Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 470 Chapter 468 So, what is the price?

"Sinny Grant..."

Xia Ren repeated it, always feeling like he had heard this name somewhere.


He suddenly remembered where he had heard: "Do you have a pauper brother who wears black mourning clothes?"

Xinni's eyes were slightly confused: "No!"

After finishing speaking, he added: "There are people wearing mourning clothes, but there are no paupers!"

"It feels like we are talking about the same person..."

Xia Ren didn't know why he had to deny the word pauper, and he even emphasized it.

After thinking for a while, Xia Ren asked again: "Are you from the Wizards Alliance?"

The young man nodded haughtily.

Turtle, really.

One of the founders of the Wizards Alliance, and also the actual controller of the Wizards Alliance, is the top wizard: Sine Grant.

Just sit in front of yourself.

Xia Ren felt that he should at least show a little surprise at this time to fit the situation in front of him, but the position around him was the moon. Compared with it, the identity of the other party seemed to become more reasonable.

Moreover, Xia Ren would be even more surprised if the other party really said that he was just an ordinary Lao Wang from next door who loved sowing.

After all, there are no ordinary people who can easily go to the moon.

Thinking of this, Xia Ren felt a little disappointed for no reason.

Originally, ordinary humans also had the opportunity to land on the moon.

Xia Ren patted his butt, stood up from the ground, and looked up at Blue Star.

He could directly see the beautiful arc of light in the atmosphere, and the white storm clouds moving over the continent and ocean. On the southern continent, the Moka Desert was clearly visible. Even from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, he seemed to be able to feel the sand and gravel. of dryness.

He saw the huge rotating ice cloud over the North Pole, which was so thick that even sunlight could barely pass through; the ocean was so vast, and the continent only accounted for less than one-fifth of the entire area. Even so, It also supports nearly 20 billion humans and a variety of animals and plants.

In the cold and dead universe, that planet is so beautiful.

Different from the pictures seen in textbooks, standing on the moon and looking up at it, the mother star that gave birth to him is even more shocking to the soul.

While marveling, Xia Ren also felt a little worried in his heart. The ice clouds over the Wuji Icefield never dispersed all year round. Just by looking at him for a few seconds, the awe-inspiring coldness seemed to span a long distance and was about to freeze his gaze. .

This power is probably something that only the Old Gods can achieve. There must be terrifying secrets hidden deep in the Wuji Icefield.

He was about to look away when he suddenly saw that between the Nanzhou Continent and the Xizhou Continent, in the vast sea near Antarctica, there was a continuous island, which was clearly visible in space.

However, he clearly remembered that there was no information or description about these islands in the geography textbooks and maps he grew up in, and they were not shown on satellite images.

The first human landing on the moon can actually be traced back to before the establishment of the Supreme Alliance Government.

Even if the island is located in a remote location, humans have long been able to reach it, but the current situation is that for many years, it seems that no one has ever set foot in that area.

Thinking back to the time when the Superman Association and the Foundation appeared, Xia Ren realized that the Supreme Alliance government might be far more complicated than he imagined.

He turned his head and looked at the mysterious wizard behind him, who was also looking at him.

"Although I don't know what happened after I fell into coma, but you didn't bring me here just out of good intentions, right?"

"I want to save you!"

Even when Sinnie Grant said such disgusting words, his tone was still full of arrogance as always.

Xia Ren had goosebumps all over his body. Since he was not wearing any clothes, he was obviously seen by the other party.

Sine Grant didn't seem to care and continued: "I'm very curious about you!"

If he met such a person in Blue Star, Xia Ren would turn around and leave without saying a word, without giving the other person a chance to continue to be disgusted with him. But now we are on the moon, and the other person is obviously untouchable, so we don’t even have to say whether he can leave. If you make the other party unhappy, it is possible that your head will be twisted off, but then it will really be like turning your head and "leaving".

So he said seriously: "I already have someone I love."

After I finished speaking, I thought about it and felt it was inappropriate, so I added: "But if there are other better people, I can also consider it."

This way you won't reject it too completely, otherwise the other party will become angry.

After all, with the experience of being a scumbag, Xia Ren is still able to control the skills of refusing and welcoming.

At this time, Zhu Youqian, who was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, sneezed inexplicably.

Xinni Grant didn't know whether he heard what he meant, but it didn't matter.

"You have the aura of the great Ebon in you!"

At the mention of this name, his arrogant tone turned to one of admiration and yearning.


Xia Ren quickly remembered where he had seen this name.

That was the night when atypical insect phobia completely broke out. Following the instructions in the grimoire "The Digger", I opened the door to the dreamland.

In the dreamland, he entered a spire-shaped building by the sea. On the top door of the highest tower, he saw several letters originating from the earth: "Eibon".

Translated, it is Ebon.

Xia Ren has never had contact with Yibon himself, and has not even known his appearance or gender. However, various information confirms from the side that Yibon did exist in Blue Star.

For example, the grimoire "The Book of Ebon", which originally belonged to the Green Flame Brotherhood and is now kept by the Wizards Alliance, and the study room with Ebon's name printed on it in the dreamland.

Xia Ren even speculated that Yiboen, like himself, came from the earth, but their time was different. Yiboen arrived much earlier than himself, so there are traces of him in the world today.

However, this speculation is somewhat illusory after all. Apart from the memory from the earth, there is no more evidence to support it. Moreover, the source of that memory itself is relatively vague, and it is not sure whether it is his own.

"As expected, you know!"

Cinnie Grant's eyes lit up: "Tell me, everything about Ebon!"


Xia Ren was a little silent.

Even if you say so, I really have nothing to say. I still want to know who Ibon is and what he looks like.

Xia Ren was about to explain the situation truthfully, but suddenly an idea flashed in his head and he changed his mind.

"What are you asking him about?"

He neither said he knew nor said he didn't know, but used a vague tone.

Sine Grant was indeed even more excited: "Tell me!"

Xia Ren was not in a hurry anymore.

He looked at his fingernails, glanced around, and then turned back to the other person.

"So, Grant, what's the price?"

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