Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

174 Liu Ke Was Stunned By The Operation Of The Sixth Child!

"No, buddy, why did you commit all these peach blossoms.

"Brother Feng, I also want to touch, bah, I also want to rub."

"Hiss... Sixth, let go of that girl and let me do it!"

"Can you do it? If you can't, I'll go."

Lan Feng looked at Liu Ke in surprise.

"Do you really want me to rub it for you?"

Liu Ke's words made Lan Feng feel unconfident.

Is there really such a sensible girl?

This is too sensible!

Wouldn't it be too stupid not to take it home and pamper it?

"Yes, otherwise, you hurt me."

Liu Ke feigned pain and looked at Lan Feng.

Pointing to his thigh.

"Oh, it hurts so much."


Lan Feng gasped.

This little goblin simply did it on purpose.

It must be because she felt that there were so many people around, that Lan Feng dared not make any moves.

Otherwise, you don't need to be seen by others.

It was only seen by Li Ziyi who was sitting next to Lan Feng's left.

That would be the death of the society.

And most importantly, well known.

Although the cinema is showing movies.

Except for the screen, all other lights are turned off.

It was almost pitch black in the theater.

But in fact, cameras have been installed everywhere on the walls around the theater.

And it's pretty clear from the monitoring.

Liu Ke knew it, and of course Lan Feng knew it too.

But Lan Feng sneered.

"You are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire."

"Do you think I dare not?"

Liu Ke was taken aback.

She really thought so.

She just felt that Lan Feng didn't dare.

At least not in this cinema.

"Then you really underestimated me, buddy, when have you ever been afraid?"

There was a slight curvature at the corner of Lan Feng's mouth.

The body leaned forward a little.

I glanced at Li Ziyi on the left, and found that she didn't pay attention to her actions.

Lan Feng was in Liu Ke's puzzled eyes.

He took off the jacket he was wearing now.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Ke looked at Lan Feng with some incomprehension.


Did you take off your clothes in the movie theater?

No way???

"What am I not doing, can't I take off my clothes when it's hot?"

Lan Feng smiled unabated as he looked at Liu Ke.

"Don't act recklessly, I (ccaa) tell you, if you do anything too extreme to me, I will call for help!"

Now it was Liu Ke's turn to be afraid.

Seeing that Lan Feng actually took off his coat.

Liu Ke subconsciously moved to the right.

A little bit further away from Lan Feng.

"Hehe, didn't you let me touch you, bah, let me rub your thighs for you?"

While speaking, Lan Feng directly picked up the coat in his hand.

Under Liu Ke's somewhat panicked expression.

It covered Liu Ke's leg.


"You startled me, why?"

Liu Ke blushed and pointed at Lan Feng.

Li Ziyi next to her still heard the coquettish sound.

Turning his head suspiciously, he glanced at the direction of Liu Ke who had heard the voice.

"Ke Ke, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

"No, no, I'm fine, I accidentally touched my leg just now."

Liu Ke felt a little strange, but on the surface he still controlled his voice.

"Oh, it's fine."

Although Li Ziyi still didn't quite believe it.

But besides Liu Ke's face was a little red, there was no other abnormal performance.

Simply continue watching the movie.

"What are you going to do? I was taken aback. There are so many people here."

"What can I do, isn't it because I'm afraid that your legs will be exposed, and some lechers will plot against you?"

Lan Feng speaks righteously.

"Then what kind of womanizer is there? I think you are the most dangerous person!"

Liu Ke scoffed.

Although on the surface he was blaming Lan Feng, in fact, he still felt warm in his heart for the details of Lan Feng's actions.

He took another deep look at Lan Feng.

But at this moment.

Lan Feng only felt that the back of the chair behind him was kicked.

Lan Feng didn't care.

Maybe someone in the back seat accidentally kicked it.

Compared to what the backrest was kicked a bit this move.

Or the current right-hand matter is more important.

But Lan Feng didn't take it seriously.

It feels like helping the evildoer.

He didn't expect that it wasn't an accident that he kicked his back just now.

It was probably just a temptation to start an action.

If Lan Feng turned around and scolded directly, there would be nothing else to do next.

When Lan Feng was about to continue freeing his right hand.

The backrest was kicked again.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a rhythmic kick.

The backrest was kicked, Lan Feng only felt that he was sitting on the chair.

Began to be driven to shake up.

Very uncomfortable.

Lan Feng couldn't take it anymore.

He's not very nice either.

Just a click or two was careless.

Now this is obviously intentional.

This behavior is very common in movie theaters.

Generally, it is the kind of people with very low quality who can do it.

Total disregard for other people's feelings.

Selfishness to the extreme.

The three most hated people in movie theaters.

One is people who don’t like to watch movies in the cinema, and watch the whole movie with their mobile phones.

And what's more disgusting is that some people have adjusted the brightness very high.

Even answer the phone directly.

Directly affect the viewing experience of others.

The second is to watch movies with that kind of extremely annoying brat.

Parents are okay, bear children are really maddening.

It was noisy and noisy all the way, making all kinds of strange noises.

Let people just immerse themselves in the plot of the movie.

It was directly performed by a cry.

There is a third situation that Lan Feng is now facing.

Someone lifts your stool.

It is estimated that he often did such disgusting things before and was not taught a lesson.

"Hey, beauty, you kicked my chair, please be more careful?"

Lan Feng glanced back.

I thought it would be the kind of messed up guy who seldom goes to the cinema.

It turned out that she was still a very beautifully dressed woman with exquisite makeup.

Lan Feng was stunned.

But he is not some kind of sperm with a head on his head, he only has women in his eyes.

Lan Feng was very angry in his heart.

How could this person interrupt his good business with Liu Ke?

But it's not the kind of brainless monster who comes up to kill you.

So I turned around and reminded me in a calmer tone...

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