Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

111 Scam Call? Let You Experience The Sinister Society!

Hao Chenggong said with some hesitation: "902 seems to be the home of that brat, are you sure you want to rent it?"

"Of course, a man's word is hard to follow."

Lan Feng said without hesitation.

He was worried that his peaceful life was a bit boring just now, but the bear boy was sent directly to his door, and he must have fun in the future.

"Then if you regret it, don't say that I lied to you."

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

After signing the contract and eating a boxed lunch, the three of Lan Feng returned to Zhao Suhui's home.

"Wow, it's still cool at home, but it's too hot outside."

Zhao Suhui sat down on the sofa and turned on the air conditioner: "Lan Feng big brother, what are you going to do this afternoon?"

"I plan to buy some daily necessities, and buy two second-hand mobile phones, and then we will move directly there."

After talking about the arrangements for the afternoon, Lan Feng asked: "Do you still want to go with us?"

"No." Zhao Suhui hesitated for a while and then said "four one three" and then refused: "The sleep aids I bought will arrive in the afternoon, I want to assemble them first and try the effect

Then it will start live tonight. "

Although she looks weak on the outside, she is a firm and planned person in her heart.

"Hey, wait a minute, Lan Feng big brother, why are you buying a second-hand phone?"

Zhao Suhui looked at the two with some doubts.

Lan Feng looked at the little assistant with a smile.

The little assistant smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, I have a pair of twin brothers and sisters. They are going to junior high school this year. My family asked me to buy a mobile phone for each of them. But they are children. They can make and receive calls and watch TV. It is not necessary to buy such a good thing." Yes, so I entrust Brother Feng to go with me.

The little assistant explained to Zhao Suhui.

"Oh...that's it."

It is true that if Zhao Suhui follows Lan Feng, she will become popular faster, but she doesn't want to do that.

"Okay, I'll definitely go over tonight to join in the show."

Lan Feng responded with a smile.

"Thank you brother." Zhao Suhui smiled from the bottom of her heart, and then asked cautiously: "Lan Feng big brother, you are not at my house anymore, can I go over to play with you?"

"Of course, come and play with us later, we will definitely treat you to a big meal!"

"That's too expensive. I can make stewed chicken drumsticks with king beans, tomatoes, beans, and bean sirloin."

"Ha ha."

"Then there is no need for my good sister."


After taking a nap, Lan Feng and his little assistant walked out of the house.

"Brother, where do we go to buy a mobile phone?"

"Let's take a walk along the street first."

Walking to the front of the electric car, Lan Feng consciously sat in the back seat.


The assistant handed the camera to Lan Feng to start the tram.

"Ah... let's go~(clip)."

Assistant: "Brother, don't make trouble (half clip).

"Ahem, good progress."

"Let's go to the front one first."

Lan Feng pointed to a second-hand mobile phone repair shop next to the road and said.

enter a shop,

Lan Feng looked at the boss who was fixing his phone with his head down: "Boss, do you have a second-hand phone here?"

"Yes." After hearing the voice, the boss stood up and warmly introduced: "All of them are here, 90% of them are new and guaranteed to work, and if they are broken, you can come to my place to repair them for free.

"We want two around 500, please help us recommend."

"The price of 500 is just right to buy this." Hearing this, the boss directly took out two mobile phones: "Pineapple 7,256g, the memory is large enough to ensure smoothness, you can try it first.

"it is good."

Lan Feng picked up his mobile phone and started experimenting. When there was no problem, he looked at the boss: "Can you get a mobile phone card here?"

"No, it can't be done here."

"The kind that doesn't need an ID card."

Lan Feng added again.

"It's not serious, that's okay." The boss glanced at Lan Feng, showing an expression that I understand, and then took out two mobile phone cards from the sundries: "58 monthly rent, unlimited data

The card may be stopped at any time. "

Assistant: "Boss, we are not bad people, no, I mean we are good people."

The boss directly interrupted: "I understand, don't worry, I won't break the rules, and if you have problems, it has nothing to do with me.


"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the boss is also a social person."

"Little assistant, give up, the more you explain, the darker it becomes."

"Tsk tsk tsk, buying a second-hand mobile phone is like a spy movie."

"Little Assistant: Rules? I don't even know what the rules are.

"Boss: My rules are rules."

"Grandpa, your grandson is calling you. Grandpa..."

As soon as he walked out of the store, the cell phone in Lan Feng's hand rang.

Line connected,

"Hello, sir, congratulations on winning the second prize of our company, with a bonus of 50,000 yuan, and now I need you to provide your bank account.

The other party was wearing a mouthful of non-standard ordinary hair.

Lan Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, what a coincidence, he just bought this unscrupulous mobile phone card, and a scammer came to him.

So he smiled and replied: "Pfft ha ha ha, buddy, you are looking for the wrong person, this is the phone card I just received.

The liar on the other side was silent for a while, then said cautiously: "Brother, are you also a liar?"

"Well, I haven't been in the industry for long..." Lan Feng said lightly: "I just finished the training."

"Training?" The liar raised his voice: "Brother, you still have a gang, a big company!"

"so so."

"It's good to have training." The liar's voice revealed envy: "It's not like I'm alone, I don't know any skills, I have been in the industry for almost a month, and I haven't cheated a dime."

"Yeah, people are smart now, so it's not easy to cheat, but we are not bad, that is, the upper management gave us a quota of 10,000 yuan as bait."

Lan Feng also looked sad.

"Bait?" The liar heard the 10,000 yuan amount, and his voice suddenly became louder: "Brother, do you still have 10,000 yuan for bait?"

"Yeah, that's it, don't talk about it, I'm going to work."

After Lan Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

After 3 seconds,

Lan Feng's cell phone rang again.

A familiar voice came from the phone: "Brother, it's me, that liar just now."

Lan Feng looked impatient: "Why is it you again, I have something to do, hang up!"

"Don't, brother, don't hang up first, I have a good way to make money." The liar said quickly:

"Brother, don't you have a quota of 10,000 yuan, you transfer it to me first, and then tell the higher-ups that the fraud failed, and the two of us split the 10,000 yuan in private, what do you think?"

Lan Feng sneered: "Hehe, you have a good plan, do you think the people above are stupid?"

After speaking, Lan Feng hung up the phone again.

In less than a second, the phone rang again.

Lan Feng yelled directly: "Are you tm sick? You've been beating 4.2 forever.

"Three or seven cents." The liar didn't care, and continued to say cheerfully: "Brother, I only need three thousand, and the rest is yours, and I can transfer you 1,000 yuan first to let you cheat the company.

After a moment of silence, Lan Feng said: "Let me think about it."

The liar on the other side noticed something was going on, and added fuel to the fire: "Twenty-eight cents, I only need 2000, nothing will happen, trust me!"

Huchihuchihuchi...." Panting heavily, Lan Feng said loudly: "Made, work hard, at worst, if you are found out, you will be beaten up!"

"Brother, it will be fine, you trust me." After hearing Lan Feng's agreement, the liar hurriedly urged: "You send me the bank account, and I will send you the money now.


Immediately afterwards, Lan Feng reported his bank account.

This wave of operations was directly shown to the little assistant next to him with a stunned face!

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