"Master, are you..." Wang Jianting couldn't believe his ears. His master voted for others instead of himself. This is the biggest insult to him!

"Shut up As soon as Wang Jianting's words came out, he was severely interrupted by Shen Wenzhi. "His poems are not as good as others. Do you want me to vote for you? If you have time to think carefully, you'd better read more! Make a poem as good as Xu Ling's

"Yes! Master What Wang Jianting was taught was nothing to say. He only blushed and stepped back.

Shen Wenzhi's voice was not big, but it was enough for everyone on the field to hear it.

Liu Jinchuan couldn't help smiling at his lesson, remembering that he had taught his disciple Liu Sanyuan the same way not long ago.

"Little friend Xu Ling, your poem is really amazing. The winner should be you. Now I'm going to give you this waterfall picture, which is the rule set just now." After he had taught Wang Jianting a lesson, Shen Wenzhi took the scroll and went up to Xu Ling. He handed it over and began to talk.

The people under the stage looked at the scene in front of them, and they suddenly felt some pain. Is this a priceless treasure, just a gift?

Looking at the priceless picture that had been sent to him, Xu Ling slowly stretched out his hand.

When everyone thought he was going to take the painting for himself, Xu Ling put up his hands and pushed Shen Wenzhi's hand back.

"Mr. Shen, I can't accept you Xu Ling a face serious refuse way.

"Xu Ling, what do you mean? I've said before that I want to give paintings to people who are good at poetry. It's a rule. How can I change them? " After hearing Xu Ling's words, Shen Wenzhi was stunned and asked immediately.

"Mr. Shen, I know this painting is very precious, but I don't like to collect it. If you give it to me, it's just outrageous. As for the rule you said," Xu Ling thought for a while, then added, "just be a boy. I'll deposit it with you, and you'll take it for me, won't you?"

It has been a bad thing since ancient times to win favor from others, and Xu Ling is even more unlikely to do such a thing.

Originally, he didn't want to come up to compose poetry, but Wang Jianting had to force himself to come up.

Moreover, according to the news from Liu Jinchuan, every time there is a link of winning the prize for poetry writing, it is Wang Jianting who wins the prize.

Wang Jianting and Shen Wenzhi are a family. If you give them something, it belongs to Shen Wenzhi?

If Xu Ling accepts this gift from Shen Wenzhi this time, it will be a favor to others.

What's more, I don't like to collect the painting. If I have the painting, I can mount it in a frame and hang it in the living room at most.

After thinking about it, Xu Ling decided not to accept the painting.

It's just Shen Wenzhi's temper. If he refuses directly, it will certainly make him unhappy. Therefore, Xu Ling has prepared such a set of words early on.

"Send it to me?" Shen Wenzhi didn't expect Xu Ling to say that, so he couldn't help confirming it.

Looking at the waterfall in his hand, in fact, he was still reluctant to part with it. After all, it was the authentic work that his good friend brought back from abroad.

However, it is hard for a gentleman to make up his mind, especially for those scholars who have done research for so many years.

"Yes, the boy's home is too small, and the humidity is still heavy, so this kind of precious picture is temporarily placed in master Shen's home. One day, the boy will move to a better home and ask for it from you." Xu Ling seriously confirmed his words, and then added some reasons.

One day

This vague concept can be long or short, but as a senior, Shen Wenzhi certainly recognized the meaning behind Xu Ling, that is, he wanted to leave this painting for himself.

"Ha ha, well, since Xu Ling has no place to put it, you can send it to Lao Jiu's home. If you find a suitable place, you can contact Lao Jiu and Lao Jiu will send it to you in person." When Xu Ling said this, Shen Wenzhi naturally followed suit. Then he took out a business card from his arms and handed it to Xu Ling.

The intention of this practice is no more obvious. In the future, Xu Ling has something to do. Just ask him.

He won both the competition and popularity, which is exactly what Xu Ling wants.

Even everyone on the stage praised Xu Ling's practice in their hearts.

After exchanging greetings with Shen Wenzhi for a while, Xu Ling stepped down and went back to the side of Liu Jinchuan. Before he could speak, the elders around him gathered around again.

Although most of them questioned Xu Ling, they were deeply impressed by his talent after seeing Xu Lingzhen's on-the-spot poems.

Which has before along with Wang Jianting's mind clamour appearance?

