"Junsheng, how can you talk like this? Let's not talk about what Chai Dong had done to us before, but in the present situation, I can't do such a moral thing!" After a moment's silence, Chen Guobiao said sternly to Wang Junsheng.

"What does Chai Dong do to us? Hasn't the national standard seen clearly yet?" Wang Junsheng said about this problem, and he immediately became angry. "As the largest shareholder of the company, he only covers the sky with his hands, and even pushes you out for many times, even moving his mind to Xiaoyun! Are you going to cry for such a person? "

"Junsheng!" Hearing the other party talking about this problem, Chen Guobiao immediately interrupted him, glanced at Chen Xiyun next to him, and said seriously, "don't talk about this problem more!"

"Uncle Wang, what do you mean by that?" But the words have been said, and Chen Xiyun listens clearly on the side, which will immediately come forward to ask.

"Hasn't your father told you yet?" As for Chen Xiyun's question, Wang Junsheng looked at Chen Guobiao in direct doubt, and then nodded his head in response, "that's right. How can a man like your father, who values love and righteousness, tell you about Chai Dong's dirty things?"

"Alas ~" what he concealed was said one by one by Wang Junsheng. Chen Guobiao could not help sighing.

"Dad! What's going on? " Chen Xiyun at this time two steps to Chen Guobiao in front of a loud question.

"I..." Chen Guobiao looked at his daughter's aggressive eyes, suddenly a burst of silence.

"Xiao Yun, your father can't say it. Let me tell you!" Wang Junsheng looks at the awkward atmosphere of the two people and immediately speaks to Chen Xiyun.

"Junsheng!" Chen Guobiao is still struggling in his heart.

"GB, don't you plan to say so far? Are you going to keep Xiaoyun in the dark? " At this time, Wang Junsheng's tone slowed down slightly and began to persuade in a low voice.

Chen Xiyun stood in the middle, looked at Chen Guobiao and Wang Junsheng, only to feel very anxious!

"Dad Chen Xiyun urged again.

"Well, it's all here. I'll tell you the whole story." Chen Guobiao sighed at last, then looked at Chen Xiyun seriously and said, "in fact, it was Chai Dong who asked you to sign that contract. At the company meeting, he liked your popularity, so he threatened me to force you to sign it."

"Threatening you?" Chen Xiyun puzzled to ask, his father is also the second largest shareholder of the company, how can be treated like this?

"Chai Dong is very familiar with one of the gangsters. He also talked about it with me at the meeting before, but I always pretended not to hear it in response. However, just a few days ago, a few ferocious gangsters suddenly rushed into my office and" discussed "it with me carefully, and threatened your safety, That's why I have to agree to it! " Chen Guobiao finished, his face full of remorse and grief.

"Why don't you talk to me, dad! I am your only daughter After hearing Chen Guobiao's words, Chen Xiyun suddenly hugs him and starts to cry.

What Chen Xiyun is suffering from is not the tragic fate of being targeted by Chai Dong, but the fact that she blames herself for being indifferent to her only relative when she doesn't know anything.

"I know you as like as two peas." I'm afraid you'll do something stupid after I tell you something! " Chen Guobiao also burst into tears at this time, patting Chen Xiyun's back to explain. As for his tears, but not because of sad, but joy!

How can Chen Guobiao, as a father, not be happy when he and his daughter can finally explain everything completely and clear up the past?

Wang Junsheng looked at the scene with a happy smile. In fact, he had seen the breakdown of the relationship between his father and daughter in private. He always wanted to say it, but he was blocked by Chen Guobiao. Unexpectedly, Chai Dong died at this time!

This is really God's eye!

"Well, the relationship between your father and daughter can be cultivated in the future! GB, you can't let go of this opportunity at present! " Although he couldn't bear to destroy the warm scene, Wang Junsheng had to remind Chen Guobiao of the urgency of the incident.

He would think of what Chai Dong had done to him, and then look down at his daughter's pretty face with tears in her eyes. Chen Guobiao said to Wang Junsheng, "good! Just tonight, we're bringing all the uncertainties in the company to our side! "

"Ha ha, good! When it's time to do it, that's my good brother Chen Guobiao! " Wang Junsheng was very pleased with Chen Guobiao's attitude, and immediately he was filled with indignation. Then he took out his mobile phone in his pocket and handed it to Chen Guobiao. With a sly smile, he continued, "I knew you would do this, nah! I've done all these things for you in the morning! "

Chen Guobiao slightly a Leng took the phone, curious point open a look, face suddenly excited!

On the screen of the mobile phone, there are more than a dozen messages. When you look at the signatures carefully, all of them are the names of the people who need to be wooed by Chen Guobiao in his mind!

