It was like a ripple appeared in a pool of calm, stagnant water. Although it was small, it could not be ignored.

The Old God has no interest in weak human beings, but the anger caused by the appearance of this young man obviously aroused His anger.

In the sky, countless pairs of eyes turned and locked on the young man. The terrifying pressure caused the space to distort and deform, and the air made bursts of explosions, like firecrackers.

But the young man was not affected at all. He even felt that he was offended. He looked up at the sky, his blue eyes showing a bit of anger.

Standing in front of the old gods, his body shape was as small as an ant, but his momentum was not lost at all.

Then, the young man raised his arm, loosened his clenched fist slightly, and then his middle finger bounced out of his palm like a spring, pointing straight toward the sky.


This move angered the apostle, who could not ignore his god being so provoked by humble humans.

Especially since the other party never looked at me from the beginning to the end, and his attitude was so arrogant that it was disgusting.

The apostle waved the tentacles made of mucus and swatted away at the young man suspended in the air. His speed was so fast that the human eye could only see a blurry afterimage. In the blink of an eye, the tentacles had already reached the young man. beside.

It was only then that the young man turned his head and frowned, looking unhappy.

"Dirty, bugs!"

He snorted coldly, and a brilliant light flashed in his eyes. Then, without any movement from him, the tentacle suddenly lost its power and became like sand, breaking into powder.

The apostle let out a miserable cry, and his huge and bloated body rolled on the dam, obviously suffering great damage.

The young man immediately stopped looking at him and turned his gaze back to the old god occupying the entire sky.

The ceremony had just been completed, and the old god's body had crossed a long distance from the extremely dark abyss in the vast universe to the Blue Star. It had not yet fully arrived, and all that was in front of him was an illusory shadow.

Even so, He still possesses destructive power based on his might alone.

The young man's expression was still unruly, but purple lines were already covering his eyes.

This is a sign of contamination.

Looking directly at the old god also had a serious negative impact on him.

"Bag Shas!"

The young man spoke the name of the old god one word at a time, using syllables that should not be pronounced by humans.

Then, a string of strange and obscure mantras came out of his mouth.

The entire space shook violently, as if it was about to collapse.

The countless pairs of malicious eyeballs turned aimlessly, and the densely packed mouth of the sky opened, letting out a crazy and unwilling roar.

A mere human being could actually affect the emotions of the old gods. If it had been anyone else, they would have died with pride on their faces.

But the young man is obviously not satisfied with this.

After finally reciting a series of spells, he raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes sparkled, and he formed a complex and mysterious mark with one hand.



Before the last part of the sentence was finished, the old ruler Bagshas had completely descended on Blue Star.

Everything has changed. It seems that this place is no longer the Blue Star. There is no light in the surrounding space, as if it has fallen into the darkest abyss in the corner of the universe.

The sky poured down, the densely packed fangs opened, and Bagh Shas's countless kisses moved irregularly under the mucus. His mouth kept flowing and sucking the foul-smelling saliva, and kept making crazy noises. The song of a foreign land - "The Song of Bagh Shas".

Countless eyeballs stared at the young man, as if they wanted to pour the purest malice born in the universe onto him.

However, it was too late.

The young man raised his arms high, his eyes filled with madness and pride, the sky became his stage, and like a wizard presiding over this grand ceremony, he said the last two words...

"Send away!"

All sounds stopped suddenly.

The world has returned to tranquility, with only the sound of water, indicating that nature is still operating as usual.

The moonlight fell down, illuminating the young man's face as pale as a corpse.

He slowly descended from the sky and looked at the unconscious Xia Ren with a crazy smile on his lips.

"You are mine!"

He formed a seal with one hand again and muttered a few spells in his mouth.

Soon, a huge winged creature flew from the distant sky.

It has a body similar to a humanoid, but the overall deformity is difficult to distinguish, as if it is a monster made up of a large number of residual limbs of other creatures.

If Xia Ren was still awake, he would definitely be able to call out its name.

This extremely ugly monster was the Bayaki he had seen in his ancient dream.

With the rhythmic flapping of its wings, Bayaki landed on the dam.

The young man picked up Xia Ren like a groom who couldn't wait to enter the bridal chamber, jumped on Baiyaki's bony back, and eagerly urged it to fly into the sky.

After they left, the Foundation noticed something unusual and hurriedly arrived.

The scene in front of them shocked everyone present. The city of Esela completely disappeared from the surface, and was replaced by a scorched earth full of blood and smoke.

The huge rift valley that looked like it was split by the gods lay across the center of the original city, but the floods inside had dried up, leaving only a patch of mud and a few pale human bones at the bottom of the valley.

As sacrifices, the Drowned Souls had already become his meat when Bagshas came. As a result, the water in the Hoover Dam returned to being clear and translucent, and even appeared to be cleaner than before. .

The investigators and the logistics department followed the rift valley to the Hoover Dam, where traces of the battle still remained, especially the shocking gap in the middle of the dam, which was clearly visible.

They found Qin Yun and Lu Yi on the dam, as well as a group of unknown gelatinous objects.

While everyone was busy searching the scene and waiting for support, the earth suddenly trembled.

Later, investigators discovered that a terrifying crack appeared in the main body of the dam.


As soon as the alarm was issued, the dam collapsed, and the billions of cubic meters of water stored in the reservoir suddenly turned into a torrent and poured downstream.

All Foundation members who had no time to escape were swept into the torrent, and their lives or deaths were unknown. Only a few investigators who stayed on the shore, and Qin Yun and the others who were taken away, survived.

The raging flood swept everything, with an unstoppable momentum, destroying a large number of rivers and dams along the way.

A horrific disaster on a massive scale can no longer be prevented.

The bizarre nightmares repeatedly tortured Xia Ren's sanity. In the nightmares, accompanied by sharp screams and chaotic whispers, a large number of unspeakable monsters appeared one after another.

It seemed like tens of millions of years had passed, and Xia Ren's consciousness finally gradually awakened.

An unbearable burning sensation stung his skin, and a bright light that was too bright to look directly shone directly into his eyes from his eyelids.

Xia Renli coughed a few times, and his throat was filled with a sweet and sticky liquid that smelled like rust.

He raised his sore arms to cover his forehead, and then slowly opened his eyes.

His consciousness was still in a daze. Through his fingers, he saw that the field of vision in front of him was mostly occupied by darkness.

In the darkness that was covered by a curtain, there were scattered rays of light, just like the clearest night sky.

Looking down slightly, Xia Ren saw more.

A blue planet the size of a fist came into view.

He was stunned for a moment, feeling familiar, but his mind was in chaos and he couldn't remember what it was.

There was an excited voice coming from the side.

"You finally woke up!"

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