After a few mouthfuls of food, Xu Ling said without raising her head: "if you ask me to write the draft of the program, you'd better not talk. A children's story program is enough for me."

Liu Xia shook his head, "manuscript is not needed, just want to ask teacher Xu to help me write a word."

Sipping a sip of wine, and then eating fried vegetables, Liu Xiayou said: "to be honest, when you were in the interview, the word you made was very good. It has been used as the first word of our storytelling, and the audience's reverse is also very fierce. Of course, the word belongs to your name, so don't worry about the copyright."

Xu Ling nodded slightly.

Parallel world has a strong sense of copyright protection.

He has a deep understanding of this.

Liu Xia went on to say, "there is a poem named Zhu Yu in front of us. This edition of the storytelling can no longer incorporate other people's poems. After all, none of the people in our group are poets, and they can't make poems comparable to Linjiang fairy. So I have to come to you for help. "

Looking at Xu Ling, Liu Xia asked uncertainly, "I don't know if Mr. Xu can sell me this face? As for the remuneration, just say, I promise there will be no discount. "

Xu Ling wiped the food off the plate, and then said, "it's all a colleague from the stage. It's right to help, but the reward is not. You'd better tell me about the theme type."

"Mr. Xu, he is really a pleasant person. Here, fill this cup

Liu Xia laughed happily and poured a glass of wine for Xu Ling himself.

After a toast, they began to discuss poetry.

Liu Xiaqiu's poetry is also simple, as long as a poem describing the ancient war and a word, it can be used as an attractive wedge in storytelling.

This is a piece of cake for Xu Ling. She calls Xiaoya AI directly in her mind and starts the search function. In less than a minute, two stirring poems are displayed in front of Liu Xia.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Liu Xia browsed the two poems one by one, leaving only a look of admiration on his face.

"Mr. Xu, I've written down this kindness. If I can help you in the future, I can do it without hesitation." Liu Xia patted her chest and said.

Xu Ling nodded, "easy to say, easy to say!"

5 p.m. in the studio.

Xu Ling will be ready to share the wonderful story with the audience friends.

"A long time ago, in the severe winter, snow fell from the sky. A queen sat by a ebony window, sewing clothes, while looking at the snow outside the window. In this way, she accidentally stabbed her finger, and three drops of fresh blood fell on the snow. Under the white snow, she looked beautiful red. So, she thought, if I have a daughter, as pure as snow white, as beautiful as blood, with black hair, then I will call her snow white. Unfortunately, the queen died in childbirth... "

What Xu Ling talks about is the famous fairy tale snow white and the seven dwarfs in his previous life. The popularity of the fairy tale is really a household name.

After recording the program, Xu Ling has nothing to do and calls out Xiaoya AI system.

Before, Xu Ling used the search function of Xiaoya AI when she wrote the story of snow white. At that time, at a glance, it seems that her reputation has increased a lot, at least not in double digits.

"Dear master, Xiaoya sincerely asks about your service. What do you need?"

Xu Ling: "display personal panel."

OK, just a moment, please!

As Xiaoya's gentle voice fell, a two foot wide screen appeared in front of Xu Ling's eyes.

[function]: keyword search

[reputation]: 540

[mall]: not opened

[lottery]: can be opened

It's exciting for Xu Ling to see her reputation soar from more than 80 to more than 500. What makes Xu Ling even more happy is that the function of lottery can be turned on.

Xu Ling read online novels before he was born. He knew that many leading characters in online articles had a fraud system with their own lottery, and most of the prizes drawn were anti heaven artifact.

There's a saying.

System products, must be fine!

Think about it. There are still some small expectations.

Xu Ling rubbed her hands excitedly and opened the lottery function.

Xiaoya: Dear host, are you willing to consume 200 points of reputation to start the lottery?


Xu Ling was stunned.

"It's going to cost reputation to start the lottery. How about your father?"

Xiaoya: I'm sorry, Xiaoya is an artificial intelligence, no father, no pit.

Xu Ling

Depressed for a while, Xu Ling finally gritted her teeth and spent 200 reputation points to open the lottery function.

Xiaoya: the payment of reputation value is successful. We are opening the lottery function for you... It is successful.

Xu Ling in front of a flower, a huge white turntable is appeared in the field of vision.

The black lines clearly divide the white turntable into four sectors.

There are various awards written in red on each sector.

Ordinary life

???? 【 Disposable consumption]

???? 【 Personal attributes]

???? 【 Quality products]

Moreover, there are great differences in the area occupied by the four regions.

The average living class occupies the largest area, catching up with more than half of the total; The second is disposable consumption and personal attributes, which occupy part of the area respectively; The rest of the boutique category is pitifully tight, occupying almost negligible area.