What's more, Xu Ling is not only a member of the literary society, but also a close friend with Shen Wen, President of the Chinese Studies Association. He can't leave a bad impression on Xu Ling, either by following the crowd or by being worldly.

In fact, Xu Ling didn't go out of his way to remember the person who just yelled at him.

Anyway, now they are all courting one after another. They are both friends with Xu Ling and younger brother. What's more, some old men even bring their own pen and paper to sign for him!

Xu Lingnong couldn't smile bitterly because he was a Star chaser. In the end, he couldn't beat each other. Gonggong wrote down his name.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu, you are very popular in this circle today." When everyone came, Liu Jinchuan had a chance to talk to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling can not deny the nod, some helpless.

Every time, is it so difficult to be a melon eater quietly?

Liu Jinchuan on the edge is still tirelessly giving himself the benefits of popularizing in this circle, but Xu Ling doesn't listen at all. As the focus gradually shifts to himself, he begins to think about how to get away.

Just then, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it's Yu Wenwen.

With an apologetic smile at Liu Jinchuan, Xu Ling goes to a corner with few people and gets through the phone.

"Hello! Brother, where are you? Why don't you go home so late! " Just connect, Yu Wenwen loudly reproaches.

The harsh voice let Xu Ling take the receiver out a little. When Yu Wenwen finished, he put his hand back again.

"Wenwen, what's the matter? I have something to do outside. I'll be back in a moment. " Xu Ling immediately responded.

"What else! Come back quickly. Your sister is going to participate in the competition tomorrow. Why don't you worry at all? How do you become a brother? " Yu Wenwen didn't listen to Xu Ling's reason at all. She was still complaining, and her tone was aggrieved as if Xu Ling had made a big mistake.

"Well, well, I'll go back. Where are you? I'll find you For Yu Wenwen's move, Xu Ling is not tired of eating, and has no ability to resist. In addition, he really doesn't want to stay here, so he quickly agrees.

After hanging up, Xu Ling went to say hello to Liu Jinchuan, Shen Wenzhi and other seniors, saying that there was something at home, so she left ahead of time.

I called a taxi outside the hall and went to the destination Yu Wenwen said.

It turns out that Yu Wenwen, the girl who has helped her, wants to invite everyone to dinner because the competition is going to be held tomorrow. Xu Ling, as the provider of the repertoire, is also invited.

Of course, if you don't hear Yu Wenwen's last whisper on the phone, Xu Ling would be more happy for her sister to be so kind-hearted.

"Brother, I don't have much money for the time being, so you can help me to cover the meal money first. When I'm red, I'll give it back to you immediately!"

Hearing these words, Xu Ling finally understood that Yu Wenwen didn't want to invite herself. She was going to be a wallet, and she didn't want to leave a name for doing a good job, because Yu Wenwen asked Xu Ling to transfer the money to her in advance.

Xu Ling is standing in the lobby at this time, looking at the magnificent decoration inside, the corner of her eyes can't help twitching twice.

Wenwen, if we're not diamond, don't do porcelain work, OK? Xu Ling in the heart sad cry, now finally understand this wench why a mouth asked himself to 30000.

From this point of view, there should be no return money for the 30000 yuan.

"Hello, how many of you, please?" When Xu Ling was in agony, a gentle voice sounded in his ear.

Looking up, the waiter dressed in a professional ol style was looking at Xu Ling with big eyes.

"Oh, well, I'm here to find someone." Being stared at by the beauty, Xu Ling feels a little embarrassed and quickly moves away from her eyes and reports the room given by Yu Wenwen.

"Yes, this way, please." Hearing Xu Ling's words, the waiter nodded and said, and then walked in front to take the road.

Xu Ling naturally followed, just like this, and let him have a panoramic view of the back of the beautiful waiter.

A slim suit on her upper body sets off her slim waist, and a short suit skirt on her lower body. Her legs are covered with black silk, which makes her a bit charming. How can she be beautiful with the ability of professional ball hair?

While Xu Ling was still enjoying it carefully, the lady in front suddenly stopped, turned around, and with the danger of occupation, stretched out a hand to one side of the gate, "Sir, here it is."

"Oh," Xu Ling was reminded, immediately recovered from the state of immersed in the beautiful scenery, nodded and quickly responded, "OK, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Or Xu Ling some flustered expression, Xu Ling feel each other say this sentence with a smile, a little different.

But then the waiter left.

Xu Ling slightly shook his head, finally looked at each other's beautiful back, then pushed the door into the compartment.

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