"Don't bother you, sir. We'll send someone to carry them to the room later." After paying the bill, Xu lingzheng wanted to lift a man up and ask the waiter the location of the room, so he was informed by the other party.

It's worthy of being a three meal restaurant. The service is really speechless. Xu Ling sighed to herself in her heart, but she didn't show off her ability immediately, and sat back in her seat.

"OK, there's nothing to help here, so I'll go back first." After a short rest, Xu Ling saw that he had nothing to do with himself, so he said.

"Brother, today is really hard for you!" Hearing Xu Ling's words, Yu Wenwen quickly nodded, and then went forward with a very kind thanks.

"Hey, you girl still have a little conscience." Xu Ling is slightly a Leng, then smile to return a, he didn't expect that Yu Wenwen would specially come to say this.

"Well, of course, I'm your good sister. How can I forget your kindness to me?" Yu Wenwen grabs Xu Ling's arm and shakes it left and right.

It's broken! Something happened again! Xu Ling felt Yu Wenwen's coquetry tone, and did not have a trace of enjoyment, but immediately thought of such a sentence.

"Brother, I'm going to play tomorrow. Although I know you must go back to watch it, I still want to remind you that you must go there at seven o'clock in the evening." Sure enough, Yu Wenwen didn't wait for Xu Ling to reply, then pouted her little mouth and said to Xu Ling.

Needless to say, if it wasn't for Yu Wenwen's special reminder, Xu Ling really didn't plan to go to the concert. After all, she wasn't in the city, and it would be a bit far away in the past.

But now people have found their face, and it's their sister again. It's hard to say if they refuse.

"Ha ha, all right, I'll be there." Helpless, Xu Ling had to nod down.

"Yeah ~" Yu Wenwen heard Xu Ling's affirmative response, and immediately jumped up and hung it on Xu Ling's neck, "I knew you were the best to me, brother!"

Yu Wenwen's intimacy made Xu Ling feel embarrassed for a while, and she immediately laughed and scolded, "OK, OK, big girl's, I don't know how shy she is. Hurry down, there are still people watching!"

"Hey hey, that person is a sister-in-law. The whole family cares so much about what to do." Yu Wenwen smile, more reluctant, and even swing up and down.

This is also thanks to Xu Ling medicine to strengthen the physique, if change before, neck must be broken.

Anyway, after Yu Wenwen came down, Xu Ling relaxed her neck a little bit, so she didn't wait for Yu Wenwen to say anything more, and asked again as if to confirm, "seven o'clock tomorrow night, right? OK, I'll be there on time

With that, he strode away.

"Brother, you must go!" Behind her, Yu Wenwen's sweet voice rang, but with an unquestionable tone of command.

Xu Ling raised a hand to say "don't worry", but she was full of bitter smile in her heart. After that, she was arranged

Well, it's OK anyway. It's good to see the performance. Xu Ling can't help comforting himself. When he thinks about it, he even begins to look forward to tomorrow's music festival.

Back home, Xu Ling got into the study without saying a word and started the update of today's novel.

No matter how busy the day is, three shifts a day is still necessary. After all, it is also a good way to get rich.

About an hour later, Xu Ling came out of the study with a stretch and looked at the clock. It was a quarter to twelve.

Seeing this, he could not help sighing. He secretly planned to write more manuscripts as long as he had time. If something happened suddenly, he would not be in such a hurry as today

Shanyan City

A place with rich cultural heritage in the world, according to the information Xu Ling found, it is probably the same as Wuzhen in her original world.

But the latter is the Internet, while the former is a music festival.

There will be a music festival every few months, big or small, simple or complex.

Among them, the most grand one is the once-a-year Shanyan grassland Music Festival, which is also the program that Yu Wenwen tries her best to prepare for.

As soon as he got off work, Xu Ling kept calling for a car. Although it was nearly an hour before the music festival, it was already a sea of people.

According to the address received in Feiyan, Xu Ling quickly finds Yu Wenwen, who is still in a secluded place and is nervously practicing.

"Wenwen, why are you still practicing?" Across a distance, Xu Ling called.

"Brother, you're here at last. I'm so nervous!" Yu Wenwen also heard Xu Ling's voice. She immediately stopped practicing and ran to Xu Ling. Her face was so nervous that she almost cried.

Along with Yu Wenwen came a handsome young man. Xu Ling remembered that this man also appeared at the dinner yesterday.

Remember the name is Ajie.

"Hello, Ajie, thank you for taking care of my sister." Xu Ling extended a hand to the latter and said hello,

"Hello! It's a great honor that Mr. Xu Ling can still remember me. " The man heard Xu Ling call out his name, immediately a little excited, quickly came forward to shake hands.

"Ha ha, you like to call others teachers just like Tony. I don't know anything about your circle." When Xu Ling heard ah Jie's way of addressing himself, she was stunned, and then joked.

"Brother, ah Jie is a student of Tony. Even his teacher calls you Mr. Xu Ling. What do you think he can call you?" Yu Wenwen covered her mouth with a smile and explained to Xu Ling.

"Yes, after reading the song written by Xu Ling, the teacher respects you very much and tells me that if I see you in the future, I must treat you as a teacher." Ah Jie added on one side.

"You think too much of me, that song is also a temporary idea, not much real talent." Xu Ling was somewhat embarrassed by the other party's praise. He said modestly and then changed the topic, "ah Jie, are you specially sending Wenwen here?"

"No, no, Mr. Xu Ling, I came to participate in the competition, too." Ah Jie quickly explained.

Xu Ling looks up and down at ah Jie. She has a good face and a well-balanced figure. She really looks like a little fresh meat. It's suitable for her to come to the draft.

However, ah Jie's appearance is very calm, and Yu Wenwen's appearance forms a strong contrast, which makes Xu Ling do not realize that he is also coming to participate in the competition.

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