Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

175 This Scoundrel Really Dares To Do Such A Thing To Sister Ke

Ah, sorry, sorry...

Hearing Lan Feng's words, the beauty quickly apologized, stood up from Lan Feng's side, pushed the chair away, and stepped aside.

Lan Feng shook his head: It's okay, but beauty, what's the matter with you?


The beauty opened her mouth but couldn't tell the reason.

Because she did kick Lan Feng's chair behind him.

Lan Feng looked at the beauty's hesitant expression, and didn't force her anymore, and turned to watch the movie.

This scoundrel really dares to do such a thing to sister Ke.

Liu Ke looked at Lan Feng's back.

A look of atmosphere.

I don't know what he thinks, but I know this is a very dangerous thing.

Liu Ke frowned.

Her character is - the kind of soft-hearted but not hard-working.

She originally had a good impression of Lan Feng.

Because Lan Feng helped her a lot when she was in school.

But now her impression of Lan Feng has changed a bit.

She doesn't think Lan Feng is the kind of guy who likes to take advantage of her.

So she didn't have that kind of admiration for Lan Feng.

But Lan Feng's actions really disappointed her.

Liu Ke felt that she had to talk to Lan Feng.

There is no one like Lan Feng in this world!

But she didn't know Lan Feng's name, nor did she know Lan Feng's address.

Otherwise, I will definitely go to Lan Feng.

Who in this world is so irresponsible!

Liu Ke thought about it and felt that Lan Feng should not go on like this.

So he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Lan Feng's number.

The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again.......

A sweet mechanical female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Liu Ke frowned.

What the hell is this Lan Feng doing!

Could it be that he really wants to play?

Although Liu Ke thought so in his heart, he still didn't hang up the phone.

She felt that it was impossible for Lan Feng to be such a boring person.

After all, he was pretty good to himself before.

In any case, she couldn't just ignore Lan Feng like this.

Liu Ke waited for a few minutes.

The phone went through suddenly.

hello? who?

Lan Feng's voice came over, seeming a little impatient.

...asking for flowers...

It was me, why did you kick the chair off? Didn't I just kick it?

Liu Ke's tone carried a hint of questioning.

Lan Feng was taken aback.

Then he smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just saw a kid and thought he looked a little cute, so I helped him out, and that's how it turned out."

is that so?

Of course it is, if you don't believe me, you can come and see for yourself, my position is very good.


Then I'm going to have a look.

Well, check it out then.

After thinking about it, Liu Ke decided to go and have a look.

Liu Ke put down his phone, and then walked towards the elevator.

Lan Feng looked at the time, it was already fifteen minutes later.

Lan Feng's stomach was already a little hungry.

Ding dong!

The elevator doors opened.

Lan Feng stepped into the elevator.

When he was about to press the button, he found that Liu Ke was the only one in the elevator.

Hey, where's the beauty? Wasn't she outside the elevator just now?

Lan Feng said suspiciously.

What's up with nine?.

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