Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

172 Don't Envy Mandarin Ducks, Don't Envy Immortals, Only Envy The Sixth Child Every Day!

Lan Feng didn't look back at them at all.

Under the surprised gazes of the two people, as well as the gazes of all the other people in the theater who were paying attention to these two superb beauties.

Lan Feng smiled at Li Ziyi and Liu Ke.

Walked in front of the two of them.


"Holy shit, who's here?"

"Didn't you just say that there are no men around these two beauties? Who is this?"

"I don't know, I didn't see it when I came in from the door just now, who knows where it came from."

"Damn, it seems like we know each other, damn it.

Everyone has not yet reacted from the surprised expressions.

An even more tingling scene appeared.

Lan Feng stopped in front of the two of them.

One of the beauties stood up directly.

Then he smiled sweetly at Lan Feng.

Moved a position to the side.

Then he made a "please" gesture to Lan Feng.

"Okay, you sit here, Lan Feng big brother.

Lan Feng was not polite either. 22 looked at Li Ziyi with a smile.

"Sister Ziyi is really sensible."

While talking, he sat down between the two of them.

He also shaved Li Ziyi's playful little nose.

He knew what Li Ziyi thought about him.

I am also willing to give this girl a chance.

So there will be further moves.

Li Ziyi's nose was touched by Lan Feng's hand.

His body froze, and he felt his heart pounding.

Then her body froze and her pretty face turned red.

Ahhh, does he like me?

I just scratched my nose gently with my hand.


With so many people watching, they don't know how to restrain themselves.

Woohoo, sister Liu Ke saw it, the blind man was so ashamed.

Feeling the gazes of her surroundings, Li Ziyi felt extremely shy all of a sudden.

Slowly lowering his head, thinking wildly in his heart, the deer bumped wildly.

But he didn't dare to look at Lan Feng next to him.

Lan Feng smiled and watched Li Ziyi's cute and innocent reaction.

I feel a little more fond of her in my heart.

The two of them are happy here.

Progress is rapid.

Everyone around the movie theater looked stupid.

"What the hell, the old man's heart is broken!"

"Wairi, I saw this kid scrape little Lolita's nose, and the back molars were about to be crushed!"

"Fuck, don't watch it, he's so mad, it's worse than killing me, what the hell.

"I'm really convinced, I was going to be more troublesome today!"

"Didn't it mean that the famous flower has no owner yet? It's really a flower stuck in cow dung, which makes people speechless!"

But that's nothing.

The two buddies who feel the most murderous and heart-wrenching.

It had to be the two who were being scolded by Lan Feng just now.

"This, this, this..."

"I'm super, brother, I really want to hit him now, what should I do?"

"My dear brother, you kill people and kill your heart, right? You boy is someone else's girlfriend, why don't you pretend to be a stranger to me, damn it!"

"I'm so mad, Haonan, don't stop me, I'm going to give this kid a fat beating now to relieve my anger!"

"Brother...I...I...I didn't stop you...you go~"

"Fuck, why don't you cooperate with him? Stop me? Really let me go? Do you want to lose my brother? Look at his big guy, can I beat him? Hurry up Stop me."


At this time, Lan Feng looked at the two buddies in the direction of the corridor.

And chuckled.

This glance and chuckle will at least make these two buddies uncomfortable for several days.

Lan Feng ignored it and leaned on the seat contentedly.

Chatted easily with the two peers next to me.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are going to be numb from laughter.

"Hahahahaha, I laughed so hard, big brother, you are so chic, look at the two good brothers next to you who were bragging to you just now, the back molars are about to be crushed hahahahaha.

"It's too ruthless, it's so fucking old, this wave of shrimp and pig's heart, even if the prostitute teacher comes, he will have a pig's heart away."

"Hahahahahahaha, the pig's heart of whoring teacher, good guy, hahahaha what a fucking image Wori, hahahaha, that's really a pig's heart, buddy.

"Brother, is there a possibility, that is, the sixth child has actually been a prostitute before, hahahaha."

"Go ask the prostitute teacher about the last infinite hair washing incident, hahahahahaha."

"As long as you dare to ask, it is definitely a 365 start, what the hell hahaha."

"Is this the winner in life? Eating popcorn, drinking Coke, watching movies, and most importantly, two younger sisters to accompany you!"

"I'm tired of the word envy, okay?"

"I don't envy mandarin ducks, I don't envy immortals, I only envy the sixth child every day!"

"If you are reincarnated and become a human again in the future, you must live the life of the sixth child!"

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"Popcorn and iced Coke, here.

The little assistant is still behind and hasn't come back.

Lan Feng directly took the half-eaten popcorn and two sips of Coke and handed them to the two.

"Lan Feng big brother, is this still drinkable?"

Liu Ke took the Coke 853 handed over by Lan Feng.

"What's your name, why can't you drink it?"

"Didn't I just open my mouth and try it for you to see if there is any special ice? This can't be drunk?"

"Drink it or not, don't drink it for sister Tuqia

Lan Feng looked at Liu Ke with a puzzled face.

"Sister Ziyi, do you want a Coke?"

"Yes! It's so good to eat only popcorn! I want to drink Lan Feng big brother!"

Lan Feng smiled fondly at Li Ziyi who was still blushing a little.

Turning his head back again, he looked at Liu Ke with a ferocious face.

"Did you hear that? Do you want to drink? If you don't want to drink, I'll give it to sister Ziyi. She wants to drink."

"Drink, drink, I'll drink now."

After Liu Ke finished speaking, the flaming red lips caught the habit of biting by Lan Feng.


Lan Feng is close at hand, and his lips can be seen clearly.

This woman is simply an eye.

Lan Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Liu Ke didn't notice it.

After taking two sips.

Lan Feng took it over.

"Okay, your stars are enough, I want rain and dew evenly."

After Lan Feng finished speaking, under Liu Ke's surprised eyes.

He has already handed the Coke to Li Ziyi.

"Sister Ziyi, drink it."

Liu Ke: "???".

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