What is it? It's mysterious, and it looks like a thief. Lan Feng curled his lips and threw the phone aside.

Li Wanqing jumped up from the bed, wearing suspender pajamas, and rushed out of the bedroom angrily: Lan Feng, you bastard, stop for me!

hey hey hey...

Seeing Li Wanqing's cute appearance, Lan Feng was very happy. With a smirk, he quickened his pace and left the house.

You are a big villain, you still run, see how I deal with you tonight! Li Wanqing shouted angrily from behind.

at the same time.

A luxury car drove into a villa area.

This villa is located on the outskirts of Jianghai City. It covers an area of ​​several thousand acres. The building is majestic and magnificent. It occupies an area almost half the size of a basketball court.

In the hall of the villa.

Sir, the young lady's father is here.

The servant said respectfully.

The man sitting on the sofa nodded, and asked in a deep voice: Where is she?

Back to the master, the young lady is resting upstairs. said the servant.

Well, you go down first! The man waved his hand.

yes sir!

The servant bowed and stepped back.

Second child, why did you suddenly return to China? Sitting on the sofa was a man in his forties, with a handsome face and deep eyes, as if the entire starry sky was hidden.

His body exudes a powerful and incomparable aura, which has reached the peak level of energy transformation!

Dad, didn't you say you wanted to go back to Jiangnan Province? Why did you change your mind now? The young man on the sofa asked.

The middle-aged man on the sofa said calmly: It is useless to go back to Jiangnan Province, I still decided to stay abroad for development!

That's right!

The young man was slightly taken aback and nodded.

Both of you brothers have grown up, some things should be decided by me! The middle-aged man on the sofa said lightly.

The young man and the elderly middle-aged man heard the words and looked at each other, feeling oppression from each other's eyes.

Dad, what are you talking about? You are the heir to the family, and of course you are the one to make the decision! The young man said hastily.

The middle-aged man smiled indifferently, and said: "Both of you are very capable. I also hope that you can win the position of Patriarch, but...you are still young and need to experience. I believe that with your ability, there may not be no chance!"

The two were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect their father to attach so much importance to their competitors, and they became a little excited.

Lee Group Headquarters.

In the chairman's office.

Li Zhenbang is looking at the documents, and next to him is Li Qian, who is reporting to work at the moment: Recently, the company's 990 performance has increased a lot, and the stock price has also risen a lot. Almost all shareholders now think it is your credit, and their attitude towards you is also the same. More respect!

Hearing Li Qian's report, Li Zhenbang's expression softened a lot, and he nodded with a smile: She is indeed my daughter, she is really amazing!

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, his eyes sparkling: You said, does our company really have that much money? How do I remember that our current assets are only tens of billions?

Li Qian smiled and said: Dad, haven't you checked the company's accounts? The current capital has reached 30 million, and there is only 30 million left to exceed 50 million!


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