Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 467 My, little cutie!

In the reservoir, those sticky silt-like objects were still squirming, and the Drowned Spirits gathered into twisted human shapes, like monsters trapped in a muddy swamp, struggling to escape.

The crack in the dam created by Tang Tangtang was filled with more and more drowned souls, while he himself was swinging the cement pillars, fighting for the last time.

Xia Ren stood there, his heart filled with fear and entanglement.

The heavy responsibility and desire to survive seemed to tear his soul in half.

Qin Yun stayed by his side silently without saying a word. No matter what happened to Xia Ren, she supported the decision of the person she loved deeply.

"Let's run away."

Xia Ren took Qin Yun's hand.

He could not think of a way to solve the predicament at hand. Although he had the blood of the old gods, the enemies he faced were also old gods and he did not have any advantage.

Moreover, he absolutely cannot die here. He still has too many mysteries that have not been solved, and he has not even been able to truly see Zhao Mingyue who originally pulled him from ordinary life into the endless abyss.

Once you die, all your past efforts will be in vain.

Although...but, he knew that these were all excuses.

He just doesn't want to die.


Qin Yun responded immediately.

She picked up Lu Yi and was ready to follow Xia Ren at any time.

However, at this moment, the magic circle floating next to it suddenly emitted waves of heart-stopping fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling red light bloomed, filling the entire space. The magic circle suddenly enlarged until it covered the entire reservoir. The strange connected lines on it squirmed, as if they were alive, converging towards the center.

All the drowning spirits stopped any movement at the same time. They knelt down on the spot, facing the same direction in a pious posture.

The sourceless evil wind suddenly blew, and the entire reservoir calmed down in an instant.

But this was by no means the end. The strong and moist fishy wind blew against the dam. Xia Ren's heart throbbed, and an unbearable desire to vomit came from his belly. He could not stay standing and could only sit down on the ground, and the Lily in his hand rolled down. At feet.

Qin Yun was even more miserable. As an infected body, she was naturally unable to compare with Xia Ren. Her whole body was limp and weak. Her body, which was originally like a substance, was trembling. The Shoggoth tissue originally used to support the body was taken back by Lily. She could die completely at any time now.

The heavy cement pillar fell to the ground, and Tang Tangtang kept vomiting black blood from his mouth. He was unconscious and refused to fall. He tried his best to stay standing, but he could only stagger and fell into the 100-meter-high dam. , falling into the black lake composed of drowning spirits.

Only Lu Yi, who was deeply in a coma, escaped by chance and was not affected by the smelly evil wind.

Obscure and unfamiliar syllables began to echo in the air, not obtrusive at all, as if they had existed in this vast world since the beginning of the universe.

The way these syllables are pronounced is extremely weird, as if the vocal cords are completely closed and only the breath hits the pharyngeal wall, creating a dull echo.

They do not belong to any language known to mankind, nor do they exist in any human historical records. Even the most remote and unpopular unofficial histories have not recorded a single word about this pronunciation.

And these syllables came from the mouths of the Drowned Spirits transformed by using the entire population of Ethela City to sacrifice.

They either knelt down on the dam, or leaned on the water surface and the bodies of their companions, and invariably made the same sound.

The Drowned Spirits do not need to organize in advance or rehearse. It seems that they just follow the call of the heart or rely on instinct to sing this hell song from the abyss of the netherworld together.

The apostle from the darkness let out a crazy bark. He no longer had to worry about it, and he twisted his bloated and terrifying body wantonly and fell into the ultimate carnival.

No one cares about Xia Ren and his companions. At this moment, they are like dust, small and powerless.

The ceremony has reached its final moment, and even doctors from the Foundation cannot destroy it.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, the monk with a compassionate face stared quietly at the scene below, while the girl covered her ears with her hands to prevent the sounds in the air from entering her mind.

"It was a success after all."

The monk sighed. It was clear that the plan was going as smoothly as expected, but his tone did not contain any joy, but was filled with deep sadness.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and looked at the distant starry sky.

"Let's go, Butterfly."

"Ah? Why?"

The girl called Butterfly was a little surprised.

The monk didn't answer her question, and his body disappeared from the spot.

The girl stamped her feet angrily and her body disappeared.

Just as they left, all the lines on the magic circle finally converged in the center.

Same minute and same second.

Other places in Xizhou.

Karin, the leader of the logistics team who was driving to chase the ice servants, suddenly braked and turned pale.

She felt a trembling wave passing through the ground, and the other team members also felt the same.

"Then, over there..."

One of the team members looked out the window, his voice trembling.

Captain Karin looked along and her pupils suddenly tightened.

"Over there, it seems to be the location of Esela City..."

"Dad, what's over there?"

The children who had just finished dinner and were walking with their parents raised their little arms and pointed at the sky.

On the noisy street, pedestrians gradually stopped and it became eerily quiet.

They all turned their heads and looked in the direction pointed by the child in astonishment.

At the same time, the same scene was happening in various places in Xizhou.

On this calm evening, all Xizhou people who were outdoors could see a red light penetrating the sky and earth when they raised their heads.

No one knows what it is, and no one knows what it means.

They also don't know that ignorance is the greatest luck.

Only Xia Ren, the only one who is sober, knows what kind of horror has come to the world.

Countless eyeballs and mouths filled the entire sky above the head, and the endless field of vision was occupied by the same nightmarish creatures.

He has no specific form, only endless darkness, filling the gaps filled with eyeballs and mouths. The flowing and squirming invisible body is filled with a slimy texture.

All the eyes were shining, scanning everything on the earth with strong malice.

Those mouths were all open, revealing their razor-sharp teeth, and emitting screams that could destroy souls.

The Great Old Ones are coming!

Xia Ren's eyes were dull and he couldn't take his eyes away from him.

Reason became the original sin at this time. He couldn't help but rub his teeth, grinned his mouth, exposed his scarlet gums, and repeated his crazy murmur.

His mind seemed to be separated from his body, and he was deeply immersed in the countless pairs of malicious eyes in the sky.

The tentacles danced wildly and uncontrollably, slapping hard to the ground, performing a suicide-like behavior.

Transparent mucus overflowed from the suction cup and spread to Xia Ren's skin, forming a thin film to protect him from the evil god's power.

However, this weak power cannot last for long. Maybe in the next second, he will completely lose his mind and join the chaotic carnival team.

At this moment, a disharmonious figure suddenly appeared in this world completely ruled by the old gods.

"This is truly spectacular!"

He has a tall and straight body, wearing a well-tailored black suit, with short blond hair standing up, and a rebellious expression on his pale face.

The young man's sharp sword-like gaze swept around, like an emperor patrolling his territory in ancient times, and finally landed on Xia Ren.

Then a satisfied smile broke out.

"Come a little late, my little cutie!"

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