
Wang Jianting uttered a scream like killing a pig. He hurriedly tried to pull out his finger, but found that his opponent's hand was like a pair of pincers, holding it tightly.

"Don't point your paws at people. Didn't your parents tell you? Besides, I'm Xu Ling, not a scum man! " Xu Ling's faint voice, although calm, but with a awe inspiring majesty.

"Let go! Let go, let go... "The pain came from his fingers. Wang Jianting couldn't listen to other people. He could only keep repeating these two words.

"Do you hear me? Don't point at people next time!" Xu Ling, like an elder, sat on a stool and admonished Wang Jianting. At the same time, he increased his strength.

"I know! I know! " The pain is beyond Wang Jianting's ability. Hearing Xu Ling's words, he immediately responded.

Xu lingpo was surprised by the other party's cooperation. Shouldn't he be a little more tough in the face of his "rival"? But the other side is like this, Xu Ling is not good, again difficult for the other side, gently push, will release the hand.

Wang Jianting, who regained his freedom, immediately began to check his fingers, which were almost unconscious. Then he moved them twice. After confirming that they were correct, he was relieved.

"Don't be so reckless, young man. Learn to respect others so that you won't suffer as much as you did just now!" Before Xu Ling's addiction to be an elder was over, she let go of her fingers and began to teach her a lesson.

Wang Jianting was so stunned that he nodded his head subconsciously and said, "I know..." but in the middle of the speech, he suddenly responded and yelled, "what are you, you dare to teach me?"

With these words, he wanted to raise his finger to Xu Ling again, but when he found the other side's bad eyes, he stifled the idea and put his hand in his pocket instead.

"If you lack family education, I will bring your father to educate you." It seems that Xu Ling is already in the status of Wang Jianting's father.

"I think you are looking for death!" Wang Jianting had been spoiled since he was a child. How could he have been humiliated like this? With a roar, he immediately wanted to fight.

"Wang Jianting, have you had enough trouble?" Xu Ling is not afraid to fight with others now. Seeing that Wang Jianting wants to pick things up on his own initiative, he is preparing to give him a strong backhand. Suddenly, Xia Xinyu's voice comes and blocks the confrontation between them.

"Xinyu, this man is unreliable. Why do you want to find him? My Wang Jianting is rich in wealth, and graduated from the first class university in North China. What is the general manager of the listed company, which is more than woodlouse? " Wang Jianting suddenly starts to report to his family and asks about Xia Xinyu. Of course, Xu Ling hears that this is not only about Xia Xinyu, but also a hint to herself.

You're not as good as me, are you? Stay cool!

Xiu, Tianxiu, Chen Duxiu, Tihua Zhixiu, Zaohua zhongshenxiu!

Xu Ling smiles a little. Bixiu says that after she came to this strange world, she really didn't convince anyone. After clearing her throat, Xu Ling says to Wang Jianting with a smile on her face, "you are a graduate of Qingbei University, and you must be a cultural person. Unfortunately, I have read for two years, and now I am an anchor of Mingqi radio station. Everyone is a cultural person, so don't move, Why don't we let Xinyu come up with the topic and have a contest? "

Wang Jianting has read poetry and books since he was a child. He takes both arts and science into consideration. He won the champion of the youth group of the Olympic mathematics competition in Luo city at the age of 10. At the age of 12, he took part in the Chinese poetry conference and won the gold medal. He won numerous scholarships when he was a student. The only disadvantage may be that his physical quality is slightly inferior. At this meeting, Xu Ling suddenly said that he wanted to be a scholar. Wang Jianting was overjoyed, Looking at the rustic and burping Xu Ling, he sneered, "why not?"

"Xinyu, you come to the topic!" The two suddenly as like as two peas in the summer, and they spoke the same tone.

Xia Xinyu was stunned by the atmosphere of fighting on the field. She felt two pairs of eyes looking at her. After a little thought, she opened her lips. "In this case, you can write a poem with the theme of 'love'!"

Xia Xinyu also has feelings about this topic. Who let herself be in the lovers' private room now? Looking at all the decorations full of love, these two words immediately appeared in her mind.

As soon as Xia Xinyu's words came out, Wang Jianting immediately fell into meditation. The most important test of this kind of improvisation is his literary reserve. Moreover, poetry is even more different from others. It is not a small challenge for an individual just to be neat.

However, these things are completely out of the scope of Xu Ling's consideration. She still keeps smiling. Xu Ling calls out Xiaoya in her mind.

"Search for poems about love!" Xu Ling gave the order secretly.

"Good host, Xiaoya starts to search." As Xiaoya finished speaking, after 0.01 seconds, hundreds of results appeared in front of Xu Ling.

After browsing at will, Xu Ling chose the work of this battle -- "magpie bridge fairy · Xianyun tricks".

