Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

203 Sister Wan'er, It's Me, Lan Feng!

Hehe, I don't want to do anything, I just don't want the people of the Nangong family to target you again and want to arrange a job for you.

Li Wenjun chuckled and said.

Principal Li, my job is very simple. I come to class on time at six o'clock in the morning and leave school on time at seven o'clock in the evening. I will never be late or absent. Are you satisfied?

Lan Feng asked.

Hearing this, Li Wenjun frowned slightly, a little surprised that Lan Feng would agree so readily.

I can promise you this condition. However, I need some money. You know, our school is very difficult to fund... Li Wenjun said.

Lan Feng said: I can lend it to you. You can regard me as your employee, Guogai's apprentice.

Haha, no need. Li Wenjun waved his hand: I mean, you have to take out this money. Otherwise, you may be fired!

Lan Feng shrugged his shoulders and said: It's up to you. I'm penniless now, and I can't come up with that much money, but I can write you an IOU.

no need!

Li Wenjun said: I believe you are not such a person!

Lan Feng was slightly taken aback: Then what kind of person do you think I should be?

Li Wenjun said: If you are really that kind of person, I don't mind teaching you a lesson!

Lan Feng shook his head: I'm afraid your fists and feet can't hurt me, at least, you don't dare to hurt me now!

Lan Feng has practiced the Dragon Elephant Fist, and the defensive power of this Dragon Elephant Fist can be called against the sky.

Li Wenjun narrowed his eyes and said, "Student Lan Feng, I hope you don't force me!"

Lan Feng said indifferently: I advise you not to try to threaten me! Because it is impossible for you to threaten me.

Li Wenjun had an angry look on his face, but he suppressed his anger, and said through gritted teeth: Okay! Lan Feng, I remember what you said today, and I hope you won't regret it in the future!

Welcome anytime!

Lan Feng chuckled.

Lan Feng, you are very good!

Li Wenjun dropped this sentence and left angrily.

This old man has quite a temper! Lan Feng muttered, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Nangong Wan'er.

The phone rang a few times and was connected.

A sweet girl came over the phone: Hello, who are you looking for?

Listening to the sweet voice coming from his ears, Lan Feng couldn't help feeling refreshed, and said with a smile: Sister Wan'er, it's me, Lan Feng!

Ah, it's Lan Feng, why did you suddenly think of calling me?

Nangong Wan'er on the phone exclaimed in surprise.

Lan Feng said: I heard that your company is recruiting a secretary, so I want to ask if you would like to be my secretary?

Really? Great!

Hearing Lan Feng's invitation, Nangong Wan'er jumped up excitedly, almost smashing the water glass in her hand.

The eldest lady of the Nangong family has always been proud and self-reliant, and she is rarely so excited. Even (Wang Qianhao) even her father, Nangong Tian, ​​has never seen her lose her composure like this.

Not only Lan Feng, but the entire academy, except for Lan Feng and Chen Junfeng, no one can make Nangong Wan'er react like this!

You wait a moment, let me calm down!

Nangong Wan'er on the other side of the phone tried her best to calm down and try to keep herself as calm as possible.

After a while, she finally recovered and asked softly: Is what you said true?

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