Inside the room at this time is sitting a table of people, look different, Xu Ling look, one by one are full of personality!

For example, the one closest to the door is a handsome man with long hair up to the waist.

The one next to him is even more exaggerated. His hairstyle soars to the sky and stands upside down like a nail on his head.

There was another one with pigtails all over his head and nails on his nose, and then a thin chain connected to his earlobe.

The rest don't give much description. Anyway, the impression of these people on Xu Ling is

"Kill Matt, kill Matt, wash scissors, blow scissors, blow scissors, blow scissors..."

A song that was popular in the north and south of the river "wash cut blow" resounded in Xu Ling's mind.

If not in time in this pile of people found two familiar figures, Xu Lingfei had to turn around and go out to find the waiter!

I asked you to take me to the private room. Did you come to the love family club?

"Brother, here you are! I've been waiting for you for a long time Naturally, the people in the room also looked at Xu Ling who suddenly pushed the door in. One of them immediately stood up and ran to greet him with a smile on his face.

It's Yu Wenwen!

Sitting beside Yu Wenwen is Chen Yunxi, who left with her this morning.

She did not like Yu Wenwen, just smile and nod to Xu Ling.

"Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road, so it's a little slow." Xu Ling saw that there was only one seat left at the table, which was empty. She probably understood that she had not arrived at the scene, even when she said with apology.

"It's OK, brother. Let me introduce you to you." Xu Ling, as Yu Wenwen's hidden gold owner, naturally won't blame him, but quickly pulled Xu Ling to the side of the vacant seat and began to introduce Xu Ling one by one.

Although Xu Ling didn't feel that he could have any contact with these people, since he had helped his sister, he patiently said hello to them one by one.

But these people have strange shapes and different names.

Let's not mention the English names of Mike, Tony and so on. The key is some Chinese names, which makes Xu Ling completely confused.

Liang Sany... Are you sure your father is not afraid of the trouble of writing his name?

Quan Quan quan... This name can really put people in the circle!


After all the introductions, Xu Ling only felt a pain in his head. He followed the others and read them silently several times before he could barely remember them.

After the friendly communication with them, Xu Ling sat on the stool and was about to drink water to wake him up.

At this time, the middle-aged man named Tony stepped out of his seat and quickly came to Xu Ling, with a look of worship.

"Oh, MAIGA, are you Mr. Xu Ling? Miss Yu's brother? Today, I finally see a real person! " The man came forward and took Xu Ling's hand. He said excitedly, and his hand was still touching.

The other side's action makes Xu Lingnong's hair stand upright. He pulls out his hand in a hurry and smiles awkwardly, "Mr. Tony, do you know me?"

"Oh, MAIGA!" Middle aged hand a scream, but also want to start to catch Xu Ling, but the latter has been prepared, once dodged.

When Tony saw Xu Ling dodging, he laughed, drew back his hand and continued, "the song that Miss Yu wrote by Mr. Xu Ling is perfect. I've been doing music for so many years, and I've never seen a song like wanderfor. I've heard that the lyrics of this song are all written by you, so I've always wanted to visit you. I didn't expect you to be so young, Listen to the wind

Tony said to Xu Ling with his unique mixture of Chinese and English. Although it's vague, Xu Ling still can't hear it. The other party should be praising himself.

"Thank you... Thank you!" Xu Ling nodded with a smile and responded.

"Well, Mr. Tony, you can have a chat when it's over. Let's have dinner first. Everyone is very hungry!" Seeing that Tony still wants to continue talking with Xu Ling, Yu Wenwen interrupts each other's momentum at the right time and starts to complain.

"Oh, Sao Rui, seeing Mr. Xu Ling, a little bit of a rowing boat, I can't help it. OK, let's have dinner first!" Tony was reminded by Yu Wenwen, and immediately realized that he was too excited. He quickly apologized to the public, and then looked at Xu Ling, "that's it, Mr. Xu Ling. When the dinner is over, we'll have a good exchange!"

Then he gave Xu Ling a wink.

Straight Xu Ling do a cold, from head to foot have a layer of goose bumps.

"Brother, you don't mind. He's just like that, because he's always clamoring to worship you as his teacher for the song you gave me! By the way, his orientation is normal, so don't worry about it. " Looking at Xu Ling's embarrassed face, Yu Wenwen explained it to him in a low voice.

"Do you practice with them all the time?" Is Xu Ling worried about Yu Wenwen's state?

If one day she appears in front of her with a colorful hairstyle, Xu Ling has made up her mind to send her home in person and let her uncle and aunt release her in person.