After Xu Ling checked the awards one by one, Xiaoya's clear and sweet voice sounded again.

Lottery rule: consume 100 points of reputation to draw a lottery. You can buy the selected goods in the mall. The mall has not been opened yet. Please try your best to earn reputation.

Xiaoya: now the lottery starts. The host can stop it on its own.

Xu Ling nodded. The golden pointer in the center of the white disc was spinning wildly at the speed of 100 meters hurdle.

The speed of the pointer is getting faster and faster.

Xu Ling shook his head with a wry smile and said, "stop it."

The golden pointer seemed to get an order. It suddenly stagnated, and its speed instantly dropped. After a few turns, it finally stopped in the area of "ordinary life".

Xiaoya: congratulations to the host. He won the ordinary life award and won a toothbrush.

Xu Ling's face is smiling and her heart is full of MMP.

Toothbrush? You're running a grocery store?

You're a system that connects heaven and earth. If you don't have a contrarian artifact, is it up to your setting?

Xiaoya: Dear host, according to the setting of this award, there will be a luck bonus at the first draw, with a 99% chance of winning the boutique category.

Xu Ling

It's OK that Xiaoya doesn't say anything about the welfare of the new man's lucky draw. As soon as she does, Xu Ling suffers 10000 points of critical damage.

One percent of the probability can let me meet, face than Bao Zheng also black, who else!

Xiaoya: will the host continue to draw?

Why don't you smoke?

We should prove with practical actions that brother is not a chieftain!

Xu Ling gritted her teeth, paid 100 points of reputation and drew again.

However, the result disappointed him again.

The pointer still stops in the ordinary life class.

Toothbrush x 2, get!

Xu Ling, with a black face, suddenly feels desperate.

Is it true that my brother is not a chieftain?

Xiaoya kindly reminds: Dear host, you can wash your face first, and there is a lucky draw.

with reason!

Xu Ling felt that he could save it again.

So he took a basin of water and cleaned the whole face carefully.

Then, Xu Ling looked at the white disc in mid air, clenched his fist, and slowly spat out two words, "start!"

After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, Xu Lingfang began to stop.

The speed of the golden pointer gradually slowed down. Xu Ling didn't dare to breathe. He stared at the pointer and prayed silently.

Jade Emperor, Tathagata and Jesus, please bless me, Amen!

Brother's life reputation, can bet on the lottery.

Slow, slow.

The golden pointer has no spare power to turn again.

It slowly turns around the column of "ordinary life", passes through the fan-shaped area marked with "personal attribute", and finally stops in a very narrow area under the gaze of Xu Ling.


In front of her eyes, Xu Ling's heart beats several times, her breath is constantly increasing, and her eyes become scarlet because of congestion.

"Lao Tzu finally got rid of the blame!"

Xu Ling almost used all his strength to shout out this sentence. Fortunately, it was in the special space made by Xiaoya. Otherwise, he would be looked down upon by other colleagues.

Taking a few deep breaths, Xu Ling asked in a trembling voice: "Xiaoya, what's the reward for fine products?"

Xiaoya: congratulations to the host for winning the top quality award. However, the host has to explore what the specific reward is.

Silent for a while, Xiaoya suddenly asked: "host, can you sing little star?"


Xu Ling is at a loss.

Xiaoya explained: "singing little stars is a necessary operation to open the top-quality awards."

Xu Ling

Peat! Who set this operation? You come out, I promise not to shit you.

After thinking about it seriously, Xu Ling replied, "no way."

Xiaoya: "then I'll teach you?"

Xu Ling: good

Xiaoya: "the river flows eastward. The stars in the sky join the Big Dipper! Hey, hey, join the Big Dipper



It's not a little star. It's a hero song sung by uncle Liu.

I don't read much. You can't cheat me.

Xiaoya naively said: "but in the setting of Xiaoya's classmates, this song is called little star!"

Xu Ling ran with tears.

Which son of a bitch set Xiaoya AI? Get out!

However, in order to get high-quality awards, Xu Ling finally had to endure nausea and sing a few "little stars" with Xiaoya. The taste was really sour.

Xiaoya: successful recording. Xiaoya students will give matching high-quality awards according to the singing score of the host. Please be patient for a while. Thank you for your cooperation.

I'll go!

Do you have to score for singing a hero song?

Xu Ling has a headache.

I thought that I could deal with it just casually. I didn't expect that the process was so complicated. Didn't I deliberately embarrass panghu?

Xiaoya: congratulations to the host. The score of singing is as high as 28 points. The reward is two lucky dice.

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