, and all the passers-by were driven away by the stench, so Xia Ren and the others were particularly conspicuous standing there.

The superintendents walked over despite the stench. The leading superintendent was a little thin, but had a big frame, and his eyes were shining in the sunken eye sockets.

"Are you witnesses?"

Captain William asked loudly.

He looked at everyone, and saw two women, two men, and a child about four years old, all of whom had extraordinary temperaments.

It would be okay if one or two stunning-looking people appeared, but if so many good-looking people were gathered together and at the scene of a crime, there would definitely be a problem. Captain William could not help but be more vigilant.

Xia Ren didn't say anything. Qin Yun was about to reply when Tang Tangtang stepped forward, took out an ID from his pocket and said, "We are from the Arbitration Court, and we have taken over this matter."

This is a consistent practice of the Foundation. In order to prevent the Superintendent from being contaminated, and to avoid a series of troubles such as damage to the scene or the escape of contaminants, investigators usually have the official status of the Dispute Arbitration Court and can be used for negotiation when necessary.

Although it is a bit domineering, it is better than simplicity and directness.

But today, this method is obviously not applicable.

Captain William snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "I don't remember when your Arbitration Court's hand could reach this far, get out of here!"

Tang Tangtang frowned and stood still.

Captain William was about to reach out and push him away when his eyes suddenly saw the wallet and work ID in Xia Ren's hand, as well as the pile of messy clothes behind them, and immediately shouted: "What have you done? And what are you holding in your hand?" What!"

Having been in contact with criminals for a long time, Captain William is used to overwhelming others with his aura and aggressive tone, and usually achieves good results.

But that's for ordinary people.

Xia Ren's expression remained unchanged, he just looked at him quietly, as if thinking about something.

It was only a brief contact, and Tang Tangtang had moved out of the Dispute Arbitration Court background, but the superintendent had already prepared batons and planned to use violence.

This is obviously not normal.

Seeing that the conflict was about to escalate, Qin Yun said, "How about we wait for the people from your city's Arbitration Court to arrive first?"

Hearing these words, Captain William raised his eyebrows: "Have you already contacted me?"

After he finished speaking, his tone suddenly became tougher: "It's useless no matter who comes today. If you dare to obstruct the superintendent's handling of the case and destroy the crime scene, come to the police station and explain it slowly to me!"

He waved his hand with a arrogant expression: "Bring them all away!"

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