And the content of the message is surprisingly consistent.

Zhang Yu: OK, Mr. Chen, everything is up to you!

Dong Zhiqiang: of course, I'll listen to you, Mr. Chen!

Wang Zhichao: just give me your orders. I'll do as you say!


There are many news, but in a word, Chen Guobiao is the only one!

"Ha ha, Junsheng, good! Good! Good Excited Chen Guobiao's hand holding the phone was shaking. Looking at Wang Junsheng with a smile in front of him, he praised him three times in a row!

My brother has never let himself down!

"Dad, do you really want to do this?" Chen Xiyun on one side, naturally also saw the news on the phone, can't help but ask some worry.

Although she doesn't understand business, she can also hear from all kinds of rumors that the water in the business circle is not much shallower than that in the entertainment circle, and even heard of many life and death business struggles!

"Xiyun, you don't want to go to the crew these days. I'll take a leave for you in the name of the company. In the near future, I'll go to a safe place to hide. I'll give you the news when the company's affairs are finished!" Chen Guobiao looks at his baby daughter and orders her to get up.

The company's exchange of blood, fighting openly and secretly, means that there may be some people with bad intentions who will threaten Chen Guobiao's family, and Chen Xiyun will certainly be the primary target of those people!

Take precautions, this is the most important quality that Chen Guobiao can get to today's step!

"No, I want to stay with you and you!" As soon as Chen Xiyun heard what her father said, she immediately understood the danger of the incident and protested.

"Xiaoyun, don't be willful this time. Listen to your father! You don't make any difference here Looking at his daughter's stubborn look, Chen Guobiao just didn't know how to persuade him. Suddenly, Wang Junsheng said something to Chen Xiyun.

"Uncle Wang, why do you say that?" Chen Xiyun is puzzled to complain.

"Xiyun, your uncle Wang is right. You're here, which makes dad more worried! These days, you go to a safe place to stay, so that Dad can concentrate on dealing with the company's affairs Chen Guobiao will also want to be clear, immediately serious to Chen Xiyun again command up.

Looking at Chen Guobiao's serious expression, Chen Xiyun was stunned for a while, and finally bit her lips and nodded.

"By the way, didn't I buy a villa in Singapore? No one knows there yet. You can book a plane ticket tonight, get some sleep and go there early tomorrow morning. " See Chen Xiyun compromise, Chen Guobiao then ordered up.

Chen Xiyun still nodded.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Chen Guobiao's expression gradually softened and touched each other's pretty face. "After this thing is over, dad will never force you to do anything you don't want to do again!"

"Dad, why do you say that again?" Speaking of this, Chen can't help blushing and angry.

"Well, Xiyun, it's getting late now. You call Uncle Li and ask him to drive you home. Uncle Wang and I have to go to the company to deal with the relevant matters." Chen Guobiao has no time to laugh with Chen Xiyun now. Finally, he said, and went to the elevator with Wang Junsheng.

Chen Xiyun naturally followed and left the hospital.

This moment, several people seem to have forgotten, in the rescue room, also put chaidong covered with white cloth body.

Shortly after the three left, Mrs. Chai slowly came out of the infirmary. She was about to sprinkle the injured hands on Chen Guobiao and his daughter when she found that they had already disappeared from the corridor.



In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight came into Xu Ling's house, he changed his sleeping position to be more comfortable and was preparing for the next round of sleep. Suddenly, a scream carrying out his soul scared him out of bed.

"Earthquake! It's an earthquake Xu Linggang had just dreamt that he had experienced the earthquake, so he didn't recover from the dream for a moment, so he immediately called to drill under the bed.

In the middle of the drill, he suddenly realized that it was like an earthquake in a dream, so he quickly stood up and secretly congratulated himself that his stupid action had not been seen by others.

But after such a toss, Xu Ling's sleepiness also dissipated half. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was only seven o'clock in the morning. As Xu Ling stayed up until more than three o'clock in the morning last night, waiting for the burping debuff to disappear, sleeping these four hours is exactly the same as not sleeping!

With three angry and seven helpless, Xu Ling came to the living room in her pajamas to see why there was such a violent scream. As for the voice, Xu Ling could judge it was Yu Wenwen alone!

Came to the living room, the introduction of the eye is Yu Wenwen very indecent stand on the sofa, pointing to the TV screen in front of her face with full surprise!

Along the direction of Yu Wenwen's fingers, Xu Ling looked over. A slogan was written on the 42 inch LCD TV screen.

Chai Jin, chairman of Teana sound broadcasting media company, announced his death this morning!

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