Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

186 Awesome! Lan Feng Big Brother, You Are So Kind!

Lan Feng walked out of the villa, strolled in the garden, looked at the blooming flowers in the garden, and gradually calmed down.

Xiaoxue, where are you?

Lan Feng big brother, I am in front of you. Lan Xue's voice rang in Lan Feng's ears.

Xiaoxue, are you okay? Lan Feng asked.

Don't worry, Lan Feng big brother, I'm fine now!

It's good that you're fine! Lan Feng showed a smile, secretly rejoicing that his Xiaoxue finally woke up, otherwise he really didn't know what to do. 22 I think, I will be able to go to school with you soon.

Lan Feng said softly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he saw the future.

Really? Awesome! Lan Feng big brother you are so kind!

Lan Xue shouted happily.

Xiaoxue, Lan Feng big brother hasn't played with you for a long time, when Lan Feng big brother has time, I will play with you!

Lan Feng laughed, his eyes narrowed into crescents.


At noon, Lan Feng returned to the villa where Li Wanqing lived and prepared to make lunch.

Xiaoxue, come and help!


Xiaoxue, look, the rice cooked by your Lan Feng big brother is delicious!

Mmm, it smells so good!

Lan Feng saw that Lan Xue had been staring at his rice bowl, so he said with a smile: "Eat quickly, and go to practice when you are full!"


Lan Xue quickly lowered her head and started to eat.

Lan Feng smiled and left the villa, preparing to go to the company to deal with some documents.


Just when Lan Feng was about to leave, his feet slipped suddenly and he fell to the ground.


Lan Feng rubbed his knee, the pain made him grin his teeth.

Lan Feng big brother, what's the matter with you?

Lan Xue's concerned voice sounded, and she supported him from the side.

My leg tripped over a stone! Lan Feng smiled bitterly and said: Please help me sit on the chair for a while.


Lan Xue responded, and helped Lan Feng to the chair in the living room.

Lan Feng big brother, sit here!

Lan Xue pointed to the chair opposite, and supported Lan Feng's arm with her soft hands, letting him sit on the chair.

After Lan Feng sat down, Lan Xue also sat beside him.

The two sat facing each other, Lan Feng smelled the girlish fragrance emanating from Lan Xue's body, and was suddenly in a trance, Lan Xue's alluring body appeared in his mind.

Lan Feng big brother, what's wrong with you?

Seeing Lan Feng staring blankly at her breasts, Lan Xue couldn't help feeling shy, covering her chest with her little hands, and said angrily.

Um, it's all right!

Lan Feng looked away in embarrassment, and smiled.

He found that Lan Xue's breasts were much bigger than he had imagined, and seemed to be one size bigger than himself.

Which is no surprise, since she's a vampire.

Vampires have infinite vitality and vitality. Not only do they have strong spiritual power, their bodies are also so hot and sexy, and their breasts are also several times larger than ordinary people.

Lan Feng's pair of huge boobs appeared in Lan Feng's mind, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

cough cough!

Lan Feng coughed lightly to cover up his gaffe.

Lan Feng big brother, I'm hungry! Lan Xue said suddenly.

I cook for you!

After Lan Feng finished speaking, he walked into the kitchen.

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