Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 127 The terrible [Physics School] (4 updates)

As soon as the news came out, almost all human countries, not to mention just Swetland, went into meltdown.


The entire banking system of the Kingdom of Swetland has been corrupted by the devil?

When the kings and emperors of various countries heard the news, they were probably frightened for less than half a second, and the rest was full of joy!

Nowadays, the war on the front line of [Devil's Mouth] is tense. Who in the world is not tightening their belts and living a life?

Borrowing new debts in exchange for old debts, ten pots and nine lids, and various circular lending operations are endless.

Unfortunately, almost all the creditors in various countries are Swetland, at least he is also the boss behind the scenes.

I have the Goddess of Wealth backing me, and I thought that those who play finance are professionals. Who dares to accuse the Goddess of Wealth unjustly?

Even though a lot of taxes collected by various countries have to be paid as interest, the kings still grit their teeth and dare not say casually that they will not repay the debts.

After all, if you don't keep your word, you will be labeled as deviating from the [Way of Order]. This is a very serious accusation.

Well, now, a super master who is not afraid of death jumps out and says that all the banks under your Wealth Church have been infiltrated by the devil, and the loan contracts are full of soul clauses that the devil has made tricky.

When the bosses from various countries received the news, their first reaction was surprisingly unanimous, and they immediately called in people from the Holy Church to strictly inspect the contract.


After checking, it turned out something was wrong.

Most of the national-level loan contracts are fine. However, in the more private loan contracts for the royal family and nobles, a lot of yin-yang contracts and soul traps are found. For example, if there is a passive curse of corrupted souls in the contract, if the borrower fails to meet certain conditions, his camp will gradually begin to shift.

Now it’s time, the whole world is going crazy!

Emperor Barbarossa first said: "In a series of loan contracts signed with Swetland, it was found that about 30% of the contracts contained hidden contents of corrupted souls. In the name of the Emperor, I declare these contracts invalid and will review the remaining ones." The gold coins involved in these contracts will be subject to the strictest review and purification. Our country will only consider continuing to implement the contract if it confirms that the contract is valid and the gold coins given are not cursed gold coins."

The devil will indeed secretly add a small amount of cursed gold coins to a large pile of gold coins like sand.

But there are problems with your contracts, and all the gold coins must be cursed gold coins.

You say no?

Anyway, those purified gold coins were all cursed gold coins before.

Well, now our country can legally and reasonably not have to pay back the money.

When things got to this point, Sweetland still wanted to fight to the death, claiming that the contract was confirmed and blessed by the goddess of wealth.

Archmage Tesla's next announcement was the final straw for Sweetland.

"The bias of the Goddess of Wealth is questionable. After all, the last Goddess of Wealth went to the abyss before resigning. This generation of Goddess of Wealth rarely shows miracles. I, Tesla, hope that the Goddess of Wealth can prove herself to be absolute Neutral. If it is inconvenient for the goddess, the 108 masters of this [physics school] would not mind going to the high-latitude goddess kingdom in person to discuss self-certification with the goddess."

If this was just a flimsy threat, no one would care.

The key is that Renn then issued a joint statement, which was full of names that the big guys in Kaos had never heard of: Newton, Edison, Faraday, Einstein...

No one has heard of any of these names, so there is no way to stop some good people from using the [Legend Mastery] magic to casually explore a certain name. As a result, he was almost killed by the counterattack of his own prophecy spell.

This is what blocks the world! It’s the fog of law!

The powerful reaction returned by the spell represents the above-mentioned "legendary mage". They are all terrifying existences who have mastered at least one world law!

Generally, such an existence is at least a demigod, or a true god who has obtained authority in a certain field in other parallel worlds!

Damn it! Could it be that the [Physics School] turned out to be a terrifying alliance led by 108 legendary archmages! ?

108 great mages who master the laws of the world and have their own floating city!

Who the hell can stand it?

As soon as Ren said he didn't mind chatting with the Goddess of Wealth, this time, even the Church of the God of Mercenaries, who always acted as the protector of the Wealth Church, remained silent.

I don’t even dare to let go of half a fart.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized that these crazy masters had never died, but had just gone to other dimensions.

Isn't it good that everyone's own rivers do not interfere with the wells?

Why do you have to mess with them?

This level of master is a typical hob meat.

As the saying goes——

Even if he was willing to be killed, the gods pulled him off his horse!

Unless it is the top deity with high divine power, the kingdom of gods with gods below medium divine power really cannot withstand a master of this level using the floating city to attack.

According to unconfirmed legends, in the last war between the gods, or the last one, the floating cities of about three demigods could replace the kingdom of a weaker god.

It was with this strength that Renn convinced King Cervantes to endorse him.

As for Grand Duchess Sophia...

"Sir, are you so sure that their bankers must have some involvement in the devil? There are even many bankers who are devils themselves?"

"I'm absolutely sure! If there isn't a devil in the hundreds of banks across the country, I'll show you."

What a world class joke.

Borrow 1 million, and there will be a handling fee of 500,000 upon landing.

Was this decapitation breath thought up by carbon-based organisms?

Even if they are not devils, those people deserve to go to hell.

If this is correct, we might as well kill Ren.

This is no longer just muddy crotches falling off, it is clearly fishing pants out of a septic tank.

Sure enough, before the Light Church and other benevolent camp organizations could launch an attack, wonderful incidents such as presidents running away and bankers jumping off buildings occurred in major banks in Switland.

The most outrageous one was that a bunch of people jumped off the building, and the ones behind them hit the bodies in front of them, but they couldn't survive the jump.

In just three days, a total of 66 banks in the Kingdom of Swatland declared bankruptcy.

For a time, the whole country was in chaos.

What's even more incredible is that the four black dragons seemed to have discovered that the people of the Kingdom of Sweetland were stupid and rich. They actually took advantage of the chaos in the kingdom and all the mercenaries gave up their duties and went to the bank to queue up to withdraw their deposits. They madly attacked the kingdom and robbed them. five cities.

This time, the King of Swetland almost collapsed.

I sent a congratulatory message to Ren, no, it was a request for rescue.

The messenger rode a flying horse and rushed to the city of Lamancho to call Ren.

In the open space, he looked at the mage's eyes transformed by Ren, and his voice was like mourning.

"Our Majesty is deeply aware that his lax supervision has allowed the devil to control almost the entire banking industry. Fortunately, there is still a chance to bring order to the chaos. Please take care of the innocent people..." Before the messenger could finish speaking, he saw a An illusory mage's hand appears.

The mage's hand, which is composed of arcane elements, has the index finger and middle finger together, and the thumb is constantly rubbing the tips of the index finger and middle finger.

When the messenger saw the people, they were dumbfounded.

"Oh, please don't mind, it's just a spell-casting gesture. Please continue with your nonsense!"

The messenger didn't hesitate anymore and sold all his king's underwear on the spot.


ps I can’t hold it any longer, there will be no fifth update tonight. Let’s talk tomorrow.

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