Liu Ke has scolded Lan Feng ten thousand times in her heart.

How come the rain and dew are so aboveboard? Hey!


Li Ziyi smiled sweetly.

He took the Coke handed over by Lan Feng.

I just ate a lot of popcorn, and I am already a little thirsty.

She "gudong gudong" drank several big gulps in a row.

Only then did he let go of the straw he was biting on.

"Hiss... ah......


Lan Feng looked at the lovely Li Ziyi and smiled.

At this time, the little assistant finally came back.

Two Cokes in the left hand and one Coke in the right.

Plus holding three buckets of popcorn in his arms.

Soon to be spilled.

Fortunately, even if it came to a few people.

Otherwise, I am afraid that if the distance is a few more meters, I will not be able to hold on.

"Here, your iced Coke and popcorn."

"Wow, Xiao Hou, you are such a good person, you took so much at once."

Lan Feng shouted exaggeratedly.

He took the little assistant's mobile phone and the snacks and drinks in his arms.

It was distributed to Li Ziyi and Liu Ke.

The little assistant has black lines all over his head.

The movie hasn't started yet.

The attention of the people around was still mostly on Li Ziyi and Liu Ke.

The appearance of Lan Feng just now made some of them curse.

This time another man came.

Everyone couldn't hold back.

"No, brother, two women and two men? Then what else should we look at?"

"Never mind him, let's feast our eyes first."

"Such a top-notch girl is rare, and you can't find it on the street.

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, I'm so angry when I see it, watch the movie, and start right away."

Lan Feng was very happy at this moment.

Li Ziyi on the left and Liu Ke on the right.

Two people surrounded him on both sides to chat with him.

Lan Feng also told a nasty joke from time to time.

It made the two women's pretty faces flush and shy.

Leaning forward and backward with a smile.

Within minutes.

The theater lights were turned off.

Some promotional videos of upcoming movies and some advertisements have also started to play on the screen.

When it's time to play the movie.

The Moon Walks Alone starts playing.

Lan Feng also found the most comfortable position for watching movies.

Lie on the backrest, drink Coke and start watching a movie.

While sipping Coke, Lan Feng ate popcorn from the seat shelf.

From time to time, he still communicated with Liu Ke and Li Ziyi next to him.

Enjoy this comfortable time.

Although the movie is good to watch, it is also very funny.

But Lan Feng watched it for ten minutes.

He who likes to make trouble has been a little restless.

Always thinking about doing something.

Otherwise, the movie is two hours long.

It's too boring to just watch it obediently.

Movies cannot yet appear in the footage of the live broadcast room.

That's an illegal tort.

Lan Feng can only lower the brightness of the phone, and turn the camera to the rear.

to myself.

Finally, block the screen to prevent her from shining.

This will not affect others.

But Lan Feng was watching a movie.

You can't let the millions of online viewers in the live broadcast room just watch you dryly.

That was too boring, too cruel.

Lan Feng controlled his movements to be slightly smaller.

He began to quietly look around.

See if there is anything interesting.

Originally, apart from a screen and a seat, there is really nothing interesting in the cinema.

No one comes to the cinema to play, everyone comes to watch movies.

But just when Lan Feng was a little disappointed that the theater didn't play anything except watching movies.

As soon as I lowered my head, I saw Liu Ke's slit skirt...


It's not the same as the beautiful scenery I saw when I was in the car just now.

Although it is a sitting position in the car.

The slit skirt revealed a lot of white thighs.

But now the seats in the movie theater are still different from those in the car.

It may be because the seats in the cinema are relatively low.

In addition, Liu Ke is almost watching the movie very seriously now, and he didn't notice so much at all.

It can be seen from her non-stop laughing that her attention has long been out of these things.

Lan Feng's eyes flashed.

Then he looked at Li Ziyi next to him.

After discovering that Li Ziyi didn't notice him.

Lan Feng put his hand in his right trouser pocket calmly.

That is, the side where Liu Ke is sitting.

But on the way, he accidentally stepped on Liu Ke's lap.


Liu Ke, who was laughing loudly, also felt the touch from his leg.

Subconsciously snorted, and looked down.

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, I reached out for the popcorn and accidentally touched it..."


Liu Ke stared at Lan Feng suspiciously.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm eating popcorn."

While talking, Lan Feng reached into the popcorn bucket and took out a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth.

He smiled at Liu Ke.

"However, Ke Ke, did I hurt your leg just now? Come on, show me, let me rub it for you, okay?"

"My brother is from a family of massage. My ancestors learned massage. If you don't believe me, give it a try."

While talking, Lan Feng pretended to put his hand on Liu Ke's thigh.

"Damn it, old six, are you human?"

"What the hell, Lao Liu has attended all kinds of universities, and Lao Liu's family can inherit any skills.

"I laughed so hard, I learned another trick in the live broadcast room of the sixth child."

"Brother, with all due respect, it's useless to learn it, because you have to have the thick skin of the sixth child first to realize it."

"Are you afraid that after you learn it, you will be discouraged when it comes to actual combat?"

"But Liu Ke is not as easy to deceive as Li Ziyi, hell."

"Lao Liu's trick doesn't work against Liu Ke, haha."

[Popularity +99, Popularity +9 (Nuo Nuo Hao) 9, Popularity +99]

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

Lan Feng never thought that his clumsy language would succeed.

Little tricks like this, what my cat does backflips like this.

Just trick Li Ziyi next to her.

Liu Ke can't be fooled.

But Lan Feng almost stretched out his hand.

He was waiting for Liu Ke to laugh and scold him a few words.

After teasing her, Lan Feng was already very happy.

Then stop moving.

But Lan Feng didn't expect it.

Liu Ke actually smiled lightly.

Directly look away from the screen and look away from the store.

The thigh directly moved closer to Lan Feng.


Lan Feng was taken aback.

The hand stopped in mid-air.

"Okay, okay, Lan Feng big brother, my thigh hurts, please rub it for me."

Lan Feng was stupid.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also stunned. .

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