The setting sun is slanting.

The distant mountain is like a shy girl.

The nearby lake is like a mirror, clearly reflecting the blue sky. With the jumping sunshine, the scale waves rise with the wind.

By the lake, Xu Ling sat on the ground, with a big Bluestone on his back, his hands behind his head, and a weed in his mouth. He was in a strange peace of mind.

There has never been such a quiet, since three days ago without reason through the parallel world, Xu Ling's life has been in a trance.

The name hasn't changed. It's still Xu mingling, but he's not what he used to be. He's changed from a big uncle to a little fresh meat loved by everyone. Besides, he has a popular star as his wife, which is barely the welfare of a passer-by.

As the saying goes: misfortune and fortune depend on each other.

With welfare, there will be trouble

"Xu Ling!"

A middle-aged man in suit and shoes walks slowly to the lake.

On the bridge of his nose was a pair of glasses with gold rims, and in his right hand was a briefcase. At first sight, he was a gentlemanly gentleman, but his smile was a little cloudy.

Oh, it's coming.

Xu Ling got up from the ground and looked at Li Wenyu with a smile. "You busy man, you are very punctual. It's only two hours later than the appointed time. It's rare!"

Hearing the run in Xu Ling's words, Li Wenyu fought back with a gun in his hand, "I'm not as idle as some people. I just eat and die every day. I'm the one responsible for sister Chen's schedule... "

"My time is precious, too. I don't have time to listen to you." Xu Ling impatiently interrupted, "what do you want me to do?"

Li Wenyu took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and handed them to Xu Ling. "This is the divorce agreement between you and sister Chen. Take a look. If there is no problem, sign it."

Xu Ling: "is that what she means?"

Li Wenyu shook his head. "This is my personal opinion. Sister Chen doesn't know about it yet."

Xu Ling sneered and said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to be an outsider in charge of our family affairs."

Li Wenyu earnestly advised: "I'm doing it for you, too. You and sister Chen are not in the same world at all. Being together will only bring trouble to each other. Divorce is the best choice. You'd better sign it. "

"If you ask me to sign, I'll sign? Isn't that a shame? " Xu Ling looked at Li Wenyu playfully in her eyes. "Also, I would like to emphasize that the internal solution to the grudge between Chen Yunxi and me is OK. It doesn't bother you."

This Li Wenyu, in the past few days when Xu Linggang came across, did not give him a little trouble, and his sarcasm was even more common.

This time is directly involved in Xu Ling's family, which has a good face to show him?

When Li Wenyu heard this, he couldn't help but say, "Xu, you don't take care of yourself. You are so poor that you are worthy of elder sister Chen?"

Xu Ling pillows her hands behind her head and stares at the angry Li Wenyu.

It's a pleasure to appreciate that the enemy doesn't like him and can't get rid of his bad temper.

"Don't think I don't know. You have a sinister mind." Li Wenyu snorted coldly, "you don't want to sign this divorce agreement. You just want to be a rice bug and let sister Chen support you all your life."

Xu Ling light smile, "Congratulations, right answer, that's what I think. There is a big star wife for me to eat and wear for a lifetime, a fool will divorce

"You..." Li Wenyu trembled with anger.

"Go on alone!"

Xu Ling pats the divorce agreement on Li Wenyu's chest and goes away.

Xu Ling stood at the end of the street, leaning against the pole. The dim yellow light pulled his figure tall and long, and his face was full of melancholy and loneliness.

After leaving Li Wenyu, Xu Ling did not go home, but wandered in the city.

He didn't want to face his wife, Chen Yunxi.

After all, there is no emotional foundation between them, whether it is Xu Ling now or Xu Ling in the past.

One is a poor loser, and the other is a popular female star. Xu Ling sometimes wants to break her head and wonder how these two completely different people come together?

What's hateful is that he didn't inherit the original owner's memory of this dog blood plot, so that it became an eternal mystery.


Xu Ling sighed and snuffed out the cigarette end.

Taking out his cell phone from his pocket, he clicks on the chat software, Feiyan, and plans to discuss the divorce with Chen Yunxi.

Of course, it's not because of Li Wenyu's last warning, but Xu Ling really feels that there's no need to delay a lifetime for a relationship that doesn't exist.

Good morning, good morning.

As for what Xu Ling said before, expecting Chen Yunxi, a big star, to take care of him, is purely a deliberate anger against Li Wenyu. He has his own hands and feet and can support himself by doing any work. He doesn't need to be a little white face.

Xu Ling was just an ordinary little man in his previous life. He often worked hard to make a living, but he was always upright and never engaged in the dirty business of begging.

I'll take a breath of life.

Without backbone, what's the difference with animals?

Xu Ling points kaifeiyan and sends a message to Chen Yunxi.

are you there?

In the past ten minutes, I received a reply from Chen Yunxi.

Yes, please.


Originally, Xu Ling wanted to be polite to Chen Yunxi first, and then intentionally or unintentionally lead to the topic of divorce. Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give him the chance to warm up, which was a bit embarrassing.

Let's just say, it seems, seems, probably, maybe... Not very polite?

When Xu Ling is entangled, Chen Yunxi sends another message.

Li Wenyu asked for you?

Yeah. Xu Ling did not hide.

He likes to worry about things. Chen Yunxi's third message follows.

The subtext is about to come out. Where can Xu Ling not understand?

Xu Ling immediately returned, what do you think?

Chen Yunxi: we'll talk about things at home when we meet. Got a new play, busy. Bye.

Xu Ling has a wry smile on her face. What does the girl think? I'll give you some credit.


When the lid of the lighter was opened, Xu Ling lit a cigarette for himself again, looking helpless.

Even the specific matters of divorce, have thought well, but there has been no opportunity to speak, Xu Ling worry ah!

no way. Xu Ling gritted her teeth.

We must find a chance to talk about divorce. We can't waste most of our life on strange women.

What's more, the other party even wants to touch him, not to mention finding a hotel to discuss the script and chatting about life.

I've been a loser in my last life. I can't be a useless person this time.

Divorce, must divorce!


When Xu Ling swore to heaven and cried for divorce, his mobile phone vibrated and a call came.

When Xu Ling looked at the mobile phone screen, he didn't have any notes, but the number seemed familiar.

So, connect decisively.

Hello, this is Xu Ling

The phone is from the personnel department of Mingqi radio station, the company Xu Ling applied for. It says that Xu Ling has passed the written examination of their company. I hereby inform you to go to the company for an interview before 10 o'clock tomorrow.

Hang up the phone, Xu Ling mouth slightly raised a smile.

Brother's life is about to start a counter attack.

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