A few days after Wang Jianting sent the invitation.

"Xu Ling, you wait!" In the afternoon, Xu Linggang just finished his program live and was about to leave when a voice suddenly appeared behind him.

Just listen to the voice, Xu Ling can tell who is coming. When he turns his head in doubt, "teacher Xia, what's the matter?"

"Why are you in a hurry these two days? Every time you finish broadcasting, you'll run faster than anyone else. Fortunately, I'm blocking here in advance today, otherwise I won't find you again!" Xia Xinyu holds her chest in both hands and looks at Xu Ling up and down, as if she wants to see something from each other.

When the other party said this, Xu Ling had a bitter smile in her heart and explained, "there's something wrong at home recently, so I need to go back and deal with it as soon as possible."

"What's the matter? Does it matter? " Xia Xinyu quickly asked with concern, but also reflects the meaning of leadership care for subordinates.

"It's a little thing, it's a little time consuming. By the way, what can I do for Miss Xia?" Xu Ling quickly waved his hand to say that he didn't have to worry, then immediately changed the topic and asked.

He doesn't want to expose that there are two national goddesses in his family waiting for him to solve the problem of eating for them, although one of them is fake.

"My master wants to have dinner with you at noon tomorrow." After hearing the meaning of Xu Ling's changing the topic, Xia Xinyu no longer asked more questions, which directly explained his intention.

"To me?" Although Liu Jinchuan, Xia Xinyu's master, has made friends with him several times, he suddenly invites himself to dinner, which makes Xu Ling a little flattered.

"Yes, you are! At eleven o'clock tomorrow, yellow crane restaurant Xia Xinyu seems to be notifying Xu Ling. Without waiting for a response, she leaves.

Compared with other old scholars, Xu Ling still has a good feeling for Liu Jinchuan. After all, he talks to himself several times and has a positive attitude towards his talent.

And Xu Ling can probably guess the reason why the other party is looking for himself, which should be related to the ink poetry meeting tomorrow night.

After dinner and writing today's manuscript, Xu Ling summoned Xiaoya in her mind and inquired about her reputation.

"Hello host, now your reputation is 580."

Xu Ling hasn't inquired about her reputation since she ran out of all her reputation in the last ten years. She didn't expect that Guangguang has risen so much in recent days. It seems that the influence of Pinsan can't be underestimated.

With prestige, Xu Ling's heart began to itch, "Xiaoya, I want to draw a lottery!"

Voice just fell, that let Xu Ling love and hate disc appeared in front of me, "host, you can start lottery at any time."

Xu Ling clenched her teeth and told her in a loud voice, "smoke for me five times“

Lying on the sofa in the living room, Xu Ling's eyes are tightly staring at the turntable in front of him. The last ten times were all household goods. He doesn't believe his character can be recited like this!

Just when I was thinking about it, the first round pointer stopped - personal attribute class!

Ooh! The emperor of Europe is possessed! Xu Ling almost did not jump up from the sofa, two lines of excited tears from the corner of his eyes, the first time! For the first time, what I drew was not those unimportant things!

I remember that the last personal attribute fighting potion brought me great help. I don't know what surprise Xiaoya will bring me this time?

Xu Ling stares at the disc to see what kind of surprise it will bring.

"Geshen potion!"

With the voice as like as two peas, Xu Ling had a little bottle like the fighting medicine, but the bottle contained the liquid of phosphor.

Singing God? Xu Ling drew a question mark in his mind. Did he become Zhang Xueyou after drinking?

"Gudong ~"

Just like last time, Xu Ling didn't listen to Xiaoya's explanation. Just like last time, he opened the bottle and dried the pink potion!

"Genie elixir. Users will be blessed with the power of Genie forever. They can imitate the voice of any singer at any time." It's not until Xu Ling burps that Xiao Ya explains.

"Ah -" Xu Ling patted his head and suddenly remembered that this bottle of medicine should be given to Yu Wenwen!

But the potion has gone, and it's too late to regret. Xu Ling secretly blames herself for being too excited.

When Xu Ling was still regretting, the lottery disk began to rotate again, and when he didn't react, he had finished the remaining four times.

In the item list, there are three toothbrushes and a question mark!

"Congratulations to the host, three toothbrushes and one boutique award." Xiaoya knows to the stunned Xu Lingtong.

"Xiaoya, next time you start the lottery, can you say no to me?" Xu Ling's forehead raised a few black lines and complained unhappily.

"Xiaoya said it, but the host indulged in thinking and didn't respond." Xiaoya's voice is a little wronged.

Xu Ling has no room for refutation.

He took out three toothbrushes, put them on the table, dressed and rushed out of the door.

All the way to the park, he stopped, eyes with a touch of winning light, "come on, Xiaoya classmate!"

Xu Ling's purpose in doing so is, of course, only one - the award of high-quality goods.

Last time, if she had not been disturbed by the next door neighbor's aunt, Xu Ling firmly believed that her score would definitely pass!

"Recording has been started, the host can start at any time!" Xiaoya's voice rang out again, very kind of notice.

As soon as Xiaoya finished, Xu Ling cleared her throat immediately. Just like last time, she opened her voice and began to howl.

However, as the first sentence of the song came out, Xu Ling shocked herself. This voice is completely from teacher Liu!

Leng for a second, Xu Ling suddenly remembered that he had just drunk the geshen potion!

It turns out that the effect is so great! Xu Ling wanted to reach this place, and immediately felt confident, turning the black Park into her own concert site.

After singing a song, Xu Ling only feels a long aftertaste. He was deeply attracted by his own singing.

"Pa pa..."

A sudden burst of applause brought Xu Ling back to his mind, and he exclaimed to himself that when Xiaoya was attracted by her own singing, she suddenly found that in a dark corner, an old man with dirty body was looking at Xu Ling with an expression of appreciation.

"Thank you Xu Ling said to each other, did not expect to have an audience.

The old man turned around and left.

"Congratulations, the score this time is - 98!" Xiaoya's voice makes Xu Ling very excited. Ha ha, it's not the kind of score that is low enough to make people feel angry.

"Come on, give me the prize quickly!" Xu Ling can't wait to urge up, dancing in the surrounding environment is very strange.

"The award of this boutique category is universal card!" Xiaoya talks, and a card slowly appears in Xu Ling's hand.

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