Xu Ling thought about many possibilities in his mind, but he forgot that he was the chairman of the provincial Literature Association. What he meant was that he wanted to temporarily belong to the literature association.

According to the previous information, the literature and the writers' Association are also fighting fiercely. Liu Jinchuan's move is not bad. If he goes to the poetry club, he can't do anything, but if he has any big moves, it's good for the provincial literature club!

At that time, it directly suppressed song Shiren's Provincial Work Association.

Good plan!

Although Xu Ling saw what Liu Jinchuan thought at a glance, he could not refuse.

First, Liu Jinchuan has always held a positive attitude towards his talent and has helped him speak many times; Second: Liu Jinchuan, as Xia Xinyu's master, if he refuses, Xia Xinyu will definitely be investigated with him.

But Xu Ling really doesn't want to join any organization. He just wants to be a melon eater quietly.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't abide by the discipline of the organization due to my eccentric personality." Hesitated for a moment, Xu Ling said euphemistically.

"Ha ha, I have expected this for a long time, so you just need to put a name in the society. As for the discipline of the society, you don't have to abide by it! Besides, you can get research subsidies every month just like regular members! " Liu Jinchuan was so generous that he offered Xu Ling a very attractive offer.

This sentence directly shakes Xu Ling's heart, hangs a name, doesn't need to do anything, can you still get money in vain every month? Xu Ling suddenly asked subconsciously, "how much?"

Liu Jinchuan chuckled and held out three fingers.

"Three hundred dollars?" Xu Ling felt very excited. The three hundred yuan in white was like a young girl in the blooming season who was crazy to wink at him, which made his heart tremble,

Liu Jinchuan smiles and shakes his head

In a word, I almost didn't let Xu Ling spray out the water he just drank!

The girl in front of her seems to turn into a thunderbolt elder sister in a flash. She takes a whip around Xu Ling's neck and pulls him over directly.

Xu Ling finally understood that these old scholars of the association are so old and strong. It turns out that there are so many subsidies alone!

"Where to register?" Xu Ling immediately got up and asked.

"Ha ha, I'm the chairman of the Literary Association. As long as you agree, I'm a member of the association now. What's the use of registration?" See Xu Ling so readily agreed, Liu Jinchuan is also happy, a wave of the big hand to know.

"Come on! Hello, chairman Xu Ling entered the state in a second, and immediately changed the title of Liu Jinchuan.

"Ha ha, since everything is settled, let's have dinner." Liu Jinchuan then shook the bell on the edge of the table, and then the little sister in Qipao who had brought Xu Ling came in before.

"Serve Liu Jinchuan said, then waved the other side to leave.

The little girl in cheongsam nodded and left. After a while, several waiters in cheongsam came in with some food boxes.

On the food box, there are dragon and Phoenix sculptures. How exquisite!

The utensils are like this, and the things inside are not exquisite. They come out of the food box, full of color, fragrance and delicacies, which make Xu Ling's fingers move!

"I don't know what Mr. Xu's taste is, so I'm blind. I'll make do with it." When all the dishes in the food box were brought out, Liu Jinchuan waved his hand to Xu Lingdong.

Xu Ling's lips and teeth are fragrant and unforgettable. She sighs to herself that this restaurant is really like a big one, and ordinary restaurants can't match it.

Liu Jinchuan also knew that Xu Ling still had a job and didn't say much after eating. After thanking each other again for joining the association, he personally sent Xu Ling downstairs and took a taxi.

Until on the way to the radio station, Xu Ling still had some dreamy feeling. With a salary of 3000 yuan a month, did she have a good meal?

Thinking of this, Xu Ling couldn't help laughing.

The driver on the side of the car was scared with laughter. He immediately drove to the fastest speed and arrived at the destination in a few minutes.

After paying, Xu Ling got out of the car with a happy face. As soon as he got off the car, he saw a familiar Audi A8 driving to his side.

As the window came down, Xia Xinyu stretched out her head and called out, "younger martial brother!"

Xu Ling suddenly faltered, "younger martial brother?" The tone is full of doubts.

Xia Xinyu quickly found a parking space to stop the car, got out of the car, quickly drove to Xu Ling, patted the latter on the shoulder, "as long as it's less advanced than me, all the members of the Literary Association are my younger martial brothers, including you of course."

Get it! In less than ten minutes before and after this, Xia Xinyu knew her news. There was only one possibility. She knew what Liu Jinchuan was looking for yesterday! Xu Ling thought in his heart.

"Don't blame me for not telling you. Master said it. It's sincere to tell you personally. He didn't treat me like this!" As if to see through Xu Ling's heart, Xia Xinyu immediately explained.

"No, no, I'm too honored to blame you." Xu Ling quickly waved his hand to deny that he couldn't understand Xia Xinyu's temper, so he followed each other.

"Well, it's almost the same. Come on, elder martial sister, listen to the cry!" Xia Xinyu is obviously very satisfied with Xu Ling's attitude and laughs.

With a bitter smile, Xu Ling did not respond and went straight to the radio station.

"Hey, is it so hard for you to call a senior sister?" Xia Xinyu is closing her eyes and waiting for the younger martial brother to call herself respectfully. After waiting for a long time, there is no sound. She squints and sees that the other party has almost entered the radio station, and immediately rushes up with a stamp of anger.

Originally, it was just to hang a name in the literary society, but suddenly there was another elder martial sister. Xu lingcai is not willing to call!

"I think you have a problem with me being your elder martial sister?" Xu lingzheng sits down. Xia Xinyu follows him and asks when he pats the table.

"No, no, how can I have an opinion?" Xu Ling denied it.

Listening to Xu Ling's explanation, Xia Xinyu doesn't move at all. She still holds her arms and looks at Xu Ling coldly.

"Master... Elder martial sister!" Xu Ling was staring at only feel hairy, helpless, had to shout out.

"Ah Xia Xinyu's face turned from overcast to clear immediately, and he left the office with a happy smile.

Seeing each other's appearance, Xu Ling had a feeling that the whole literary Association, I'm afraid, had only called her elder martial sister!

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