After Xu Ling went out of the radio station, he didn't meet any other bad luck. He even came home safely and on time. Compared with the previous bad luck events, it's incredible.

Is the power of Lucky Dice invalid?

Xu Ling silently calls out Xiaoya. The result after asking is that Xu Ling thinks too much.

The bad luck effect of Lucky Dice still exists.

However, during this period of time, Xu Ling did not have one bad luck after another.

From the above two conditions, we can know that the lucky dice are brewing a big trouble waiting for Xu Ling.

It's scary to think about it.

Xu Ling looks up at the sky.

Smoothly back home, Xu Lingfei quickly took off his shoes and socks, and then jumped to the sofa.

A sense of comfort came from all over Xu Ling's body in an instant. Xu Ling felt very happy. Looking back on those unfortunate things before, she was still a little afraid.

Just as Xu Ling was about to lie on the sofa and have a good sleep, a clear and pleasant voice came from the bathroom.

"Brother, are you back?"


Is there anyone at home?

Besides, this person's voice seems very familiar.

Just as Xu Ling was wondering who was the sister bathing in her house, the door of the bathroom opened from inside and a woman wrapped in a white bath towel came out step by step.

"Yu Wenwen?"

Xu Ling suddenly remembered that the girl in front of her was his cousin.

"Don't you work downtown? Why are you here? "

"And where did you get the key?"

Xu Ling threw out a lot of problems, but Yu Wenwen didn't even look at him. She turned around and went to an empty room, changed into clean clothes, and then went back to the living room.

Yu Wenwen sat down beside Xu Ling, put her arms around him and said, "brother, I'm hungry. Can you make something delicious for me?"

Xu Ling is not angry ground white her one eye, "first honest account problem."

"Emmmm..." Yu Wenwen's mouth pouted slightly. She was unwilling to answer Xu Ling's question. She just hugged her cousin's arm.

"Well, I'm afraid of you." Reluctantly, Xu Ling stood up and went to the kitchen to soak Yu Wenwen with a bucket of pickled cabbage noodles.

"Brother, I'm your sister. Will you give me this?"

Yu Wenwen looked at the instant noodles in Xu Ling's hands, but she couldn't breathe.

Xu Ling shrugged helplessly, "I can't cook. You're going to be hungry. You can only eat this. "

Yu Wenwen asked naively, "shall we go to a restaurant together?"

Thinking of a series of bad luck before, Xu Ling shook his head, "if it's really bad, let's order takeout."

"Emmm, all right, but it's on you." Yu Wenwen pursed her mouth and laughed brightly.

Xu Ling nodded, opened the takeaway software on her mobile phone and handed it to Yu Wenwen.

After the brother and sister had a good take out, before Xu Ling spoke, Yu Wenwen asked, "brother, sister-in-law, working overtime outside again?"

Xu Ling nodded slightly, picked up the bucket of pickled noodles and had a good time.

Before the takeout order, basically into Yu Wenwen's stomach, he only ate a chicken wing, now still hungry.

Yu Wenwen pestles Xu Ling with her elbow and asks quietly, "Hey, brother, do you have any special feelings about living with a big star? Are you afraid of being photographed by paparazzi every day

Xu Ling shook his head and continued to eat noodles.

Yu Wenwen's chest was full of gossip. She asked, "I heard that you and your sister-in-law are married. Is that true?"

Xu Ling nodded and continued to eat noodles.

"Do you feel pressure when you are with your sister-in-law? Do her fans know about you? It doesn't mean that many performing arts companies don't allow their stars to get married... "

Yu Wenwen's eyes are full of curious little stars, bulabula to ask a lot of questions, simply more dedicated than paparazzi.

Xu Ling raised her head and made a comparison with her.

Yu Wenwen did not understand, "brother, what do you say?"

"G ~ u ~ n, get out of here!"


Yu Wen Wen shriveled her mouth and said, "brother, I'm not curious. I can't ask you."

Xu Ling returns her a white eye, "you want to go on like this gossip again, careful I drive you out."


Yu Wenwen tilted her head and thought for a while, "brother, can I ask the last question?"

Xu Ling: "yes."

"Do you have the words of your sister-in-law?"


"Can you push her letter to me?"

"Last question, you have asked. Therefore, I refuse to answer this question. "

"Brother, I really need to find my sister-in-law."

"Not even that!"


Yu Wenwen pouts her little mouth high again, and draws a lovely arc that can hang a wine pot.

Xu Ling slapped the instant noodles bucket on the table, "if you can answer my previous questions, I can consider pushing her flying words to you."

"Really?" Yu Wenwen hurriedly put her head together and her delicate face was full of expectation.

Xu Ling in her smooth forehead gently poked, "honest account of the problem, don't play with me."

Yu Wenwen said with a smile, "how dare I cheat you."

According to Yu Wenwen's account, the reason why she came to Xu Ling's home is that the company has two days off. She has no other relatives in the city, so she can only come to take refuge in Xu Ling.

As for the key to her room, she relied entirely on her wisdom.

Xu Ling has a habit of putting the spare key of the room under the third flowerpot placed outside the door (both Xu Ling have this habit). Yu Wenwen often visited here some time ago. Of course, she knows this little secret.

Xu Ling pointed to the box of luggage in the corner of the living room and questioned: "you said you came here for a holiday. Why did you bring such a big suitcase? What's more, didn't you take the holiday two days ago and today? Your company is really people-oriented. "

Yu Wenwen's face turned white in an instant, but she still said with a smile: "brother, the company is renovating these two days. We little staff usually have nothing to do and can't help. We can only take a vacation."

Xu Ling is not moved, "this reason, when you came last time, used!"

Yu Wenwen

Xu Ling said solemnly, "what's the matter?"


"If you don't tell the truth, I'll call your leaders first, and then I'll send a message to your parents."

"No, brother, I said, can't I?"

Yu Wenwen, who poked into the pain, quickly raised her hand to surrender.

"Brother, actually i... I am." Yu Wenwen hesitated for several times. After a long time, she summoned up great courage to tell the truth, "brother, actually I resigned."


Xu Ling surprised at the same time, and some puzzled, "you work well, why quit?"

"I'm tired of it," Yu Wenwen said with a mouthful

Xu Ling said with a straight face: "nonsense, how much did it cost at home to get you into that company. Now that you've suddenly quit, have you ever thought about how your parents feel? "

"It's because I don't know how to face my parents that I came to you for refuge." Yu Wenwen asked Qu Badi, "brother, my good brother, you won't take me in, will you? emmm……”

Xu Ling: "I can take you for one day or two, but I can't take you for a lifetime. After you quit, you have to find another job to make ends meet, right

Yu Wenwen hugged Xu Ling's arm and said with a smile, "I don't want to work. Brother, you raise me."

Xu Ling did not hesitate to say three words, "think beautiful!"

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