"Brother, why are you so heartless? I'm your sister!"

Yu Wenwen said, "if you don't support me, do you want me to live on the street and beg?"

"Don't do that!" Xu lingbai looked at her, "you'd better be honest and explain why you quit."

Yu Wenwen said, "I didn't say it before. I'm tired of it. I'm so busy every day that I don't even have the time to rest. How tired I am. "

Xu Ling responded with a sneer, "don't pretend to be poor with me here. How long have you been working? Haven't you been working for a month? Also, don't think that I don't know how idle your work is. You are so busy inside and outside. It's beautiful! "

"Hey, hey." Yu Wenwen can only play cute and pretend to be a fool when lies are revealed.

Xu Ling reached out and rubbed Yu Wenwen's small head, "to tell you the truth, what do you think of this small head melon seed?"

"Emmmm..." Yu Wenwen pursed her mouth and thought for a while, "brother, I want to be a big star, like my sister-in-law, to be a goddess of the whole people, roar!"

The muscle of Xu Ling's canthus twitched constantly, "you're afraid it's Shi Lezhi."

Yu Wenwen said obstinately: "brother, I didn't cheat you. I really want to be a big star in the spotlight. Interact with tens of millions of fans every day, that day, tut Tut, it's very comfortable to think about it! "

Xu Lingyi pats forehead, this wench is really pure can.

As a result, as a person who came over, he taught him without any politeness.

"Look at those big stars, which one is not from a professional background, like you, who are half-way monks, can't get along in the entertainment industry at all. What's more, you only see the beautiful side of the stars, but how much do you know about their secret bitterness? Hehe, do you really think the entertainment industry is a good place to get rich and famous? If you don't want to rush in, I'm afraid that when I go in and get you, there will only be a bone rack left. "

"Brother, you are so disgusting. You mean to be creepy and disgusting to me?" Yu Wenwen is discontented and coquettish.

Xu Ling shook his head, "no, I'm just telling you the truth."

Yu Wenwen asked reluctantly, "how did my sister-in-law get along so well?"

Xu Ling: "your sister-in-law's family is powerful and powerful. Who is not afraid of death in the entertainment industry will provoke her?"

"Oh, I didn't expect that my sister-in-law came from a wealthy family." Yu Wenwen winked playfully, "how can she choose you as her husband? Is she dazzled?"

Xu Ling doesn't want to talk, and throws a fierce look at Yu Wenwen.

Yu Wenwen knew that she had lost her tongue, and she was laughing.

Xu Ling thought of one thing and asked: "you asked me for your sister-in-law's flying words before. You didn't want to take her line and enter the entertainment industry, did you?"

Yu Wenwen's pretty face flushed, but she still hardened her neck and said, "no, I just want to deepen the relationship with my sister-in-law."

Xu Lingpai said, "I believe your evil!"

"Brother!" Yu Wenwen puffed her cheeks and muttered, "is it easy for your sister to have a big dream? Shouldn't you support me? "

Xu Ling said, "it's no use just supporting you. Can your parents get through that?"

Yu Wenwen: "hee hee, I'm not going to tell them."

"Ah?" Xu Ling rolled his eyes, "are you going to heaven?"

"I didn't mean to hide it from my parents, it was them... Alas!" Yu Wenwen felt helpless.

Xu Ling a hand, "please continue your performance, if you can move me, can consider to help you realize the star dream."

Yu Wenwen

Yu Wenwen: "you don't know how feudal my parents are. In their eyes, when a girl comes of age, she should find a man to marry. She doesn't need to go out to work. She just takes care of her children at home and cooks for her husband on time every day. Listen, is this the thought that people in the 21st century should have? For many years, the women's liberation movement has been so stubborn. "

"Brother, I'm going to be three soon..."

"Wait a minute." Xu Ling interrupted, "how old are you? How can you be nearly three years old?"

"Twenty two."

Xu Ling suddenly felt an arrow in her knee, which made her heart ache.

Yu Wenwen blinked, "brother, am I right?"

Xu Ling almost choked out the internal injury, gritted his teeth and said: "yes!"

Yu Wenwen curiously looked at Xu Ling, who had a very bad face, and kindly reminded him, "brother, if you are in a hurry to urinate, you should go to solve it first. It's bad for your health to hold it all the time."

Xu Ling shook his head.

Yu Wenwen: "Oh, by the way, brother, how old are you this year?"

Xu Ling almost roared: "shut up, go on!"

"Oh Yu Wenwen blinked innocently and continued: "time is a knife to kill pigs, and the knife urges people to grow old. If I don't work hard, I'm afraid I can only be a good daughter of my parents and a good daughter-in-law of my husband. This is not the life I want. I, Yu Wenwen, don't want to rely on others to live. I want to rely on my own strength to create a new world and let others look at me with new eyes. "

Xu Ling: "the idea is good, but, your foundation is too bad, even the threshold of the entertainment industry are not enough, talk about what popular famous?"

Yu Wenwen's white face is like a proud White Swan, "I have a good face."

Xu Ling glanced at her and said impolitely, "don't get up to a!"

"Brother!" Yu Wenwen stretched out her pink fist, and it was on Xu Ling's chest, "don't shake the green lotus!"

Yu Wenwen hummed: "you are right for a, your whole family is right for a!"

Xu Ling: "attention, you are also my family."


Yu Wenwen snorted and said, "I'm angry. Please comfort me. Hurry up


Xu Ling almost burst out laughing.

Is this anger, or is it a child's coquetry?

However, Xu Ling decided to comfort her, who let this sister so lovely?

Xu Ling said: "I'm pushing your sister-in-law's flying words to you. If you have any questions, just ask her. As for your parents, I'll take care of them."

"Really?" Yu Wenwen chuckled and turned her head. Her face was half angry and full of joyful smile.

"Are you still angry with me?" Xu Ling asked


Yu Wenwen quickly steals the bell, hugs Xu Ling's neck, stretches her mouth to print a fragrant kiss on his face.

"Well, of course not, brother, you are so kind to me. Thank you

Xu Ling took Yu Wenwen's hand away, "it's very hot. Don't be tired of it. It's blue and thin!"

"Oh, brother, are you shy?"

Yu Wenwen joked maliciously: "are you still a virgin? Hee hee

Xu Ling: go away

After pushing Chen Yunxi's Feiyan to Yu Wenwen, Xu Ling dials Yu Wenwen's mother again.

At the beginning, Yu Wenwen's mother refused her daughter's crazy decision to enter the entertainment industry.

However, when Xu Ling mentioned that Chen Yunxi could escort Yu Wenwen, Yu Wenwen's mother immediately changed her words. She not only agreed with her daughter, but also expressed her gratitude to Xu Ling, saying that she would take Chen Yunxi to her home for dinner one day and express her gratitude face to face.

After putting down the phone, Xu Ling sighed silently.

Originally, she had decided to divorce Chen Yunxi, so she shouldn't pull her tiger skin as a banner. However, in order to pursue her dream, Xu Ling had to do so.

"Take it as a personal debt."

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