Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

124 Do You Want To Drink Tea To Look Pleasant? Look At My Brother!

This young couple never expected.

The two of them quarreled in an empty corner.

It has now been broadcast live by Lan Feng.

Seen by dozens or even millions of people, it has become popular.

Lan Feng and his little assistant hid behind the green grass.

The young couple who are quarreling will not see it.

On the contrary, it is getting louder and fiercer now.

"I don't understand, what's the matter with you, you don't have a partner, you don't care about me at all, do you? Who am I?"

"Who do you love, a girl who does this? I can't stand anyone else!"

The two quarreled furiously.

Lan Feng had a gossipy face, looking at the anxious two with a half-smile.

"Heh, I put you on the top of my heart every day. You said you want to drink milk tea, and I went straight to buy it for you without hesitation. Did you see how many people were outside? I queued for a full 20 minutes. Doesn't that put you on your mind?"

The boy pointed to the milk tea in the girl's hand and shouted loudly.

The girl was taken aback.

It really is cannibalism.

The girl hesitated.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what my boyfriend said.

Are you being too mean?

For a while, my heart was shaken.

There was also a tangled and embarrassed expression on his face.

For a while, I hesitated whether I should forgive my boyfriend.

After all, he seems to be really sincere to himself.

Just when the expression on her face softened and she was so tangled up that she wanted to forgive.

Lan Feng087 is hiding in the green belt here.

Originally it was gossip to watch the fun, but now I was surprised to see the girl's expression.

"Oh, it's over, I have to do it myself, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to develop to this extent.

Lan Feng sighed.

Looking at the little assistant next to him, he said.

The little assistant was taken aback, doubts written all over his face.

"Brother, what do you mean? Why can't it develop to that point? Also, you said you want to do it yourself? What kind of thing do you want to do? Aren't they arguing? It's a couple quarreling. How can you do it? You don't know each other... ..."

But it's a pity that the little assistant didn't finish talking.

Lan Feng didn't hide directly.

Walked out of the green belt openly.

Glanced back at Li.

"Brother, do you want to drink tea and look happy?"

"I think, I think too much, that's the ceiling level."

"That's it, then don't ask too much, it doesn't matter why I make a move, what's important is that you have to understand that when I make a move, it is a success, and I have never failed.

Lan Feng finished.

He actually walked straight towards the young couple.

The little assistant was stunned, hesitated for a while and followed Lan Feng out.

Now that Lan Feng is no longer hiding.

He even took the initiative to walk towards the young couple.

Then it doesn't make any sense (ccbe) for him to hide.

Simply followed up.

Seeing this scene in the live broadcast room was full of expectations and doubts.

What was expected was Lan Feng saying that she was going to make a move.

Everyone watching the live broadcast is because Lan Feng's live broadcast is interesting, and what they watch is that kind of funny program effect.

All kinds of funny god-level famous scenes.

Now Lan Feng says he wants to make a move, of course everyone wants to see it.

Lao Liu will not let everyone down every time he makes a shot!

But at the same time looking forward to it, as always, I am very puzzled.

In Lao Liu's live broadcast room.

Until the last second, you never know what will happen.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, brothers, I don't know why, no matter what the sixth child is doing, I want to laugh when I see it ha ha ha.

"Me too. I obviously didn't do anything, but I couldn't stop laughing while watching this live broadcast."

"Don't laugh, don't laugh. Everyone, be more reserved. You guys are already laughing like this before the sixth child has made a move. After the show, you won't just be laughing silly, right?"

"Brothers, is there any old fan who predicts the wave, what is the sixth brother going to do in this wave?"

"Damn, when other people quarrel, he doesn't gossip, he goes straight up, that's awesome!"

"But what to do, I really can't guess."

"Hahahaha, in Lao Liu's live broadcast room, you will never guess what Lao Liu will do in the next second!"

The girl who was quarreling in front of her was about to be so moved by this cup of milk tea that she forgave the boy.

Lan Feng is here!

"Cough cough."

A wave of tactical coughing started.

It directly attracted the eyes of the two people in the quarrel.

Subconsciously feel a little awkward.

Both of them remained silent.

Quarrels belong to quarrels, but being laughed at by others is too social.

The two of them wanted to wait for Lan Feng to leave before arguing.

Just when the two of them stopped talking and stared at Lan Feng to leave.

Unexpectedly, Lan Feng walked up to the middle of the two and stopped.



The two were dumbfounded.

"what does it mean?"

The little assistant directly covered his face.

"It's so embarrassing..."

He followed at a distance of about 5 meters from Lan Feng.

Not directly following Lan Feng.

This is too fucking socially obsessive. I used to be afraid that I would be embarrassed to death if I didn't speak up.

Directly after Lan Feng stopped.

He glanced at the girl to the left.

He glanced right at the boy.

Take a deep breath.....



The two were still full of question marks.

"Who is this person? Do you know him? What are you here for?"

Both of them thought so.

at this time.

Lan Feng finally spoke.

"Two friends, I am a professor of emotional psychology at Shanghai Metropolitan University, and my name is Hou Chengsong.

The little assistant was taken aback.

I secretly scolded the sixth child in my heart.

"Damn, it's fine if you make up nonsense, now you're doing the work of the sixth child, and you even have to say my name..."

The two listened.

They are all a little confused.

and then?

what do you want to say

Lan Feng continued with a smile.

"I just passed by here and heard you guys arguing, so I just listened to a few words out of enthusiasm and professional instinct."

Lan Feng talked eloquently.

Boys seem to not want others to meddle in things between themselves and their girlfriends.

A little impatiently glanced at Lan Feng.

"I don't want outsiders to intervene in the relationship between the two of us. Besides, my girlfriend's mistake is not a big mistake. I just need to reason with her and make her realize her mistake. You don't need to come help us."

The boy's original intention was to not want outsiders, namely Lan Feng, to intervene.

But I have to say that he is indeed too low EQ.

Lan Feng smiled after hearing the boy's words.

secretly thought,

"Young man, the first point of dating is that you have to have a high emotional intelligence. After you say this, your girlfriend may want to..."

Lan Feng thought to himself that he hadn't finished speaking.

Sure enough, the next second.

The girl in front of her had just calmed down a little bit, and she planned not to quarrel for the sake of milk tea.

Now hearing what the boy said she did wrong, reason and forgive her words.

All of a sudden, the fire came up completely.

Immediately, I don't care what outsiders are, and I am not embarrassed.

"No, Li Jiahao, are you sick? Co-author, you still think I'm wrong, and you're still thinking about trying to reason with me? Will you deceive people?"

The boy was also annoyed when he heard it.

It doesn't matter if the outsider Lan Feng is around.

"Are you right? Am I wrong? You should look at other girls? Don't look at it, you can go back to her house and live with her!"

"Can you say that again?"

"What happened?"

The two quarreled more and more fiercely.

Lan Feng watched the two kids who had just grown up for a few days arguing, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"I haven't fully shot yet, why did I start doing it?"

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