Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 471 Grant requests to join the chat room

It's quite shameful to ask this. It would be over if others saw it.

But fortunately this is the moon.

Sine Grant lowered his head slightly and pondered for a while, then said, "Anything is fine!"


When he said this, Xia Ren was a little confused.

Is that Ebon so important?

And he was also more concerned about it. It seemed that the last two or three words of every sentence the other party said would be deliberately emphasized. He didn't know if it was a catchphrase or for some other reason.

Seeing his silence, Sineni Grant took the initiative and said: "Although I don't know what you want to do, but what you lack most right now should be information!"


Xia Ren thought to himself that indeed, this guy also knew himself before he lost his memory.

"Then tell me. If I think it's valuable, I will tell you the corresponding things about Ebon."

Cinnie Grant did not doubt that he was there. He paused and said, "First of all, starting from the recent conversation, what do you think we are stepping on?"

Xia Ren frowned and said, "Isn't it the moon?"

"No! You have indeed forgotten everything!"

Sine Grant shook his head: "This planet beeps——"


Xia Ren felt like he was in a trance. He looked at Grant and found that his lips were clearly moving, but all he heard was a beeping noise.

The other party, obviously unaware of the situation, continued to say: "The reason why I chose to bring you here is because only in Beep————, no one will disturb us!"


Xia Ren rubbed his head: "What did you just say? I didn't seem to hear clearly."

Cinnie Grant narrowed his eyes and repeated: "Beep——————"

Good guy, this time it was even more extreme. I couldn’t hear a single word.

Xia Ren dug his ears a little irritably, and at the same time he groaned, and found that it was not his hearing that was the problem.

Sine Grant also noticed something strange about him and asked, "What's wrong!"

Xia Ren explained the situation to the other party and said that he had only heard noise and could not hear a single sentence of the key content.

Grant's eyebrows were raised, and he obviously didn't understand why this was happening.

"Why don't you try saying something else?"

Xia Ren suggested.

Then he pointed to the ice cloud at the far north pole of the distant blue star: "For example, what is that situation?"

Grant nodded and said: "Beep——————"

"..." Xia Ren.

"Can't you hear that?" Grant's tone became increasingly irritable.

Xia Ren nodded, his eyes a little innocent.

Grant continued: "Beep——————"

Xia Ren watched helplessly as his mouth opened and closed, but not a single word entered his ears.

He had always known that certain curse words would be blocked in the game, but he never expected that such a thing could happen in reality.

However, given the identity of the other person, he would never be able to curse, so the only thing that would be blocked would be knowledge related to pollution.

Just when he thought this, he heard Grant say angrily: "CNMD!"

"..." Xia Ren.

This sentence can be heard clearly.

Grant also realized his gaffe, cleared his throat, and calmed down.

The two looked at each other and the atmosphere became quiet.

Suddenly, like a contestant trying to answer a competition question, Grant opened his mouth: "Beep——————"


Xia Ren watched from the side as his fair face gradually turned rosy and the veins on his forehead bulged. He knew without thinking that most of the words that were blocked after that were swear words.

But what is the reason?

This was a very serious matter, and Xia Ren had to seriously think about why his communication with Grant was blocked by an inexplicable force.

He suddenly rang out. In his memory, a similar situation seemed to have occurred twice.

The first time was when he first met the Tragedy Doll. The system refused to reveal relevant mission information to him because he wanted to protect himself.

The second time was the night after I had just eliminated the ghoul cub Zhang Xiang. When I was sorting out information with Liu Xiuxiu and the others, I suddenly lost an important memory.

Could it be the system again this time?


Small dots unfold in the mind in time to form an ellipsis.

"You're not bringing it upon yourself, are you?"

If the system had an entity, Xia Ren would definitely pull her out and beat her up.

But since the other person is in his mind, he can't beat himself up.

However, Xia Ren then thought about it. Although he was unable to obtain some important information, he had legitimate reasons to refuse to disclose information about Yibon to Grant.

Moreover, before he fell into a coma, he was already destined to die when facing the terrifying old god. Now that he was rescued by Grant, it was already a huge gain, not to mention there was a kettle as a containment item.

Gain + no effort = free prostitution!

No matter what, I made a lot of money.

And to be honest, Xia Ren himself didn't know much about Yibon, and he really didn't know what to tell Grant.

If the other party judges that he has lost value, the consequences will be unpredictable. Even the most optimistic result is that he does not kill himself on the spot, but just throws himself on the moon, which is something he cannot bear.

You can’t expect that there are really Chang’e and Jade Rabbit here for you to eat, right?

Dying alone in the vastness of the universe is a terrible thing.

After weighing it in his mind for a while, Xia Ren's unhappiness immediately disappeared.

Being alive is the best thing.


Xia Ren shamelessly suggested: "It may be due to the surrounding environment. After all, sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. How about we go back to Blue Star and talk slowly?"

He himself knew that he was talking completely nonsense. If it was due to sound transmission problems, then why could what he said before be heard?

Grant probably understood this, but he didn't show any anger anymore.

He stood there, looking at Blue Star and thinking for a while.

Then he suddenly remembered something and silently took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

If you can't speak, you can always type, right?

"..." Xia Ren.

He wants to curse this damn technology!

However, both of them seemed to have overlooked one thing. Due to environmental reasons, Blue Star's mobile phone seemed a little acclimated to the moon.

Grant fiddled with it for a long time, but couldn't turn it on at all.

Although Xia Ren wanted to laugh out loud, he still pretended to sigh on the surface.

"What a shame."

He wants to praise this great science!

Grant still refused to give up and looked at the land beneath his feet.

There is loose soil everywhere, and it just needs a little leveling to create a natural writing board.

His longing for Yibon has indeed reached a level that ordinary people cannot understand.

However, there was no extra time.

Just when Grant was about to take action, the surrounding space suddenly became distorted.

When he turned his head, Xia Ren's naked body had disappeared on the surface of the moon.

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