Xu Ling likes this poem very much in the original world, and it's also the poem that Xu Ling thinks is the most representative of love. He doesn't even need to download it this time. He can recite it just by his previous memory.

Looking at Wang Jianting, who is still thinking hard, Xu Ling is a little embarrassed. Is he bullying others?

However, since it was a battle, there was no humility. Xu Ling coughed and said, "brother Jianting, I'll make a fool of myself first!"

Although looking at this self-confident rich second generation is a little uncomfortable, but the basic polite words still have to be.

Xu Ling's words startled Wang Jianting. How long has it been? Five minutes? This product can make a poem, even the professor of Literature Department of Qingbei University, I'm afraid there is no such strength!

However, since the other party has said it, there is no reason not to let people start. Wang Jianting nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "please!"

With this alone, Xu Ling's impression of this rich second generation has changed a little. He thought he was just a dandy, but he didn't expect to pay attention to this aspect.

With a slight nod, Xu Ling recited, "the clouds are skillful, the stars spread hatred, and the Yin and Han Dynasties are dark."

The first sentence is a description of the environment, but it's not too close to the theme. However, the neatness of the poem can make people pay attention to it.

Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win, but there are countless people in the world.

Tender as water, happy as a dream, bear to go back to magpie bridge.

If the two love for a long time, and not in, day and night.

The whole poem, Xu Ling did not stop, at one go! Although it's just a CI written by Qin Guan of Song Dynasty, Xu Ling recites his own momentum!

No matter Wang Jianting standing in front of him, or Xia Xinyu sitting at the table as a referee, he was deeply attracted by the word.


All of a sudden, a voice came from behind Xu Lingdi, which startled the three people in the private room. Looking back, I didn't know when the door of the private room had been opened. Many people were standing at the door, looking into the room. You don't have to think about it. All these people are waiting to see the "idol drama".

With one person's praise, the rest of the masses echoed. For a moment, the applause roared, and the Afterword lingered for three days.

And the one with the admiration was the chef who served himself. He was still pushing the dining car, as if he was going to transport something to himself.

"Brother Jianting, what do you think?" Xu Ling waved his hand to make the crowd stop crying. Then he asked Wang Jianting with a smile.

Xia Xinyu as a referee, Xu Ling did not ask, directly asked to Wang Jianting, let the enemy admit, this is the biggest victory.

Good! It's really good! In front of Xu Ling's works, there is no comparability at all! Wang Jianting thought to himself, but he didn't believe that he would be defeated by such a third rate anchor.

"Is this your word?" After calming down a little, Wang Jianting asked. Such a good word came from an anchor. He really didn't believe it.

"Why don't you believe it?" Xu Ling asked, but it made Wang Jianting a little embarrassed. The other side said that he was so confident. How could he feel nervous about being found plagiarized?

"You... Won!" Although it is difficult to say, Wang Jianting has to admit that this man's literary heritage is really better than his own!

With that, Wang Jianting didn't want to stay here for a long time. He turned around and left the place where he was shamed.

"Brother Jianting, don't you talk about your works?" Looking at the figure of Wang Jianting leaving, Xu Ling quickly asked.

This kind of person should frustrate his spirit and let him know that life is not plain sailing.

After hearing Xu Ling's voice, Wang Jianting faltered slightly. He looked back at Xu Ling angrily. He didn't say much and left.

"Xu Ling, it's true that you defeated Wang Jianting in this respect." Xia Xinyu also came to the edge of Xu Ling at this time, with a sigh of admiration.

Just because he knew Wang Jianting very well, Xia Xinyu sincerely said these words to Xu Ling.

This rich second generation is the most difficult pursuer I have ever met!

"Ha ha, it's a piece of cake! These young people who have never experienced the cold and warm in the world have to let him feel the cruelty of heaven and earth. " Xu Ling took advantage of the opportunity and began to cheer up.

"Bah, brag!" Xia Xinyu was speechless about the habit of giving him three colors and opening a dyeing shop.

By Wang Jianting such a stir, just on the dish is cold, Xu Ling helpless to Xia Xinyu smile way, "or, change a?"

"Come on, I haven't eaten any of these yet." Xia Xinyu doesn't care. She sits back in her chair and is about to move her chopsticks. Suddenly, a man rushes in from the door and looks at the chef again.

The reeky chef came as like as two peas in the dining room, and then Xu Ling took the same look from the dining car on the side of the table.

"When the golden wind and the jade dew meet, how can we get rid of them?" After finishing this, the chef said it again, then left without looking back, leaving two people at the dining table, pondering over the chef's poem.

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon, is this the poet delayed by the kitchen? Xu Ling looked at the chef's natural and unrestrained figure and exclaimed to herself.

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