Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

201 Principal, This Kid Is Too Arrogant!

Nancheng University is located in the suburbs of Nanhu City, far from the urban area.

This Nancheng University is built among high mountains.

Nancheng University, with a height of 50 floors, is like a towering and majestic monster, standing among the surrounding peaks.

This is a comprehensive private university.

Not only Nanhu City, but all the top luxury universities across the country are in Nancheng University. As long as you have enough financial resources and contacts, you can buy this school.

Lan Feng drove to the campus gate of Nancheng University.

Looking at the towering Nancheng University, Lan Feng took a deep breath and walked into the campus.

The school rules of Nancheng University are very strict, and any violators are prohibited from entering the school, including security guards.

When Lan Feng entered the school, he was intercepted.


Boy, don't you know the school rules of Nancheng University? I don't know - life and death!

If you are sensible, get out immediately, don't make us violent!

A group of security guards in black surrounded Lan Feng.

Looking at these arrogant security guards, Lan Feng glanced at them indifferently, walked directly through the middle, and entered the campus.

You are ignoring us?

You bastard, let me see how I teach you a lesson!

A group of security guards got angry and pulled out their guns one after another, pointing at Lan Feng.

But at this moment, a cold voice came: Who allowed you to draw your guns?

Hearing the sound, the security guards immediately retracted their guns, turned around, and said respectfully: Principal!

This is a man in his forties, with a gloomy face and a strong majesty, giving people a strong oppressive force, making it difficult to breathe.

Lan Feng raised his eyes and found that the man was tall, muscular, and physically strong.

On his chest, hung a plaque: Principal's Office!


Seeing this plaque, Lan Feng's pupils contracted violently a few times, and immediately two rays of light burst out from his eyes.

This man.......is the principal that he met in Nanshan Village back then!

How did he appear here?

Could it be that Nancheng University was also founded by him?


Lan Feng remembered that the principal of Nancheng University was a bald man in his thirties, so it should not be this man.

Principal, he broke into Nancheng University, you must uphold justice for us! A security guard said.

...asking for flowers...

The rest of the security guards echoed: Yes, principal, this kid is too arrogant!

Not bad! He must give us an explanation!

An explanation must be given...

shut up!

The bald man glared at everyone, then turned his gaze to Lan Feng.

Lan Feng collided with his eyes, and felt a palpitation for no reason, as if the other party could see into his inner thoughts.

Lan Feng was shocked in his heart.

It's a gut feeling.

Lan Feng has never encountered such a thing, even his father is only half a point better than him, far behind him.

The bald man said slowly: Mr. Lan Feng, right?

Lan Feng said: It's me. Are you...

The bald man said: Hello, my name is Li Wenjun.

Lan Feng was taken aback, and said: Hello Principal Li, what can you do for me?

I want to chat with you. The bald man said.

Hearing this, Lan Feng frowned slightly, he really didn't understand what this bald man meant, why did he want to chat with him alone?

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