Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

189 Why Would Someone Text Me? This Unscientific!

Lan Feng pouted: Alright! I know I am older than you, so I let you go, okay?

Hmph! Who cares to let you!

Li Wanqing turned her head angrily.

Lan Feng shook his head, then took two bites of the apple on the table, and said: I said, little sister, since you are no longer angry, then let’s settle the matter? Don’t chase me any longer. !

Li Wanqing raised her eyebrows when she heard "Zero Five Seven": Chasing you? Who is chasing you? I am the apple chasing you!


Lan Feng laughed dryly, then handed the apple to Li Wanqing: That's good! Now that you're not angry, we'll settle the matter!


Li Wanqing shook her head and refused.

Lan Feng looked at Li Wanqing suspiciously, and said: What do you want to do?

Hmph! You big villain! How dare you call me a child and let me go! I'm going to chase you and bite you, what do you think you can do to me?

After Li Wanqing finished speaking, she rushed towards Lan Feng again.

Looking at Li Wanqing's appearance, Lan Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

But Lan Feng didn't dodge Li Wanqing's attack anymore.

Because he knew that Li Wanqing did it on purpose and didn't use any effort at all.

Little girl, are you too childish? Lan Feng said with a smile.

I am not childish! You are childish! Li Wanqing retorted.

Okay, okay! I'm childish, how about we play a game?

Lan Feng smiled authentically.

Li Wanqing immediately stopped attacking Lan Feng, and stared at Lan Feng with a wary face: What are you going to do?

Lan Feng reached out and grabbed Li Wanqing's arm, pulled it closer to his bosom, lowered his head, and blew warm air into Li Wanqing's ear: Of course it's doing something you don't like!

You... Uncle, don't mess around!

Li Wanqing's cheeks were flushed, and she was out of breath.

The thing you don't like, is it sleeping with me? I am happy to help children realize their dreams!

Lan Feng smiled charmingly, carried Li Wanqing up, and walked into the bedroom.

Let me go! Uncle, let me go...

Li Wanqing struggled, but she couldn't escape Lan Feng's confinement.

In the bedroom, a piece of spring is brilliant.

You stinky rascal!

Li Wanqing was lying on the bed, her whole body was bruised and purple, her cheeks were blushing, and her ten pairs of eyes were shy and timid.

Do you not like it?

Lan Feng smirked, then leaned over and kissed Li Wanqing's pink cherry mouth.

Li Wanqing clenched her white teeth tightly, allowing Lan Feng to kiss her down.

Ding dong!

Suddenly, a pleasant text message sounded.

Lan Feng's movements stopped abruptly.

He looked up at the alarm clock beside the bed, frowned and said: How could someone text me? It's not scientific!

Li Wanqing also raised her head and looked at the alarm clock with a look of surprise: How could this happen?

As soon as Li Wanqing finished speaking, the phone vibrated.

Hey, who are you at 0.9? Lan Feng asked.

Guess what! A charming voice came from the phone.

Don't guess! Lan Feng refused politely.

Forget it, wait until I get home and see what you do!

The other party hung up the phone, left a text message, and then disappeared.

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