Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 427 If you dare to bully me, my woman will not let you go!

"what happened?"

Tang Tangtang also realized that something was wrong and asked.

Captain William did not respond to this question and repeated sharply: "Take him away!"

Tang Tangtang's expression instantly darkened.

He grew up in the chaotic area of ​​Nanzhou and worked as an underground boxer for several years. Naturally, he is not a good law-abiding citizen at heart. The reason why he usually looks relatively honest is simply because he is not born with a flamboyant personality. , relatively low-key and straightforward.

But that doesn't mean he's easy to bully.

Even though he was troubled by hypothermia and there were more than a dozen of them, Tang Tangtang still had no trouble getting rid of them.

Noticing the atmosphere around her, Lily looked at this and that with some doubts in her eyes. She also felt the other party's hostility, but she couldn't understand it. Don't these people across the way not want to live?

Lu Yi was holding the newspaper in her hand and wanted to drop it, but she couldn't just throw it on the ground. However, the nearest trash can was only a dozen steps away, and a fight was about to start. She felt that if she ran to throw away the trash now, Isn't it a little too strange?

Qin Yun noticed the weirdness of the matter. It was not too strange that the superintendent could resist her bewitching ability. However, from the beginning, the attitude of the other party was very tough, even a little irritable, especially when Tang Tangtang took out the arbitration After learning about the background of the hospital, the other party did not intend to communicate directly, as if there was some huge hatred, and he wanted to put himself and others in prison immediately.

On the superintendent's side, several people had already taken out the handcuffs, and a few others were weighing crowbars up and down in their hands, clearly threatening.

Tang Tangtang was about to take action when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone and found that it was a call from the city's logistics department staff he had just contacted.

After answering the phone, Tang Tangtang asked, "Aren't you here yet?"

On the other side of the phone, the staff from the logistics department said a few words quickly and then hung up.

"What's going on?" Qin Yun asked confused.

Xia Ren also looked at him.

"They said they were stopped by the traffic police on the road and were under investigation because they were found to be carrying contraband. They will not be able to get over in a short time. They have contacted the above and are discussing solutions."

After Tang Tangtang finished speaking, he felt unbelievable.

Although according to the law, the traffic police have the right to inspect the arbitration vehicles, Tang Tangtang has never heard of such a thing happening.

As an organization that has existed since the birth of the Supreme Alliance Government, because it is responsible for mediating conflicts among small countries and promoting unification, the Arbitration Court has gradually grown into the largest armed and violent behemoth in Blue Star. Its scope of power includes maintaining social security. and peace, able to exercise a series of powers and obligations stipulated by law including but not limited to the power of arrest, trial, conviction, execution, etc.

To put it bluntly, if the Dispute Arbitration Court wants to exercise all its powers, the other two institutions of the Supreme Alliance Government, the Police Service and the Parliament, will be completely suspended in an instant.

But fortunately, this abnormal organization has not shown any greater ambitions. Most of the time, it silently cooperates with the other two organizations to maintain the normal operation of society. It rarely goes beyond the limits, and occasionally it suddenly intervenes in something that the police station is investigating. In a case, he took over the case by force, or from time to time he participated in affecting certain social arrangements of the parliament.

However, as the amount of pollution increased dramatically more than 20 years ago, the Dispute Arbitration Court has reached out more and more frequently. In recent years, it has caused strong dissatisfaction from the police department and parliament.

But dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction. None of them had the courage to take the lead in challenging the majesty of the deformed beast of the Arbitration Court, so they could only tolerate it silently.

Tang Tangtang initially did not care about the distribution of power within the Supreme Alliance Government. It was not until he joined the Foundation and became an investigator that he deeply realized what a huge existence the Dispute Arbitration Court was.

Although I have only been an investigator for a relatively short period of time, the superintendent has been very cooperative in several incidents that required the police station.

That's why he found it inconceivable that after he revealed his identity to the Arbitration Court, how could the attitudes of the police superintendents in front of him still be so bad? This situation was obviously against his common sense.

Looking at their reactions, Captain William said proudly: "Why are you still standing there? The phone call is over? Cuff them!"

The middle sentence was spoken to Tang Tangtang, and his tone was full of sarcasm, as if he had already known this would be the result.

Tang Tangtang sneered. It seemed that things couldn't be improved today. He was going to beat these people up and make them pay for their arrogance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step forward, he was stopped.

Xia Ren shook his head at him, then smiled and said to the superintendent: "We are willing to cooperate with your investigation, but are handcuffs a bit too much? We are neither suspects nor criminals, just a few ordinary people who happened to pass by. Just a good citizen.”

"Good citizen?"

A good citizen ran to a crime scene despite the stench?

Captain William was about to have an attack when his eyes met Xia Ren's.

Suddenly, an icy chill rushed down his spine towards Tianling Gai, and he shuddered. For a moment, he felt as if he was suffocated by being submerged deep under the water.

Looking at Xia Ren again, Captain William already had some inexplicable fear in his heart.

"Do you still want to negotiate terms?"

A police superintendent waved his baton and hit Xia Ren. Before he could get close, Qin Yun's figure flashed and appeared in front of Xia Ren. Then she raised her hand and slapped him to the ground. She never got up again. .

Things happened so fast, and the loud slaps echoed in the square. The superintendents were stunned. They didn't expect this woman to be so decisive and ruthless.

Looking at Qin Yun's back, Xia Ren felt at ease.

The two superintendents hurriedly went to check on their companions, and several other superintendents rushed over angrily.


Captain William came to his senses and quickly stopped his men.

The superintendents stopped and looked back at the boss, wondering why he wanted to stop them.

Captain William didn't expect that things would develop to this point. These people on the other side would really dare to attack the superintendent, and do so so simply.

Although his words were quite extreme, William never thought about actually taking action against the people in the Arbitration Court. He just wanted to scare these people into obedience, lock them in the police station for a while, and disrupt their actions. Who can talk about it? He actually kicked a stone, and now he was in a dilemma.

Seeing William's reaction, Xia Ren's suspicion was confirmed.

Sure enough, someone was deliberately guiding me and others to come to Esela City, but why did people from the police station stop the Arbitration Court from doing its work?

Who were they instructed by, or were they trying to hide some secret?

Xia Ren looked back at the stinky pool of pus behind him and thought for a few seconds.

"We'll follow you back to the police station."

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