Outside the operating room, a middle-aged woman was pacing anxiously.

Chen Guobiao and Chen Xiyun sat on the side of the chair and kept silent.

About ten minutes later, the door of the operating room was opened and a doctor with a mask came out slowly.

"How are you, doctor?" Seeing the doctor coming out, the middle-aged woman rushed up and asked.

"Who are the family members of the patients?" The doctor took off his mask and looked around at the three people.

"I am! I am! I'm his wife The middle-aged woman said aloud, grabbing the doctor's clothes and asking, "what's the matter with my husband?"

"Sorry, we've tried our best." The doctor became a little ashamed and said to the middle-aged woman in a deep voice.

"..." it seems that the middle-aged women didn't expect such a result, and they were stunned for a moment!

Hearing this, even Chen Guobiao and his daughter were surprised and stood up from the chair in a hurry.

"I beg your pardon!" The doctor's face was full of grief. Even though he had seen a lot of life and death, he still couldn't stand the look of the patient's family.

"No way! Absolutely impossible! My husband is in good health all the time. How can he die like this? You quacks, you must have killed him! " The middle-aged woman's loss of reason is very terrible. She has recovered from the shock, but she still can't believe the fact in front of her.

"This is not the result you want to see. Please control your mood, madam!" At a glance, the doctor knows that he often deals with these things without panic. He keeps a dignified look and doesn't care if the other party tugs at his clothes.

Chen Guobiao also came to the middle-aged woman at this time, helped the doctor take down the hand holding the clothes, and began to persuade, "Mrs. Chai, don't be too excited, please forgive me!" Then he looked at the doctor and asked in a deep voice, "doctor, why did he die?"

Breaking free from the shackles of middle-aged women, the doctor then took out the report form from the white coat, looked at the contents above and reported it to several people, "the patient died of myocardial infarction because of the return of blood caused by excessive excitement, and it was too late when you sent him."

Combined with the environment at that time, the doctor's sentence can be understood as: Chai Dong is alive and laughing!

Hearing this absurd way of death, even Chen Guobiao, who has always been calm, is speechless. Who is to blame? No one is to blame!

"You! You must have killed my husband! You must want my husband's property Middle aged women are now like dogs with their tails trampled on. When they see anyone biting them, they will see Chen Guobiao and his daughter and roar again immediately.

The middle-aged woman was called by Chen Guobiao, and Chai Dong's body was found by Chen Xiyun, just when she was determined to sign the "deed of sale".

At that time, there were not many people left in the company, so Chen Guobiao, who was the first to hear Chen Xiyun scream, rushed in immediately. When he saw Chai Dong's appearance, he decisively called for an ambulance and contacted Chai Dong's only relative, Mrs Chai.

The time will never exceed ten minutes. If it's too late, it means that Chai Dong died when Chen Xiyun went to the bathroom.

Chen Xiyun stood aside in a daze at this time, despite the middle-aged women's constant curse, she still didn't respond. Why did Chai Dong die like this? Before Ming Ming, she was still very happy and waiting for her signature.

The doctor didn't want to be involved in strange things. Seeing that the middle-aged woman didn't pester him, he left here immediately.

"Mrs. Chai, how can you think of me like that? Yes, that's right! Chai Dong owns the largest share of the company, but Chen Guobiao can get to the present position, and there is a bottom line to be a man! It is impossible to do such despicable things for a little profit! " As soon as Chen Guobiao heard what Mrs. Chai said about him, he immediately corrected the color and said it honestly.

Chen Guobiao is honest all his life. The most annoying thing is that people misunderstand him. So when he explains to Mrs. Chai, his tone is a little heavier.

"Ha ha, did I start to get angry when I said that? I'll call the police now. If you have murdered my husband, you'll have to pay for it with blood! " As she spoke, Mrs. Chai took out her cell phone and wanted to dial 110.

However, her mobile phone was snatched by Chen Guobiao immediately. "Mrs. Chai, please calm down. The doctor said that Chai Dong died because of excessive excitement. It has nothing to do with me!"

Chen Guobiao is not afraid of Mrs. Chai calling the police, but his daughter, Chen Xiyun. You should know how many paparazzi are following the stars at Chen Xiyun's level. If they happen to take photos of Chen Xiyun being taken to the police car, they may have to make a rumor!

"Are you afraid?" Mrs. Chai didn't think so much. In other words, finding someone to be discouraged is what she wants to do most. Trying to destroy Chen Xiyun's star career is the only feasible solution now.

Human nature is so ugly!

When Mrs. Chai said that, Chen Guobiao's face slightly changed a few times. He wanted to refuse, but there was no excuse. Moreover, the more he didn't want to report to the police, the more he was suspected of murder.

