In addition to the previous series of accidents, Xu Ling and Xia Xinyu had a pleasant meal. The dishes with flowery names, not to mention, really tasted good.

Although the final checkout time let Xu Ling a pain, 1314 ocean, worth half a month's salary of Xu Ling.

Of course, Xu Ling can only blame himself for this. Who let him not make it clear to others at the beginning!

"I didn't expect a meal to take so long." They come out of the restaurant. Xia Xinyu looks at the watch on her wrist and says something in surprise.

"Ha ha, yes." Xu Ling laughs awkwardly. Today's meal is a lesson for her. In the future, however, Xiaoya's debuff should never remain indifferent!

"Well, it's getting late. I'll take a taxi here and go home, too." All the way to the roadside, Xia Xinyu and Xu Ling said.

"I'll see you off again. Anyway, it's nothing for me to go back." Xu Ling always feels embarrassed about what happened today.

"Cluck, don't worry about me, I see, you can't protect yourself now!" Xia Xinyu suddenly covered her mouth and began to laugh. Then she reached for a taxi and finally said, "see you tomorrow!" So I went in.

Seeing Xia Xinyu leave in the taxi, Xu Ling is a little confused, and doesn't understand what the last sentence means.

"Brother!" Just when Xu Ling was still meditating, suddenly from his ear, a scream came from all over his body, which only pierced Xu Ling's eardrum.

This voice out, Xu Ling do not look back to know who is the God, at the same time, also understand why Xia Xinyu said that.

"I said Wenwen, can you not say hello like this next time?" Xu Ling rubbed his ears, but turned to complain.

"Well, I see you are out of your mind. I want to bring you back! I've been away for a long time, but I'm still here. " Obviously, Yu Wenwen's mood is not very good, facing Xu Ling's constant sarcasm.

"Hi, you see what you said, I said, that is a elder martial sister of my brother, who helped me today..." Xu Ling saw this, and was about to explain it to Yu Wenwen again, but he was interrupted in the middle of the conversation.

"OK, I know. You were taken to the lovers' room without knowing it." Yu Wenwen curled her lips and repeated what Xu Ling wanted to say. Then she hugged her chest and stared at the latter unfriendly.

Xu Ling was staring at only feel hairy, also know that if you continue to discuss the relationship with Xia Xinyu, no matter what Yu Wenwen will not talk to himself well, then immediately changed the topic, "by the way, Wenwen, how do you have time to eat out today?"

"Oh, my sister-in-law has something to do today. She said she couldn't teach me, so she let me have a day off." Yu Wenwen opened her mouth and explained.

"What's the matter?" As for Yu Wenwen's participation in the draft, Chen Xiyun has always spared no effort to help. She has never heard of putting Yu Wenwen aside because of her work. At first glance, it seems strange.

"As a husband, you don't know!" Xu Ling's rhetorical question startled Yu Wenwen and immediately said, "my sister-in-law is going to sign the contract of the sound of nature media company tonight!"

"Oh, you say this, of course I know!" Hearing the sound of nature, Xu Ling suddenly twitched.

Why sign a contract? Is the wishful thinking card invalid? Xu Ling thought to herself, and frowned.

"What's your expression? Sounds of nature media company is one of the best entertainment companies in the country and has a certain influence in the world! Shouldn't you be happy for your sister-in-law to reach such a height? " Yu Wenwen doesn't know what Xu Ling is thinking in her heart. She thinks that he is upset about Chen Xiyun's signing the contract.

Yu Wenwen, who is not deep into the WTO, only knows that Chen Xiyun has signed a contract with a big company, but she doesn't know that signing a contract means selling herself!

Of course, Xu Ling has no time to explain these dangers to Yu Wenwen. Now in his mind, he anxiously summons Xiaoya, his only AI!

"Hello, what can I do for you? Xiaoya will serve you 24 hours a day. " Just yelled twice in the heart, Xiao Ya's stylized voice rang up.

"Don't talk nonsense, you quickly check, who is the user of that wishful thinking card!" Xu Ling is no nonsense, straight to the point to ask, Chen Xiyun without any obstruction to sign the contract, which must have some problems!

"Good host, we are inquiring for you, please wait..." Xiaoya said and fell into silence, about ten seconds later, the voice began again, "the result has been inquired! It's a high-quality item. The user is Chen Xiyun. "

With Xiaoya's explanation, Xu Ling's heart is down a lot. At least, there is nothing wrong with this first step!

But why did Chen Xiyun sign the contract after she had designated the user? For this, Xu Ling asked Xiaoya again.

"Hello host, the trigger condition of the wishful thinking card is that the user really has something to think about. If the user doesn't have any ideas, there is no way to make it work!" In view of Xu Ling's question, Xiaoya explained it in detail.

