Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 128 The money is in place (5 updates)

The messenger didn't know how he got back. He was so dizzy that he had to be supported by his deputy when he came out.

He has never seen such a knowledgeable master. He is really capable of all decathlons and even dabbles in finance.

For example, when Sweetland asked Archmage Tesla to open an account in their country's bank, most people would only consider this small detail a trivial matter. Many nobles and even kings did not understand it at all, and would agree casually.

Renn reacted immediately: "You want me to endorse you with my reputation? It's not impossible, you know!"

The messenger opened his mouth and said that he could send a deposit to Ren. Renn immediately returned: "The deposit that cannot be withdrawn is just a number. I want half of it in cash immediately, and the other half is what you call the deposit. As for whether you give it to me in ten years, or twenty years, it's up to you."

After a negotiation, Tesla's Archmage was more than just a loser. In the eyes of the envoy, this was simply a peak showdown between bankers and bankers.

Because some of the other party's ideas are more advanced than his as an envoy.

The sentence "Gold doesn't have to be gold, confidence is gold! When everyone thinks that Swetland is going to end, then it will really end. It's useless no matter how many gold coins you keep." The messenger choked. Half dead.

Before the envoy went on the mission, he thought it was normal for a mage to have a high IQ, but after all, he was not a professional in this field. He might be able to get something back at the negotiation table by taking advantage of loopholes.

It's okay now, even if they are just guest-starring in finance, they will still crush you openly. What’s even more outrageous is that someone’s fist is bigger than your entire country, so what are you talking about?

Just vote 15!

Why does Ren know this? This is like the taxi driver in the former imperial capital who could talk to you for a long time about everything.

Occasionally, Ren would watch a short video about finance, and Big Data would push it to him crazily.

Don't talk about these serious things, if you accidentally join the wrong WeChat group, as long as there is a dirty god in it, it's not uncommon to get [strange knowledge +1] every minute!

Ever since, after a py transaction, the painting style of several countries around Swetland suddenly changed.

First, the King of Swetland issued a public statement:

[It is the lack of supervision by financial regulatory agencies such as ours that has led to the frequent infestation of moths within the country, allowing a large number of devils to take advantage of the situation. Now our country has decided to vigorously rectify the banking industry and accept the supervision of the major (good) camp churches to ensure that all bank employees are not from the evil camp. 】

Speaking in human terms: What usurious loans have forced people to leave their wives and children, sell their bodies, land and houses, these are all the fault of the devil. If anything happens, please go to the devil to settle the account.

The second step is to renegotiate all the money from major banks in various countries.

To put it bluntly, it means forcing all countries to admit their accounts.

"There are indeed cursed gold coins in your country's money, but there is no reason why it should be 100%. Otherwise, 30%? 50% is also fine. If your country insists on saying that these are all cursed gold coins, it will affect our future. With your country’s financial business.”

Whether it's a full meal or a full meal, the heads of countries can still decide.

As for the private negotiations between various countries and Sweatland's banks, it depends on the strength of each country's banks.

The one with the most outrageous style is Marino.

The scene was like this when the Principality of Marino, which had just been nearly destroyed, received Sweetland and came riding a Pegasus.

"What? The 400,000 gold coins we loaned to your country have been completely purified by Archmage Tesla's [Light of Heaven], and are they confirmed to be the devil's cursed gold coins?"

"Yes." The moment she nodded, Grand Duchess Sophia's face turned red all the way to her neck.

The old palace minister of the principality raised his head and looked out the window, admiring the windy and good weather. A group of internal affairs officials pretended to look at the report, but one of them held it upside down without noticing.

It's so embarrassing.

But the Principality of Marino is really poor!

Nothing happened before, and the finances were still manageable. The country was almost destroyed by the Archlich. After the incident, a lot of mess fell on the shoulders of Sophia, a young girl who had just grown up.

One is poor and two is white, and the other is miserable.

If the loss of the vassals can be solved by dividing Ponzi's territory last time. The Grand Duchess had to pay for all the losses to the cities and vassals directly under the Archduke Marino.

What about buying armor and equipment for the knights directly under his command, what about pensions, what about the cost of rebuilding the city wall.

The Grand Duchess was so forced that she almost wanted to sell herself for money.

This is just great.

She accepted Ren's statement to help her purify the gold coins, which is tantamount to...

"Oh! That's right! I understand. We have no objection to this."

When she saw the "I understand" expression on the Svetland envoy's face, Sophia almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, and hesitated: "Just accept it."

"Then, to express our apology, we can also provide you with a low-interest loan of 500,000 gold coins for the reconstruction of your country. The annual interest is only 1%, simple interest. The loan period is ten years, and you will repay 10% every year. The accounts are settled every year. I wonder what your country’s wishes are?”

This is almost free money.

The messenger didn't miss it and engraved the label "The Archmage's Girl" on the forehead of the Grand Duchess.

"Yeah." Sophia's voice was like a mosquito humming.

This time, she has finally given herself the title of [Arch Mage's legendary rumored girlfriend].

well! Some people have obviously never held hands, so they just put their names on them.

This can be a blessing or a curse.

If the Archmage is particularly strong, the Principality of Marino will also rise with the tide. Once something happens to Renne, or he shows signs of weakness, his enemies will attack their principality in a matter of seconds.

In any case, as soon as these words came out, the palace ministers and internal affairs officers under the Grand Duchess were pretending to be dead, and suddenly they seemed to have been hit by the [Great Resurrection Spell]. Before the envoys left, they were already discussing how to use the loan. This situation made the Grand Duchess extremely embarrassed.

At this time, the style of public opinion in Swetland had changed.

First, he stopped complaining about Archmage Tesla and started complaining about the devil. Then the king stepped in to stabilize the loans with various countries and asked them to issue notes for continued cooperation.

Finally, the most important thing is to stabilize people's hearts.

On the fourth day after the black dragon attacked Luense City, Downs and the others were suddenly approached by a large group of Royal Swetland guards.

"Your Excellency Jijode, according to our agreement with your master, Archmage Tesla, this money will be regarded as a deposit for your college. Please be sure to deposit half of it into our country, Swetland, after defeating the Black Dragon. bank."

The Switlanders were very straightforward and gave me platinum coins.

In the continent of Kaos, as an upgraded version of gold coins, platinum coins are definitely big banknotes in the true sense.

One platinum coin can be exchanged for 100 gold coins anywhere on the mainland. Moreover, the platinum coins were supervised by the goddess of wealth. The first edition of the platinum coins was engraved with the emblems of thirty-two lawful and neutral camp gods.

Today, most of these gods have fallen, but many churches of gods are still active, and the last batch of new gods were added a hundred years ago.

It can be said that this is the only big money recognized by the gods.

Through the newly opened portal in Buras, the royal city of Swetland, boxes of platinum coins were transported directly to the small valleys of the Fulong Mountains.

Ren opened a box at random and stroked the platinum coins: "Now that the money is in place, it can only make the Black Dragon family tidy up."

ps: Someone secretly made up the early morning update and put it here, so no readers will find out!

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