Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

123 Observing Secretly, Waiting For An Opportunity?

I saw that there were few gifts left at the end.

The gift box that has bottomed out.

Lan Feng smiled with satisfaction.

He is happy.

But the backstage and the props team were about to despair.

"Who is this person? This is too outrageous!"

"A box, a whole box, is it really about to be destroyed?"

"Isn't it? Isn't the whole box bottomed out?"

Lan Feng took out the last few presents from the box.

It was thrown directly from the air.

"Friends, whoever grabs it belongs to him.


All presents were thrown away.

What dolls, pendants, toys and so on.

It was thrown from Lan Feng's hand all at once.

Everyone rushed up and grabbed everything.

The host was dumbfounded...

Lan Feng looked at his WeChat account which was about to be exploded.

Nodding with satisfaction.

"Xiaohou, let's go.

Lan Feng waved to the little assistant.

Host: "Wait..."

I just wanted to stop, but found that there seemed to be no reason to stop.

The program team has a black line on their faces...

"Xiao Wang, why are you still standing there, go and buy some small gifts and come back, otherwise our show will not be able to be done!! Hurry up!"

When Lan Feng was about to walk to the dedicated passage, he suddenly thought of something.

Turning around, he smiled and waved his hand.

"Miss who just added me on WeChat, remember to find me on WeChat"


Lan Feng took his little assistant and left the stage through the dedicated channel only available to contestants and staff.

Left behind were the staff and program crew who looked at each other with black lines, as well as the speechless host Xiao Li.

This is the most powerful social gangster they have encountered since they entered the society for so long!

Now there are only two words.

Lan Feng can be described.


After leaving the stage from the dedicated channel.

Sure enough, everything became more comfortable.

In the passage in front of him, there were hardly any people except for a few scattered staff members and players participating in the event.

This directly saved Lan Feng from the embarrassing situation of being squeezed into a crowd.

"How about it, my brother has paid too much to prevent you from being squeezed into meatloaf

The little assistant gave her a blank look: "Brother, I suspect that your original purpose was to add a pretty lady on WeChat.

"How is it possible? Am I that kind of person? How is it possible that the purpose was not pure in the first place?"

Lan Feng smiled slyly.

"Brother, didn't you see so many beautiful ladies and sisters off the field, so you came up with a whim and played on the spot~"


In the live broadcast room.

"Hahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter. You acted impromptu and came up with a whim. The little assistant has become your coolie."

"I didn't believe it when I heard from my friends that you were the sixth child, but now I understand it. Hahaha, you are absolutely right to say that you are the sixth child."

"Cough cough, brother Feng, my brother has never asked you for anything, can you just give me a few of the WeChat accounts of the beautiful young lady that you just filled up?"

"Upstairs, you talk so fast, I haven't asked for it yet!"

"Hahahaha, I come first, I come first, I'm from the same city!"

"It's too six bro, I've never heard of someone who can do this, hahahaha, and ah, give me a few wechats to get banned~~"

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

Lan Feng walked towards the Crystal Supermarket with his little assistant.

You can't go straight from here though.

But it can save a lot of time.

The two walked forward along the passage.

After going out from here, the distance to the supermarket is basically not far away.

When about to go out of the passage.

The little assistant said out of breath.

"Wait, bro, take a break, I'm a little tired."

Lan Feng glanced back at the little assistant.

"You can't do this. You are still a college student who has just graduated from college. This physique is not good."

"Brother, are you ashamed to say, didn't you just have that bottle of drink in the gift box, you just finished drinking it and didn't leave me a sip.

Lan Feng was just distributing gifts.

Found a bottle of Red Bull inside the gift.

Lan Feng, who was just thirsty, finished a small bottle of Red Bull in two or three gulps.

The little assistant didn't drink a drop.

The next part of gift distribution was also busy with the little assistant.

This is why Lan Feng is not very thirsty.

The little assistant is the reason why he is too tired and too thirsty.

"Brother, let's drink milk tea later."

"Hey... a cup of milk tea costs 20 yuan, but it doesn't matter, brother treats you.

"Brother, are you so kind to me? Okay, I'm not tired anymore, let's go now."

The little assistant looked happy.

Lan Feng, the iron cock, has finally plucked a feather.

It's really not easy.

Immediately stood up and was ready to go.

For nothing else.

He was afraid that Lan Feng would regret it.

Lan Feng, the sixth child, is a fickle character in his heart.

One second she agreed, but the next second she has a million reasons to change her mind.

Lan Feng looked at the little assistant with a smile, but didn't say anything.

But the two had just walked a few steps.

Suddenly there seemed to be a loud quarrel ahead.

Both of them paused in their footsteps.

He looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw a man and a woman arguing face to face at this time.

Both of them have a bad face.

You say a word to me.

The quarrel was exhilarating.

And the noise of the quarrel is getting louder.

After listening to a few words indistinctly.

Lan Feng judged that this was a bunch of young couples arguing.

The reason for the quarrel is actually some small trivial matters.

Lan Feng grabbed the little assistant directly.

"Don't go, let's see what they are arguing about?"

"Brother, why are you so gossip?"

The little assistant turned his head and glanced at Lan Feng, complaining.

"What is gossip? Isn't this a live broadcast every day? I don't have time to socialize. Listen to other people's quarrels, learn a bit, and get caught up in the most simple fireworks in the world for a moment? Stop quickly and come back.

The little assistant scratched his head.

"Brother, you are the most powerful mouth in this world. I haven't seen anyone with a more powerful mouth than yours in decades..."

Although he complained, he still obediently stood behind Lan Feng.

Because the distance between the two sides is not far.

Lan Feng pulled the little assistant to measure his body.

Hide in a green belt next to it.

The two missed only one head.

Quietly gossip about what the two are arguing about.

(Zhao is good) "Hahaha, Lao Liu is still an old gossip?"

"Too proficient, too proficient, hahaha."

"You kid is too shameless, eavesdropping on other people's quarrel?"

"Bah, bah, the guy below (funny)."

"Hahahahaha, shut up all of you, I'll broadcast what Lao Liu said later, where should I watch it, listen to it, and gossip?"

"That's right, I love watching, I love hearing, I love gossip (color color color) (color color color)"

Lan Feng shook his head with a sigh.

Suddenly said to the little assistant.

"Hey, did you see that girl has milk tea in her hand, didn't you just say you want to drink milk tea?"

"Ah? Brother, you can see this clearly. I want to drink milk tea."


The little assistant looked up at Lan Feng.

"Brother, what do you mean by that? Do you want me to snatch it?"

Lan Feng shook his head.

"nonono, I'm a three-good citizen, how can I let you do such a thing, you will understand later."

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