"What do you think?" Xu Ling silently repeated these words, and suddenly "clattered" in her heart. After so many days of psychological struggle, has Chen Xiyun accepted her life?

Shit! No, Chen Xiyun, don't give up treatment! Xu Ling can't help crying in her heart. She has suffered so much today. If her goal hasn't been achieved, she will really lose a lot.

"Brother, what are you reading there by yourself! Did you listen to me again? " Yu Wenwen is still talking to Xu lingpu about all kinds of brilliant deeds of the voice of nature media company. She suddenly finds that Xu Linggen is not listening, and immediately complains.

"Oh, nothing! I'm happy for your sister-in-law! Let's go home so late! " Xu Ling was pulled back by a sentence and quickly explained it. Without waiting for the other party to say anything more, he reached for a taxi and took Yu Wenwen to get in.

Chen Xiyun, you should stick to your faith! Xu Ling thought to himself, in this situation, he has done everything he can, and the rest is up to Chen Xiyun.

At the same time, in the office of the chairman of the board of directors of the sound of nature broadcasting media company, a semi bald middle-aged man is staring at a woman with a smiling face. On the table in front of the woman, there is a very wrinkled contract.

That woman is Chen Xiyun!

"Chen Xiyun, look at this contract, you must be very reluctant, but now, you have no choice! You have to sign as well as not! " Balding middle-aged people's vicious voice came, full of aggressive momentum.

"Excuse me, Chai Dong. I'll go to the bathroom." Chen Xiyun stupidly looked at the contract for a while, hesitated for a while, then looked calm and asked.

"Go ahead!" Chai Dong was not afraid that Chen Xiyun would run. He reached out his hand very gentlemanly and said.

Nodding, Chen Xiyun left the room temporarily.

As soon as he went out, an old man came up and said, "how about Xiyun? Did you sign it? "

Looking at the old man, Chen Xiyun was stunned, "not yet... Dad!" The last cry was very light, as if it had been uttered with great reluctance.

No wonder, in addition to Chai Dong, his father is also one of the "meritorious officials" who forced him to sign this contract!

It turns out that the old man is Chen Guobiao, Chen Xiyun's father.

Teana media company's second largest shareholder.

"Alas ~" Chen Guobiao also recognized his daughter's unwillingness, but he didn't want to explain anything more. He only sighed and said, "sign as soon as possible!"

"I'll go to the bathroom!" Chen Xiyun said coldly, but there was no response. She sidestepped around her father and went straight to the bathroom.

In fact, Chen Xiyun doesn't really want to go to the toilet. She just can't stand the pain of staying in the chairman's office and being inexorably bound by the contract. She wants to come out and change her breath.

"Wow --"

Staring at the tap, Chen Xiyun's eyes suddenly shed two lines of tears. This is a kind of helpless tears. You know, now even her father is standing in the interests of the company.

Tears flow through Chen Xiyun's cheek and fall on her hand. At this time, she realizes that she is crying. With a tragic smile, she immediately stops the momentum of continuous tears.

Ever since I came to the entertainment industry, have I ever felt like this?

Feeling the remaining tears on her face, Chen Xiyun sighs helplessly, holding up the cold water from the tap and burying the beautiful face of vicissitudes.

Cold water can not only wash away the tears on the face, but also cool down your irritable heart.

After washing her face, Chen Xiyun goes to take out the handkerchief in her pocket, but what comes out with the handkerchief is a piece of paper full of oil stains.

Generally, Chen Xiyun's pockets don't have such things full of stains, but this piece of paper was pressed down by Xu Ling when she got up in the morning.

Maybe it was put in the pocket because of carelessness. Chen Xiyun thought silently and opened the note again.

"Life is too short to live for others. What's wrong with listening to your heart and living your own wonderful life?" There were only two short sentences on the paper, and at the end there was a very ugly smiling face.

Seeing this smiling face, Chen Xiyun smiles for no reason.

If life is as simple as you said, you don't need to sign this contract now!. Chen Xiyun shook her head slightly, rubbed the note and threw it into the garbage can.

After taking two deep breaths, Chen Xiyun changed into a cold look and made up her mind at the same time.

"Chai Dong, I want to sign the contract!" On the way back, Chen Xiyun directly ignores Chen Guobiao, who greets him. She opens the door and says in a loud voice.

However, the response to her is not Chai Dong's ecstatic and ugly face. On the contrary, he is sitting in the boss's chair with his back to him.

"Chai Dong?" Full of doubts, Chen Xiyun can't help but shout again, and goes to the front of Chai Dong.

All the way to Chai Dong's face, Chen Xiyun saw the most strange picture she had ever seen in her life!

Chai Dong's mouth was wide open, and his face was full of smiles. But in his eyes, there were no black eyes, all white eyes!

"Ah Finally, Chen Xiyun couldn't help her inner fear and screamed loudly!

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