Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

202 You Know I Exist, Aren't You Afraid?

Inconvenient? Li Wenjun asked.

Convenience, convenience!

Lan Feng quickly shook his head and said, "It's just... I don't quite understand what you want from me?

Li Wenjun looked around and said: This is not a place to talk, let me talk in a quieter place.

Then let's find a coffee shop to sit down and talk? Lan Feng asked.

Li Wenjun said: That's fine.

After speaking, Li Wenjun turned around and walked to the cafe beside him.

Lan Feng hurriedly followed.

Inside the cafe.

Lan Feng and Li Wenjun chose a seat by the window.

After ordering two cups of mocha and tiramisu, Lan Feng spoke first: Excuse me, is there anything you can do with Principal Li?

Li Wenjun picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, saying: Something about you.

Hearing this, Lan Feng raised his eyebrows, and calmly said: My business? How can I have any business?

Li Wenjun put down his coffee cup, stared at Lan Feng, and said in a serious tone: I hope you can think carefully before deciding whether to accept my offer.

Lan Feng frowned slightly, and asked puzzledly: Principal Li means...

Is student Lan Feng very confused, why should I recruit you? Li Wenjun said.

Lan Feng nodded.

Li Wenjun sighed and said, "Student Lan Feng, I am the president of Nancheng University. Nancheng University is also quite famous in the world. Although it is not ranked in China, it is ranked in the world."

But it is second to none. And I am a super killer in the top 20 of the international killer list, and I am also ranked around 500 in the world!

Oh? Really? Lan Feng smiled indifferently: I have only heard of the international killer list, but I have never heard of the top 20 killers on the international killer list!

Li Wenjun's expression changed, and he said: You...know about my existence?

Lan Feng shook his head: Sorry, I don't know, but I do know that there are some people!

The people Lan Feng refers to are naturally referred to.

Li Wenjun's eyes were sharp, and he said murderously: Really? You know my existence, aren't you afraid?

Lan Feng said: What is there to be afraid of? If it is your enemy, maybe I will be afraid three points, but if it is my friend, I believe that my friend will help me!

Hmph! Arrogant! Li Wenjun snorted coldly and stopped talking to Lan Feng.

Lan Feng was also too lazy to continue pestering, and instead asked, "Then what is the matter with Principal Li looking for me?"

Li Wenjun stared at Lan Feng, his eyes flickering: What is your relationship with the Nangong family? Why did the Nangong family send so many killers, but they couldn't do anything to you?


Lan Feng was stunned: The Nangong family sent someone to kill me?

Li Wenjun said in 330: People from the Nangong family have already investigated. They started looking for Lan Feng after a mission failed. However, they haven't been able to find you, so they turned their attention to me.

I see.

Lan Feng suddenly realized: I forgot, you used to be a mercenary for a period of time, responsible for collecting intelligence, and you should know the Nangong family's movements best. In this case, then, please tell me, what do you want to do?

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