"The competition system doesn't stipulate that people who have ever written songs won't be allowed to participate," Xia Xinyu continued to explain, "and he hasn't signed a contract with any company, so there's no reason to object this time."

"Hello, judges and teachers! Hello everyone, I'm Xie Feng At this time, Xie Feng on the stage also began to say hello to everyone and introduced himself.

The tone is calm, with a touch of self-confidence on his face, which is obviously different from other competitors. You can see that he is the one who runs this business.

"Xie Feng!" Wang Zijian stood up immediately after the other party's self introduction, "how can you remember to participate in this draft?"

"Yes, I want to compete with some players who have strength and dream, so that I can make more progress in my skills!" Xie Feng bowed his head and said modestly.

"Oh? Do you have any feelings after watching the performances of the previous players, or do you have anything to say to them? " Wang Zijian continued.

"Well..." Xie Feng thought a little for a while, and then said, "the players in front of us are playing very well. I think they are all excellent. Even if they are eliminated, I think if we continue to stick to our dream, we will certainly succeed."

Xie Feng answered this question very officially, and won bursts of applause on the field. Then, just after the applause subsided, he added, "but on the field, the winner is the winner. I think no one should be able to take the first prize from me!"


Absolutely crazy!

This has not started than the first place to press on their own, this is to need what kind of courage?

And it turns out that Xie Feng is really qualified. After he said these crazy words, the audience was boiling!

The name "Xie Feng" resounds directly from the venue, just like Yu Wenwen before, but this time, Xie Feng

I just came on stage and said two words. I haven't performed yet!

"Ha ha, good! If you have courage, I'll see how you can make sure that the champion is with you. "Xie Feng's words made Wang Zijian feel a little stunned, and then he burst out laughing and stretched out his hand," let's start when you're ready! "

Xie Feng nodded and waved back, then the staff pushed a box out.

When the box was opened, a set of drums appeared in everyone's sight.

On the side of the drum shelf, Xu Ling also saw the electronic organ, electric guitar and other musical instruments.

It's really a luxury equipment suit!

Drum kit? Isn't that for jazz? Thinking that Xie Feng is a rock player, Xu Ling can't help but have doubts in her heart.

"Dong Dong --"

At this time, Xie Feng has also played the drum.

The powerful sound came to the ears. It was a drum, but it felt like a big drum.

The sound lasted about half a minute. Suddenly, there was a bang, and the cymbal was hit violently. Then, the background music suddenly sounded!

Xie Feng tilted the drum for a while, then swung the drum stick, picked up the electric guitar, ran to the center of the stage, and began to play and sing crazily.

The whole process is very exciting, a full sense of power straight into the eyes of everyone!

Although Xu Ling doesn't know much about music, he is also brought in by this man's performance. In addition, his songs are also mixed with some elements of Chinese style, so he is more tolerant!

In the process of performance, Xie Feng also constantly switched the musical instruments to make the whole song changeable!

After the song was finished, the audience all stood up, as if they had just finished visiting the nightclub.


Without hesitation, everyone, including the judges, got up and clapped to thank Xie Feng for bringing them such a feast.

Even Xu Ling couldn't help standing up and clapping. No matter what identity Xie Feng came to participate in the competition, judging only from the aspect of making music, this person is really excellent.

Although ah Jie's rock music has changed before, compared with Xie Feng's, that kind of change is like a drop in the bucket. Moreover, even if there are so many changes, Xie Feng's performance has no sense of confusion.

This kind of mastery of music is worthy of the voice given by the four judges at the same time

"Yes, I have!"

The second contestant who passed the competition with all votes appeared at the last minute of the competition.

In the crowd is still cheering for Xie Feng, the host went on stage to say.

"Congratulations on Xie Feng's final selection by the judges. Well, after the wonderful and intense performance, eight contestants finally passed the selection by the judges. Now let's welcome these eight contestants to the stage again!"

80 contestants finally passed 8, and only two of them passed by all votes. This elimination rate even appeared directly in the audition, which is enough to show the severity of the judges.

As soon as the host's voice fell, eight people lined up and came up from the backstage again.

According to the order of promotion, ah Jie is in the front, Xie Feng is in the back, and Yu Wenwen is in the middle.

"Congratulations again to the eight players who have successfully passed the first round!" Eight people stood still, the voice of the host rose again, and a burst of applause broke out in the audience.

"Next, I'll read out the rules of the second round of the competition," the host said with a note card, "in the second round, it's going to be the singing session for the contestants and guests..."

When the rules are finished, Xu Ling is a little surprised. This talent show even lasts for three days. Today is just a preliminary contest.

Tomorrow will be the second round, with the popular stars and players performing a piece to the audience.

In order to avoid the star effect, in the competition, several singing guests are performing with their faces covered. Therefore, the key to the decisive victory lies in the brilliance of the whole competition.

"Next, let's welcome eight singers!" Just when Xu Ling was curious about how these guests should be selected, the host suddenly yelled at the audience.

A row of eight people, and then walk neatly on the stage, Xu Ling a look, it seems that before the singing of the few.

The treatment of stars and players is really different. As soon as they show up, the audience will blow up the pot and shout their favorite stars' names. The scene is lively again.

"Well, now let's invite the staff to bring up the number ball, and let the players select the guests with their partners in person." A small black box was taken out after the host finished speaking.

Then, in accordance with the order, starting from Ajie, eight players came on stage one by one to draw their own number ball.

After everyone has finished drawing, the host will again give the most sincere wishes to the audience, and then announce the formal end of tonight's concert!

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