"Brother, don't underestimate them. Although they look strange, they all have real talents. For example, Tony, who just said hello to you, is the best writer in China for three consecutive years! And the long hair male Mike, who is the chief tuner of sounds of nature... "Yu Wenwen probably recognized the meaning of Xu Ling's words, and immediately reached out to Xu lingpu.

Hearing these detailed introductions, Xu Ling was a little surprised. He was really a man without appearance. Except for himself and Yu Wenwen, all the people present were respectable people!

Needless to say, it must be Chen Yunxi who can help Yu Wenwen.

In this way, Xu Ling is more grateful to Chen Yunxi.

Although I asked her to help Yu Wenwen a little, I didn't expect that she invited all the talents.

At this time, as the waiter almost served all the dishes, Xu Ling also felt that she should say something.

After clearing her throat, Xu Ling took up a glass of Baijiu and stood up. "Thank you for helping me with my sister these days, I will first honor you and express our thanks."

With that, Xu Ling drank all the wine in the cup.

"Mr. Xu Ling is also a pleasant person! I love it Looking at Xu Ling's appearance, Tony laughs, praises, and then drinks a glass of wine.

No one else hesitated. Except for two girls who drank drinks, they drank the Baijiu in a cup clean.

This kind of wine company is not full of fun, the key is to see the beginning, originally we are not very familiar with, but this continued for thousands of years of wine table culture, is to cope with this scene.

After a few drinks, everyone began to talk.

From tomorrow's game, but the United States attack Iraq, the span is not small.

With the promotion of the liquor Bureau, some people who are not good at drinking directly lie on the table, which can't help causing other people's laughter.

About two hours later, except for Chen Yunxi and Yu Wenwen, who were drinking drinks, only Xu Ling and Tony were sitting on the table normally.

"Ha ha, Xu Ling is really a good drinker. In my Garda, I can hardly get my Baijiu whole. I didn't expect to meet my opponent today!" Tony also drank a lot. He was a little drunk at this time. He directly changed his international style of combining Chinese and English before, in the words of his hometown northeast.

With that, he was also unstable, lying on the table, snoring in the past.

"Brother, you're too powerful. You've drunk all the people at the table by yourself!" Seeing that the last one was too strong to drink, Yu Wenwen said with an unbelievable expression on her face, "I remember that you used to pour a cup?"

"Ha ha, your brother said the same thing to me, but at that time, he drank three bottles of wine, just like a nobody..." Chen Yunxi suddenly put in a mouth beside her, and then, like thinking of something, her face suddenly rose with a blush, and her words just stopped.

Xu Ling looked at her watch, and it was not too early. When she looked at all the people who had fallen, she could only know, "it seems that today's game is over. What should they do? To the hotel? "

"If there is room in Liuguo Hotel, just ask the waiters later, and then carry them directly." Yu Wenwen immediately told Xu Ling.

"So convenient? It's very good. " On hearing this, Xu Ling was relieved. He was the only man on the scene. If he really wanted to send them to the hotel, no one would accept the task except himself.

"And you? Shall I take you home? " After solving these men's problems, Xu Ling suddenly remembered the two girls on the side and immediately asked.

"No, after a while, the driver of my family will come and Wenwen will come to me. You are very busy today. When you finish dealing with them, you can go home and have a rest." Chen Yunxi's calm voice came to Xu Lingtong.

At this time, the waiter came in with a list, as if he knew they were going to pay.

Looking at the miserable situation in the room, the waiter was slightly stunned, and then walked towards Yu Wenwen in her greeting voice.

"You have spent a total of 25800 yuan this time. Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?" The magnetic voice of the waiter almost scared Xu Ling under the table.

A meal, 25800

Thirty thousand and forty-two.

For this price, Yu Wenwen was not surprised. She took out a bank card from her wallet and handed it to the waiter, "swipe card, swipe card!"

Then, she pointed to a few people lying on the table, "let's open a few rooms for them, one for two, one night, and the fee will be deducted directly from the card."

"All right! The double room costs 4500 yuan, a total of 30300 yuan. If you take out the change, you will be charged 30000 yuan! " With a smile, the waiter gave Yu another list, then took out a POS machine and brushed the card on it.

As Yu Wenwen finished inputting her password, a female voice came from the POS machine, "payment succeeded!"

Get it! There's nothing left for the next 30000 yuan

Looking at the two bills put down by the waiter, Xu Ling couldn't help laughing bitterly.

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