Mingqi radio is the fastest-growing and largest online mobile audio sharing platform in Luo city. Similar to Himalayan FM in Xuling's world, Mingqi radio is committed to the construction and operation of online audio sharing platform and becomes the YouTube in audio field.

The main operation contents include: audio novels, news talks, variety shows and so on.

Besides being a former employee of Himalayan FM, the main reason why Xu Ling chose this radio station to realize the magnificent reversal of her life in the alien world is that the entertainment culture of the parallel world is very different from that of the earth.

There are no actors like Hu Ge and Huang Bo here.

There are no such powerful singers as PU Shu and Mao Buyi.

Martial arts novels have just spread all over the country, and the Internet era has not yet set sail.

This is a new era full of opportunities. Pigs can take off as long as they stand at the air outlet.

Xu Ling, as an ambitious passer-by, can't give up until he turns the parallel world upside down?

Look up at the starry sky, but also down-to-earth.

He's not a serious professional. He hasn't taken a day's acting class or a vocal class. He can't be an actor or a singer in Xu Ling's present situation.

To be a radio host is the best choice at present.

Although the original owner lived a lifetime, he left Xu Ling a broadcasting hosting certificate, which reluctantly solved her urgent need.

"Brother, be safe and reincarnated. I'll live a good life for you."

Xu Ling clenched her fist.

Work hard, struggle!

"Xu Ling!"

A woman assistant with a big chest and a big buttock shrieked at the interviewers.

"It's coming, it's coming."

Xu Ling waved and ran to her immediately.

The big breasted female assistant looked up and down at Xu Ling, with a slight frown on her brow. "This gentleman, have we met somewhere?"


"No, No." "I think you must have recognized the wrong person," he said with a dry smile

Big chest female assistant picked pick eyebrows, no more talk, led Xu Ling to the interview hall.


Xu Ling reached out and knocked on the door. After getting permission from the people inside, she just pushed the door gently.

There were three people sitting in the room. After Xu Ling entered the room, they were still communicating in a low voice. They didn't mean to look him in the eye at all. It was only when a person screamed out that they turned their attention to the new interviewer.

"Xu Ling?"

It was the only woman among the three who spoke out. She was about 30 years old, dressed up as a professional ol, with rimless black glasses on the bridge of her nose. She was fresh and beautiful, but also experienced and capable.

The other two also looked up one after another, showing a look of consternation.

Obviously, these three people all know Xu Ling.

Fatally, Xu Ling has no impression of these three people.

When he came across, he only inherited the body of the original owner and a small part of his memory, and knew nothing about the rest.


At this time, is also a face of consternation.

The scene was slightly awkward.


Wang Guoqing, a Mediterranean hairdresser, snorted and threw the resume about Xu Ling on the table with a sneer: "Xu Ling, do you have a face to come back?"


Xu Ling is still in a daze.

Without waiting for him to clear the details of the matter, another interviewer, Liu Xia, made a mockery again, "Oh, isn't this the king at the bottom of ten thousand years? Why are you back? Last year, because of you, your whole late night program group almost got fired, which made the whole radio station boiling. After only one year, do you want to come back to disgusting radio station and lower our performance, or do you want us to be fired with you? "


Xu Ling seems to understand something.

No wonder the original owner has a broadcasting hosting certificate, but he doesn't work in the radio station.

Unexpectedly, there is such a story, but he can't remember it at all!


Xu Ling has an impulse to hit the wall.

Isn't that a coincidence?

The interviewer is an old colleague who knows the root and the bottom before. He still has a black history in this company. How can he interview a dog?

The more she thinks about it, the more she collapses. Xu Ling really wants to find an excuse to leave this land of right and wrong.

It's embarrassing.

"Have you said enough?"

Wu Qing, a woman in the workplace, said discontentedly, "no matter how Xu Ling used to be, now he's just an ordinary interviewer. Let's just do our routine. Why talk so much irrelevant nonsense?"

Although this Wu Qinglian looks younger than the other two, when she talks, the others only laugh.

After calming them down, Wu Qinglian said to Xu Ling, "since you have experience as a host before, I don't have much nonsense. Let's start the assessment directly."

Xu Ling nodded slightly, saying that he had no opinion.

Wu Qinglian also said: "according to the rules, one person will answer one question. If you can satisfy us, you will pass the interview. Who will come first? "

"I'll come first."

Wang Guoqing took the lead, looked at Xu Ling with a smile and said, "we are old colleagues, and we don't embarrass you. Although you are a member of the late night program group, to be a radio host, you have to be versatile and know everything. As long as you improvise and sing a song within five minutes according to my requirements. And let me satisfied, you can pass a pass

Create a song.

Not only the subject, but also the time?

And I'm not a student of music. What's your mother's name?

Xu Ling can't help but get angry. She really wants to beat Wang Guoqing who is laughing at this time.

Five Minutes?

I TM give you an hour, you ya do a limited theme of the original song try!

Wu Qing glanced at Wang Guoqing without saying anything, but Liu Xia was beside him, laughing happily.

If you want to enter the company again, it's just a dream.

I'm afraid you can't pass the first level.

"Well, do you just give up or accept the challenge?"

Wang Guoqing is proud of his success.

Xu Ling took a deep breath and said slowly, "you can make a topic."

"Good boy, there are more seeds than before!"

Wang Guoqing's mouth lit up a faint smile. "Our station is broadcasting a super popular martial arts novel recently. Many people are fascinated by the free and unfettered chivalry in it. You can make a song with this theme."

After hearing this, Xu Ling was slightly dissatisfied, "Mr. Wang, your subject matter is too broad. It's hard to do in five minutes..."

Wang Guoqing said, "it's all about martial arts? What else? It's enough to take care of you. "

Xu Ling: "but this..."

"If you can't do it, you can't go away." Wang Guoqing impatiently said: "there are more than ten people waiting for the interview."

Wu Qinglian shakes his head unpredictably. Wang Guoqing is really careful, so blatantly embarrassing; However, it's better not to recruit the king at the bottom of the table, so as not to worry about a dismal listening rate every day in the future.

Liu Xia and Wang Guoqing look at each other, secretly give a thumbs up, praise!

Xu Ling is very angry and laughs. Since you are deliberately looking for trouble and disgusting, I won't let you succeed.

I'm determined to pass the interview today.


Xu Ling in the bottom of my heart low call, call out his golden finger - Xiaoya AI system.

This is the benefit of the passer-by.

Xiaoya AI audio, a special intelligent speaker born on earth, is an artificial intelligence search system.

Xiaoya AI audio is the first full content AI speaker launched by "FM". Users can control the intelligent speaker through voice, from the most basic voice song to relatively complex online shopping.

The system owned by Xu Ling is an upgraded version of Xiaoya AI audio, which is more convenient and practical.

"Master, Xiaoya is at your command."

A soft and sweet female voice rang out in Xu Ling's ear.

"Search for classic songs, key words: martial arts, to hold the kind of scene."

After Xu lingphen asked, he raised his head and looked at Wang Guoqing fiercely.

Play me, you are not qualified!

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