"Hehe, well, since Professor Shen said it himself, I won't ask more." Who is Wang Jianting's master? That's professor of Literature Department of Qingbei University, President of national Sinology association! As soon as Liu Xia heard it, he said nothing more.

But it's not good to walk away alone. I can only chat with Wang Jianting on one side.

Xu Ling didn't know the situation of his desk at this time. He was whistling when he just arrived at the radio station. Today, he didn't belch, so he could finally give the audience a good live broadcast. I think he was still a little excited.

All the way to the office, Xu Ling saw Liu Xia sitting at his desk, and immediately asked strangely, "Chief Editor Liu, what are you doing?"

As Xu Ling's voice came, Liu Xia immediately stood up and was about to speak. Wang Jianting next to him moved faster, "Xu Ling, you've finally come!"

Because there is a baffle in front of the desk, Xu Ling didn't find a person in his seat at the beginning. Wang Jianting suddenly came out and startled Xu Ling. But when he looked at it, he immediately recognized the person, "Wang Jianting?"

Seeing Wang Jianting here, Xu Ling was a little surprised. Seeing Liu Xia with an embarrassed face, he analyzed the situation in his mind.

However, Wang Jianting did not give Xu Ling any time to think.

Two steps to the latter's front, a letter in his hand fell on Xu Ling's chest.

Xu Ling caught it subconsciously. Before he asked "what is this", Wang Jianting said, "I hope you dare to come!"

With that, regardless of Xu Ling, he said hello to Liu Xia and left here.

"What's the situation?" Xu Ling took the envelope in her hand, looked at Liu Xia with a puzzled face and asked.

Liu Xia shrugged, "I don't know. Mr. Wang came here in the morning and has been waiting for you. He has to hand over the letter to you personally. I said he didn't need to call to urge you."

"Are you gone?" As if to hear the movement, Xia Xinyu probes in and asks at this time.

"Let's go!" Looking at Xia Xinyu's appearance, Liu Xia can't laugh or cry, "even if you don't agree with other people's pursuit, you don't have to hide in the toilet every time he comes!"

"Who makes him so obsessed? I can't hide if I can't stir it up! " Xia Xinyu curled her lips and responded reasonably.

"I said, Mr. Xia, Mr. Wang's conditions are also good. People are not artificial. Why don't you look up to others?" Liu Xia asked with a bitter smile.

"It's just not suitable!" Xia Xinyu answered a universal sentence, which is absolutely the best reason to refuse others.

Xu Ling doesn't care about other people's love situation. With doubts, he slowly opens the envelope with "Xu Ling Qinqi" on it.

As the envelope opened, a touch of gorgeous red came into Xu Ling's eyes. After taking it out, it was a small book with three big gilded characters on the cover - invitation!

Xu Ling didn't know what happened. Liu Xia, who was not far away from him, saw Xu Ling's little notebook and walked over immediately. With great surprise, he couldn't speak for a long time by pointing to the invitation letter!

"Editor in chief Liu, what's the matter with you?" Xu Ling puzzled looking at each other, shaking the invitation in his hand, "do you know something?"

"Yes! Of course I do! " Liu Xia took a deep breath and said to Xu Ling, "teacher Xu, I'm afraid you are lucky this time!"

Liu Xia made Xu Ling confused. No matter how much, he opened the invitation directly.

We sincerely invite Mr. Xu Ling to participate in the ink poetry festival.

There is only one sentence and some basic information in the invitation. At the end of the invitation, there is the seal of Sinology Research Association and a signature, Shen Wenzhi.

"What's this for?" After watching Xu Ling, Liu Xia thought that he would be as excited as himself, but at last he heard the other side's very calm question. Suddenly he faltered and almost didn't fall.

"Ink poetry club! It's a grand meeting held every month by the Chinese Studies Association! The participants are all literary celebrities and industry elites. " Liu Xia explained to Xu Ling on the one hand, and also emphasized the people who could participate later.

"Oh, that's grand." With a smile, Xu Ling nodded and put the invitation on the table.

"Aren't you excited?" Xu Ling is so calm that he makes Liu Xia stunned.

Of course, Xu Ling is not excited. If someone doesn't know him, it's all right. But it's Wang Jianting. It's strange that he won't give me a condom at that time!

Although the other party must have some intention to do so, Xu Ling is not flustered.

When soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the earth. With the current bug level of Xu Ling, he doesn't believe that he can't do it.

Listening to Liu Xia's remarks, Xu Ling sat at the table and prepared to write a live draft for a while.

"I'm sorry, Xu Ling." Liu Xia just left, Xu Ling is ready to start writing, suddenly Xia Xinyu came to the side, with an apology whispered.

"Oh, Miss Xia, what's the matter with you?" On weekdays, Xu Ling is called to and fro by Xia Xin. The other party suddenly says so, and only makes Xu Ling feel uncomfortable with such a gentle tone. He immediately responds.

Sure enough, a word forced her back to the original shape, "ah, I apologize, you said it doesn't matter, which so many other words!"

"Sister, I really don't know what you are apologizing for." All of a sudden, Xu Ling couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hey, you're playing dumb with me here, aren't you? I know that yesterday, because of my relationship, Wang Jianting provoked you. I can also guess that he will trip you when he comes to give you an invitation this time! " As an insider, Xia Xinyu is very clear about the situation and gives Xu Ling a detailed analysis.

Xu Ling immediately understood that this elder sister was guilty because of this!

"There's nothing to apologize for. It was he who scolded me first. Without you, I have to educate him." Xu Ling didn't care about it.

"In a word, I'm sorry, just listen to me!" Xia Xinyu said, directly left, do not give Xu Ling another chance to speak.

Xu Ling looked at the figure of the other party leaving in a daze. She was quite confused. It's really hard to understand women!

Shaking his head, Xu Ling put the matter down for the time being and began to write about his works.

Yesterday, Xia Xin's rain belt class finished his biography of Jia Xu. Today, according to the original schedule, we should talk about the first World War in the history of the Three Kingdoms, which was also the official meeting of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's two armies - the battle of Guandu, a rare battle in history in which few won more.

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