Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

110 Bear Child With Bear Parent? I Make You Suffer So Much That You Can't Tell!

next second,

Zhao Suhui screamed, covered her face with white smoke, and ran out of the crowd.

"Zhao Suhui, don't keep staring at me.

Feeling Zhao Suhui's resentful gaze, Lan Feng touched his nose in embarrassment.

Hao Chengcheng looked at Zhao Suhui: "I think you sing very well, why don't you continue to answer?"


Zhao Suhui stomped her feet angrily, expressing that she didn't want to talk to them anymore.

In fact, she was not really angry. Although the scene at that time was a bit embarrassing, she still felt vaguely excited in her heart, and even had an urge to do it again.

Seeing this, the little assistant comforted: "Zhao Suhui, don't be angry, I have a mask here for you to wear."


"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, I thought the little assistant suddenly became enlightened."

"Convinced, don't you think our sister Zhao Suhui has no face to face people by sending masks?"

"Haha, the little assistant is indeed a warm man, and he even knows how to cover Zhao Suhui's face, it's so considerate."

"High EQ sent a mask to warm her up all day."

"I'm dying of laughter, what the hell are the kids making noise and singing about the lonely brave man? It has something to do with your mother wearing a mask, hahahaha!"

"Zhao Suhui: Please don't force comfort if you don't know how to comfort others?"

"Zhao Suhui: It's really bad luck, let me die!"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha!"

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"Thank you brother."

Zhao Suhui took the mask and said with a strong smile.

"It's okay, you can take it quickly."

While talking, Hao Chengcheng ran over from a convenience store not far away carrying a bag of ice cream: "Come on, it's too hot today, let's have Hagen ice cream."


"Here we are." Coming downstairs at No. 8, Hao Chengcheng walked into the elevator first: "The house is on the ninth floor of this building, 901."

Just when the elevator door was about to close, a crutch came in suddenly.

"Wait a minute, there are still people."

After the words were finished, an Aunt who was holding a four-year-old child walked in.

the elevator doors close,

Zhao Suhui reminded kindly: "Aunt, it's too dangerous to stop the elevator with crutches, and you have a child with you."

That Aunt cast a glance at Zhao Suhui, and said in a strange way: "A little girl with three men in her family, I've been like this for most of my life, it's okay, it's none of your business, I didn't take care of it, and I took care of me coming."


Zhao Suhui lowered her head and panted heavily, she stopped talking, and thought in her heart: "The first kind reminder in my life ended in failure, so don't meddle in other people's business in the future."

at the same time,

The little kid in Aunt's arms stretched out his hands and clicked on the elevator buttons, directly pressing the first floor to the ninth floor.

Lan Feng looked at this scene and said: "Your child presses the elevator like this, and you don't care?"

"You also know he's a child!" The Aunt glanced at Lan Feng, with a natural expression on his face: "What do children know? It's none of your business? If you don't want to sit, just take the stairs."

Hearing this, Lan Feng was immediately happy, he likes this kind of unreasonable.

"If you are like this, I will not be polite."

"You're welcome, what's the matter, you still dare to hit me."

Little assistant: "Brother, hold back, we can't hit people first."

Hao Honest: "Why are you so unreasonable, old woman, I want to fan myself.

next second,

Lan Feng tore open the ice cream in his hand, took a mouthful with a face full of intoxication, and then looked at the child: "Mmm... Oh my god! It's so delicious!"

Seeing this, Aunt on the opposite side quickly covered the child's eyes, and comforted him: "I won't eat it! I won't eat ice cream, because eating ice cream will cause diarrhea."

The little assistant, Zhao Suhui and Hao Honestly understood, each of them tore open the ice cream and ate it, making joyful noises from time to time.

Under the temptation of a group of people, the child on the opposite side finally couldn't hold on, and cried out with a wow.

His grandma repeatedly comforted him: "Grandma will cook delicious food for you when you come home, tell grandma what you want to eat, don't cry, don't cry, the ice cream doesn't taste good, can grandma lie to you?"

However, no matter how she comforted her, the child kept crying.

Seeing this, Lan Feng added fuel to the fire:

"My grandmother bought it for me, your grandmother won't buy it for you!

It's better to be grandma, unlike your grandma, who is reluctant to buy you anything, so hurry up and tell your mother. "

The voice fell, and the child's crying directly rose by two decibels.

That Aunt gave Lan Feng and the others a vicious look, and hurried out of the elevator with the child in his arms.

Hao Chenggong laughed out loud as he watched the two fleeing: "Hahahahaha, refreshing, I haven't been in such a good mood for a long time.


The live broadcast room was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, pork heart with shrimp, pork heart with shrimp!"

"666, I've learned it, next time I meet a brat, I'll do it like this."

"It's really relieved, if I saw this operation earlier, I wouldn't be so angry."

"Haha, I feel sorry for upstairs for a second, please tell me what happened to you upstairs."

"It's almost the same as what happened just now. An old man and a child couldn't be beaten, and they were embarrassed when they scolded them. In the end, they became very angry."

...asking for flowers......

"Let's just say, is it possible for this child to tell his mother that his grandma doesn't like him when he gets home?"

"Hahaha, isn't this just right? It just so happens that there is a big fight between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

"Hey, it's too bad, but I like it, but unfortunately I can't see the follow-up.

"I'm dying of laughter, the gradual expression of the sixth child, I want to hit him haha!"

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ninth floor,

After exiting the elevator door, Hao Chengcheng introduced: "There are two families on this floor. The house we want to see is the 901 on the left."

When you open the door, the first thing you see is a low cabinet partition style entrance.

Entering the room, Hao Chenggong continued to introduce the overall structure of the house: "The living room is on my left, and there is a small balcony attached, where you can bask in the sun and grow flowers, and the dining room and kitchen are on the right.

The three of them are just in a straight line, and the north and south are transparent, which ensures the air circulation of the whole room to the greatest extent.

Going further inside is the bedroom and study..."

After introducing the house, Hao Chengcheng looked at Lan Feng sincerely: "What do you think of this house?"

"Well, not bad." Lan Feng responded with a nod, this house has indeed met his psychological expectations: "How much is the rent for this house?"

Lan Feng asked Zhao Suhui again.

"3000 a month "minimum deposit one and pay three."

Hao honestly answered truthfully.

"What about utility bills and property fees?"

"Water and electricity are all civilian water and civilian electricity. You need to pay for this by yourself. The property fee is already included in the rent."

"Well, okay, let's do it."

Lan Feng made a decision immediately after calculating in his mind.

This price is similar to Zhao Suhui's conditions and needs.

within the scope of acceptance and consideration.

"Okay, then let's go back and sign the contract now?" Hao Honesty smiled: "I knew you were not an ordinary person at the first glance, just because you are decisive and sharp, it is not something ordinary people can do.

"Haha, say a few more words."

"no problem.

It should be said or not, it is indeed a physical and mental pleasure to listen to others boasting about yourself occasionally.

Just arrived at the elevator entrance,

The door of room 902 on the opposite side suddenly opened, and a scolding sound came out: "I know your mother every day, our mother and son have been bullied by your mother, why don't you just live with your mother

Hearing this, the four of Lan Feng looked at each other and walked into the elevator......

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