At seven o'clock in the evening, Xu Ling followed Liu Jinchuan to the square in front of the meeting.

"Xiao Xu, I'll meet old man Shen later. I have to recommend you to him." Sitting on the edge of Xu Ling, Liu Jinchuan couldn't hide his excited look, as if he had picked up a piece of treasure.

It seems that you don't need to recommend me. That old man already knows me. Xu Ling was a little embarrassed and thought that although she was invited, Xia Xinyu didn't seem to tell the old man why she was invited.

"By the way, Master Liu, do you know Wang Jianting?" Embarrassed for a moment, Xu Ling suddenly thought of this problem, anyway, it is not time to enter, he decided to get to know his opponent in advance.

"Wang Jianting?" Liu Jinchuan was slightly stunned. Although he didn't know why Xu Ling talked about this person at this time, he still explained, "the boy of Jianting is an apprentice of old man Shen, and a top student graduated from Qingbei University. In the past two years, he has been a frequent guest of the Poetry Club."

"Oh, so powerful!" Xu Ling couldn't help but exclaim.

"Yes, he has been in the limelight in recent poetry meetings, which has also made old man Shen's scenery infinite!" Liu Jinchuan nodded and explained to Xu Ling. Then he turned the conversation and looked at Xu Ling admiringly. "However, judging from Xu's recent works, I think you are more than him!"

Xu Ling only felt that he was staring at him with sweat and hair standing upright. In his heart, he felt that it was impossible to be a melon eater in this poetry festival. For the moment, not to mention what Wang Jianting wanted to do, Liu Jinchuan on the side was showing off.

When they were talking, it was probably time for the entrance, and the people gathered in front of them entered the venue one after another. Seeing this, Liu Jinchuan immediately took Xu Ling out of the car.

"Hey, Xu Ling, how dare you come!" The so-called is the enemy road narrow, this sentence put here most appropriate, just get off, Xu Ling behind, heard a very incongruous voice.

Hearing the sound, Xu Ling frowned and looked around. It was Wang Jianting!

"Why can't I come?" Xu Ling curled his lips and said it doesn't matter.

"Well, you look relaxed!" Wang Jianting came closer and looked at Xu Ling up and down, with a sneer on his lips.

"Jianting? Why didn't you come with your master? " Xu Ling hasn't answered yet. Suddenly Liu Jinchuan comes forward with doubts.

At this time, Wang Jianting found that there was a man standing beside Xu Ling. Although he had a holiday with Xu Ling, Wang Jianting was also a descendant in front of Liu Jinchuan, so he said respectfully, "Hello, Master Liu! Master, he's going to prepare for the opening, so he went first. "

Xu Ling's attitude changed so fast that she was a little bit surprised.

"Ha ha, well, it's also bothering old man Shen. By the way, let me introduce you. This is Xu Ling, a new member of my Literature Association." Liu Jinchuan nodded with a smile, and then pointed to Xu Ling to introduce him.

Xu Ling doesn't believe that Liu Jinchuan didn't see Wang Jianting's provocation just now. However, how can he still introduce himself to each other? That's only one purpose - to support himself intentionally.

"Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Xu Ling! " For Liu Jinchuan's good intentions, Xu Ling naturally won't discard them for nothing. He immediately smiles and reaches out his hand to Wang Jianting.

Wang Jianting is also a smart man. Liu Jinchuan's performance is so obvious that he can't see it, so he also holds Xu Ling's hand with a smile, "Hello! I'm wang Jianting. "

But Wang Jianting suddenly increased his strength in the moment of holding Xu Ling's hand, as if to give him a warning.

For this move, it may be someone else's move. If the two are equal, the one who gets the first hand will be able to suppress it!

But Wang Jianting's opponent is Xu Ling, who has been blessed with fighting potions!

After feeling the strength suddenly coming from her hand, Xu Ling immediately gave a cold smile: Son of a bitch, what do you do for me?

Aware of the change of Xu Ling's expression, Wang Jianting thought that the other party was suffering from pain and forced to smile. He was still a little proud. However, before long, suddenly, a pain like being crushed by a wheel spread from his palm to the central nervous system of his brain, making his expression distorted.

If the other party didn't stop in time, he would have to shout it out!

Xu Ling also knew the current situation, so she didn't make the other party embarrassed. She only used 30% of her strength to stop. Then she looked at the other party with concern and asked, "brother Jianting, what's the matter? Are you sick?"

The implication of this sentence is: don't provoke me, or you will suffer!

"Ha ha, it's OK. I just twisted my wrist. It's a small thing, a small thing!" Feeling that Xu Ling stopped, Wang Jianting quickly pulled out his hand, with some awkward smile, symbolically moved his wrist twice, and then bowed slightly to Liu Jinchuan, "that's it, Master Liu, I'm in the first place."

With that, he left Zhili in a hurry. Xu Ling glanced at Wang Jianting with Yu Guang. He was walking while kneading his palm quietly.

Xu Ling is very satisfied with the fact that he has suffered a dumb loss for the other party.

"Did you have a problem with him?" Liu Jinchuan asked suddenly on the side.

"Well, a little." Now that people have seen it, Xu Ling doesn't intend to hide it, even if he tells them what happened that night.

"That girl, this matter all does not say with me Liu Jinchuan shakes his head and is not satisfied with Xia Xinyu's concealment.

"It's just a small thing. There's nothing to say." Xu Ling didn't like it, and he didn't pay attention to Wang Jianting.

"Alas, as a new generation of young talent, Wang Jianting has hardly met any rival of his age in this circle. Now he is defeated by you. With his strong character, he will not give up." Liu Jinchuan seems to know Wang Jianting very well, silently looking at the figure of the other party that has disappeared in the crowd, and talking with Xu Ling with a little worry.

"Master Liu, you're too worried. You're still strong after thousands of attacks. You're free from the East, the west, the north and the south! I belong to bamboo With a relaxed face, Xu Ling joked to Liu Jinchuan.

"Ha ha, what a wind! At this time, Mr. Xu can make a statement. I really admire him! " Looking at Xu Ling's self-confident face, Liu Jinchuan's inner worry has been swept away.

"Hey, Master Liu, let's go in, too! Everybody's almost in. " While they were talking, all the people who had gathered in the square had gone in. Looking at the situation, Xu Ling immediately reminded Liu Jinchuan. The latter also nodded, walked slightly forward and took Xu Ling to the hall gate.

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