Twenty eight?

It's an insult to a soul singer.

Since I was a child, Xu Ling has not been able to read all the seven tones and five rhythms. You gave me 28 points... It's a wise choice.

At the same time, Xu Ling played with the two lucky dice in her hand and asked curiously, "Xiaoya, how do you use these two things?"

Xiaoya: Lucky Dice has six sides: disaster of blood, bad luck, bad luck, good luck, good luck and good luck. The host can roll the dice to obtain the luck attribute of the corresponding face. The maintenance time is 24 hours. After the effective period has passed, the luck will reset and return to the normal level. Only one lucky die can be used within 24 hours.

Stop for blowing silk!

Xu Ling picked pick eyebrows, hands together, the lucky dice on the palm of the hand, forced a drop, "pa Ta" a sound fell on the table.

Staring at the lucky dice in the circle, Xu Ling's eyes lit up and yelled: "good luck, good luck, good luck.". Bad luck is coming back

Lucky Dice "gululu" to turn a few circles on the table, it is to stop, Xu Ling can't wait to get up, when he saw the face up, suddenly like a basin of cold water pouring down from the top of the head.

"Bad luck

Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past Xu Ling's heart.

With tears in her eyes, Xu Ling was about to cry.

Is it easy for me to draw a prize?

First of all, I won the ordinary items one after another. I finally got a prize for the excellent products. I had to sing an adapted version of "little star" without conscience. I'll be tortured like this. However, the lucky dice that I said were good for Mao were a lot of bad luck?

It's hard not to tear down, not to play with people like this!

Xiaoya, I want to go home! I want to be numb!

Xiaoya: ha ha, it's impossible to go home in my life! Try to fight in the alien world, host.

Xiaoya: as a friendly reminder, the probability of winning the lucky dice for the first time is 99.99%. It can be seen that the host's face is black. People and gods are angry. Even Xiaoya's great system can't be saved... Alas, sad!

Xu Ling covered her face in tears, fell down in a pile of documents, shook her head and said: "I don't listen, I don't listen..."

"Now that I've had a lot of bad luck, hum, I'm not going anywhere, so I'll stay in the office and get away with it."

Xu Ling thought triumphantly, picked up the pen, ready to write tomorrow's manuscript.


Is the tip of the pen broken?

Xu Ling opened her mouth in surprise.

It's made of metal. I just dropped it and it broke! Are you kidding me?

In disbelief, Xu Ling picked up the tip of the pen, pinched it gently, "PATA" and folded it in half again.


Brother, what a natural power?

Xu Ling excitedly slapped the table, and the portable electric fan on the side flew up in an instant, hitting him with the speed visible to the naked eye.

I'll wipe it!

Fortunately, Xu Ling's quick reaction, head one side, dangerous and dangerous to avoid it.

But Zhang Wenming, who was not far away from him, was not so lucky. He was directly hit by a portable electric fan.

It didn't cause much damage, mainly because it was scared.

"I said, Mr. Xu, if you have something to call me, just say something. Don't you need to hit me with an electric fan?"

Startled, Zhang Wenming patted his chest and complained.

Xu Ling smiles awkwardly, "I'm sorry, it's an accident..."

Before he finished speaking, the thermos pot placed at Xu Ling's feet suddenly fell to the ground. After a loud noise, there were only pieces of glass all over the ground and the shell of the Thermos Pot cracked several times.

The loud explosion made Xu Ling jump back, "bang!" My elbow hit the flowerpot on the windowsill.

Then, the flowerpot is under the gaze of two people's surprise, and falls to the downstairs as fast as possible.

One after another of the unfortunate events, let Xu Ling silly, Lengleng stand in place, do not know what to do.


This "bad luck" buff aura, is also too ferocious?

It's like every minute makes people doubt life.

Zhang Wenming didn't think so much. The only thing he thought about was the flowerpot that fell down.

Peat, this is the fifth floor!

So, he hurriedly to Xu Ling, who was close to the window, yelled: "teacher Xu, why are you still in a daze? Stretch out your head to see if the flowerpot has hit someone!"

Xu Ling said "Oh" later. She ran to the window and looked down. Fortunately, she didn't see anything except a broken flowerpot.

There is no danger.

Xu Ling patted her chest and let out a long breath.

"Miss Xu, what's the matter with you today? It seems that something bad always happens around you. "

Seeing some clues, Zhang Wenming glanced at Xu Ling suspiciously.

Xu Ling rubbed his hands and said with a dry smile, "no, Uncle Zhang, you think too much. I'm not possessed by decaying spirit."

The remaining light of the canthus of the eye suddenly turns to the notebook computer that still works normally, so Xu Ling says, "Uncle Zhang, you see, my computer is not good?"

Voice just fell, laptop suddenly blue screen, also issued a "zizizi" to the ear.

Xu Ling

He felt his cheek and it was burning.

It's not easy to beat face!

Zhang Wenming

Mr. Xu, can't you really be possessed by wanshen?

That's his luck. It's like a beep!

In any case, let him leave the office as soon as possible, so as to avoid harming colleagues.

As a result, Zhang Wenming said: "Mr. Xu, the recording and broadcasting is over. There is nothing you need to do on the stage. You can leave work ahead of time."

Xu Ling thought about it and finally nodded.

He secretly vowed that after he went home, he would lock himself in and never come out to harm others.

But when Xu Ling left the office, bad luck still did not leave him.

Into the elevator, just ready to press the button on the first floor, "pa..." power failure.

A slot stuck in the throat, Xu Ling did not spit.

Xiaoya, we don't take this kind of play.

I'm your host. Play me to death. What's the meaning of your existence?

Xiaoya, who is everywhere, replied with a smile: "host, don't worry. After you die, I can continue to look for the next host."

Xu Ling looks at the sky.

There are tears in the corner of the eye.

Xiaoya, do you know that you are so naughty?

About an hour later, the phone finally rang. Xu Ling, who was about to despair, rushed out quickly. Facing Zhang Wenming, who was walking on the stairs.

Zhang Wenming asked curiously, "Mr. Xu, you left work an hour ago. Why are you still here?"

Xu Ling said with a runny nose and tears: "Uncle Zhang, I'm miserable. Before the power failure of the elevator, I was trapped in it. Now I'm released... Oh, Uncle Zhang, don't run. I'll treat you to dinner. Let's have a drink. Uncle Zhang, how can you run faster and faster?"

"Miss Xu, I'll treat you to dinner some other day."

Zhang Wenming doesn't wait for Xu Ling to finish his speech, so he runs out of the radio building in a hurry. He's afraid that he can't avoid it in time, and he's also brought into the ditch by Xu Ling's bad luck.

Xu Ling's heart is cool now.

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