Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

187 I'm Not Those Mentally Retarded Little Girls!

What do you see you doing?

Li Wanqing rolled her eyes at Lan Feng, and said: Aren't you going to the company? Hurry up!

I'd better stay here with you, what if you are in danger? Lan Feng said with a smile.

Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Li Wanqing said angrily: I'm not those mentally handicapped little girls!

You are not a little girl, but you are mentally retarded! You are so powerful, what should you do if you are in danger? Lan Feng retorted.

Hmph! You are the mentally handicapped! I want to eat!

What do you want to eat, I will make it for you. Lan Feng said.

Would you? I dare not place my hopes on a fool like you.

Li Wanqing said 683 without hesitation.

it is good. E!

Lan Feng nodded, then took out a box of quick-frozen dumplings, and said: Here, let's eat it for you.

I don't like eating dumplings!

Li Wanqing curled her lips, then opened the refrigerator, and took out the meat dumplings.

Are you sure you want dumplings stuffed with beef? Lan Feng raised his eyebrows and asked jokingly.

What's the matter? Are there other dumplings? Li Wanqing wondered.

Of course, you can try it if you don’t believe me!

You are not lying to me, are you?

Li Wanqing doesn't believe in authenticity.

If you don't believe me, I can't help it.

Lan Feng shrugged and spread his hands.

I'll try it then.

Li Wanqing opened the packaging bag, and stuffed a piece of dumpling stuffed with beef into her mouth.


Li Wanqing spit out immediately, her face was flushed, her pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lan Feng, as if she wanted to swallow Lan Feng alive.



You deliberately!

Li Wanqing angrily bit the beef dumpling in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, she was really cute.

Who told you not to listen to the advice, you deserve it!

Lan Feng shrugged his shoulders, looking like he had nothing to do with himself.

What's wrong with me not listening to the advice? Are you in control? Li Wanqing glared at Lan Feng.

Lan Feng spread his hands: If you say you don’t listen to the advice, you don’t listen to the advice. If you don’t listen to the advice, you (ccfd) can’t eat this thing. You go ahead, I don't mind anyway.

You! Li Wanqing gritted her teeth with hatred, and stared at Lan Feng fiercely, as if she wanted to eat Lan Feng.

You eat! Lan Feng continued.


Li Wanqing snorted coldly, then poked a few beef-filled dumplings into her mouth with her chopsticks, and ate them with relish, as if those dumplings were really the most delicious food in the world.

Lan Feng saw that Li Wanqing was eating so deliciously, he secretly smiled inwardly, his mood immediately became much happier, and he no longer entangled with the matter just now.

After dinner, Lan Feng cleaned up the dishes and handed over the task of washing dishes to Li Wanqing.

Lan Feng returned to the living room, turned on the TV, sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while, and suddenly saw Li Wanqing rushing out of the bathroom.

My God! How did you run out? Lan Feng was surprised.

Li Wanqing didn't answer, just clenched her fists tightly and stared at Lan Feng angrily, as if she wanted to eat him.

Hey Hey hey!

Lan Feng waved his hand and said: Don't stare at me like that, okay? I didn't mess with you!

What did you say about me just now? I'm just a mentally retarded kitten? You said, where am I mentally retarded? Li Wanqing said angrily.

Well, you're not mentally handicapped, but you're just a cat!

That's better than you too! Li Wanqing said.

What you said, I didn't bully you. Lan Feng was speechless. .

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