Chen Guobiao finally looked at Chen Xiyun, sighed a little, and returned his mobile phone to Mrs. Chai, "I'm not afraid of the shadow! You call the police, I believe the law will give me justice! "

You can't call the police! Watching her father hand his mobile phone to Mrs. Chai, Chen Xiyun shouts out in her heart. She knows her current situation very well. If the police come and take her away, no matter what happens or not, the headlines of the media tomorrow morning must be her own!


Just after Chen Xiyun thought about it, the mobile phone in the handover suddenly made a violent sound, which exploded in their hands!

"Ouch!" All of a sudden, the debris of the explosion directly scratched their hands. Mrs. Chai was in pain and screamed.

The passing nurse immediately found out the situation here, picked up the fire extinguisher and rushed over. First, she dealt with the mobile phone residue with sparks on the ground, and then, holding Mrs. Chen's bloody fingers, she went into the infirmary for emergency treatment.

Chen Guobiao thought that he had released his mobile phone at that time, so he just suffered a little scratch, but now his inner horror is better than the pain from his hand!

Good cell phone, it exploded?

Although I have seen many examples of cell phone explosion in the news, only those inferior machines made by inferior manufacturers, what Mrs. Chai used, that is orange brand mobile phone with guaranteed global quality! And this kind of explosion without warning is even more unimaginable.

"Dad, how are you? Did you get hurt? " Although she has some complaints about her father, at the critical moment, Chen Xiyun is still very worried about her father's safety.

"It's OK, it's OK, it's a little bruised." Chen Guobiao waved his hand, indicating that he was OK. Then he looked at the residue of the mobile phone being swept away by the cleaning aunt on the ground and asked, "Qian Yun, how can such a mobile phone explode?"

"I don't know." Chen Xiyun shook her head blankly.

"Strange..." looking at the scorched black on the ground, Chen Guobiao fell into meditation.

"Vice President Chen! Vice President Chen Just as Chen Guobiao was still thinking about the explosion of his mobile phone, a shrill cry came from the other side of the corridor.

Looking up, a middle-aged man in his forties came running to Chen Guobiao and stopped panting.

"Junsheng, why are you here?" Chen Guobiao saw the people coming in front of him, and he was a little strange immediately.

This middle-aged man, whose name is Wang Junsheng, followed Chen Guobiao before he was developed, can be regarded as one of Chen Guobiao's most trusted people.

"Uncle Wang!" Because she is a good friend of her father, Chen Xiyun was also seen by Wang Junsheng when she was young. At this time, when she saw the visitor, she called politely.

"Ah Wang Junsheng fondly touched Chen Xiyun's head, responded, and then looked at Chen Guobiao with a dignified face, "I heard that Chai Dong had an accident. What's the matter?"

"Alas ~" speaking of this, Chen Guobiao couldn't help sighing, "the doctor said it was because of excessive excitement that led to myocardial infarction..."

"Dead?" Chen Guobiao wanted to say nothing, but Wang Junsheng had already recognized the meaning, and then he thought of something, and suddenly asked, "does Mrs. Chai know?"

"She just exploded her cell phone and was injured a little. Now she's bandaging it in the room!" Chen Guobiao pointed to the clinic not far away and explained to Wang Junsheng.

"When I came here, I was told that Chai Dong's life would not be long. I didn't expect that it was true!" Wang Junsheng doesn't care about the cause of Mrs. Chai's injury at all, and his face is still dignified.

When Chen Guobiao remembered that he had sent Chai Dong to the ambulance, the security guard also made a contribution. It must be from him that Wang Junsheng heard the news.

"Well, I'm surprised, too, that a good man just died suddenly!" When Chen Guobiao thought of Chai Dong's sudden death, he could not help but feel sad again.

Although we had some unpleasantness with Chai Dong before, we are partners who make the sound of nature together.

"Mr. Chen, it's not the time to grieve. The company's affairs are waiting for you to deal with." Looking at Chen Guobiao sad look, Wang Junsheng suddenly changed a look, whispered to Chen Guobiao said.

"Junsheng, what do you mean by that?" Now that he's gone, why don't you think about what happened to Chai Dong, instead, you should think about the company?

"GB, are you really stupid or pretend to be stupid?" Wang Junsheng called Chen Guobiao's name directly, "Chai Dong is dead, and he has no children. As the second largest shareholder of the company, now is the best time for you to take charge of the company!"

Chen Guobiao listened to Wang Junsheng's statement. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, but just as the other party said, the power of the company, now as long as he gently reached out, he could get it!

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