"Xu Ling, are you waiting for your sister?" As the crowd gradually dispersed, Xu Ling still sat on the seat and did not move. Xia Xinyu asked in the back.

"Ang, I said before I came in. At the end, I'll wait for her in my seat first," Xu Ling nodded and said with a smile, "if she doesn't have the first time to congratulate her on her promotion, the girl will definitely have to fight with me again."

"Ha ha, your sister is really interesting." Xia Xinyu is also a knowing smile, and then waved, "OK, I'll go first, you wait here."

Xu Ling nodded to agree, then suddenly remembered a thing, quickly asked in a voice, "by the way, Miss Xia, you haven't said why you came here!"

"I came to the concert." Xia Xinyu looks back and naturally responds, then leaves without waiting for Xu Ling to respond.

Looking at Xia Xinyu's back, Xu Ling smiles.

Although I don't know what the purpose of her coming is, it is absolutely impossible for her to just come to the concert.

"Brother!" In Xu lingleng divine Kung Fu, suddenly from the side, came a very excited cry.

Follow the sound to see, Yu Wenwen is open arms, toward Xu Ling rushed over.

See this situation, Xu Ling quickly stood up, the same arm, to meet the other side of the bear hug.

"Brother, I'm promoted! Ha ha ha... "I can't hide my excitement. Even knowing that Xu Ling has been watching in the audience, Yu Wenwen said again.

"I know, I know, Wenwen is the best!" Yu Wenwen's intimate action made Xu Ling blush and quickly put him down.

"No, it's the song you wrote. You just conquered the Cobra!" At this time, Yu Wenwen was modest and praised Xu Ling.

"Cobra?" Xu Lingyi didn't understand for a moment.

"It's Wang Zijian. His mouth is so poisonous. What is it if he's not a cobra?" Hearing Xu Ling's question, Yu Wenwen immediately explained it.

"You girl, you've got a nickname for someone so soon. If he hears you, you should be careful to cancel your promotion quota!" Hearing the reason, Xu Ling immediately laughed and scolded.

"It's too late for him to keep me!" Yu Wenwen quite some proud Yang Yang head, for their own performance is also very confident.

"Wenwen is a contestant who passed by all votes, and the judges are definitely reluctant to let her go." At this time, ah Jie behind Yu Wenwen also spoke.

At this time, Xu lingcai realized that ah Jie was still following him, and immediately congratulated him.

The three exchanged greetings for a while. Suddenly ah Jie's phone rang. It was his teacher, Tony.

Obviously, Tony is very happy that both of them can be promoted. Even if there is a distance between him and the receiver, Xu Ling can also hear the excited tone there.

"The teacher is waiting for us outside. He has arranged a celebration party for us to pass." Hung up the phone, ah Jie said to Yu Wenwen, and then looked at Xu Ling, "the teacher heard that you are also here, so let me invite you to come."

Ah Jie said so sincerely that Xu Ling couldn't say a word when he wanted to refuse, so he had to nod his head, and several people went out of the stadium together.

"Ha ha, congratulations to the two stars of tomorrow As soon as he went out, Tony came up with a full face, and then looked at Xu Ling, "Mr. Xu Ling, today, several judges have a very high evaluation of you!"

Although I don't know who it is, Yu Wenwen's brother is a little angry tonight.

"Come on, don't talk about it. Get on the bus. There are still people waiting in Luoshi!" Without waiting for Xu Ling to reply, Tony waved his hand directly and let everyone follow him.

Xu Linggang is still struggling about how to go back. Tony directly solves his urgent problem. He smiles and goes straight into the car.

The car started and soon left Shanyan city and stopped in front of Liuguo hotel in Luoshi.

Under the leadership of Tony, several people came to the private room and pushed the door in. They were the same people last night.

Seeing Xu Ling and others coming in, the people in the room first got up and gave warm applause. They must have known today's results.

Even Chen Yunxi looks at Yu Wenwen with a happy smile. She seems very satisfied with the latter's performance today.

At the end of the short welcome ceremony, all the people sat down. Yu Wenwen talked about all kinds of interesting things backstage, making people laugh.

The whole private room is full of happy atmosphere.

Because there was something else to do the next day, I didn't drink too much at the dinner. After about an hour, I was full of wine and food.

Looking at the time, Xu Ling said hello to the crowd, found a taxi and went home.

After three hours of rock music, Xu Ling still feels the buzz in her ears.

After a simple shower, Xu Ling came to the study and sent the novel. Just as he was about to read the book review, the phone rang.

Pick up a look, unexpectedly is Yu Wenwen that wench's voice.

It's not long since we separated. What can this girl do? With a trace of doubt, Xu Ling got through.

"Hello, brother." As soon as I got through, I called in a low voice.

"I'm here! What's the matter? " Yu Wenwen's words made Xu Ling more strange.

"That... Elder brother," Yu Wenwen seemed to have something difficult to say and faltered.

"You say, I'll hang up if you don't say it again!" Yu Wenwen's way of speaking made Xu Ling anxious and threatened him.

"Brother, don't hang up. I said," this method really works. Yu Wenwen immediately compromised. Although it's still a little slow, she still said the matter out. "At noon tomorrow, the singers said they would invite me to dinner."

"It's very good to invite you to dinner. You have a good exchange and strive to get the champion..." Xu Ling heard what Yu Wenwen said. She didn't quite understand why she had to tell herself. She was responding seriously and was suddenly interrupted by the other party.

"I want you to go with me!" Yu Wenwen said this time very decisively.

"This... Is not very good." Xu Ling a burst of embarrassment, "you two players to go on the stage together to discuss, I'm not very good on one side."

"It's not a taxi. If it is, I won't look for you!" Yu Wenwen heard that Xu Ling still didn't know the truth. She immediately complained, "that's the group of singers. I think he's weird."

"What happened?" As soon as Xu Ling heard Yu Wenwen's tone, she found something strange and asked.

"It's the time when the perfect person is in the backstage..." Yu Wenwen recalled what happened at that time and explained it to Xu Ling.

Listening to Yu Wenwen's description, Xu Ling's eyebrows are frowning more tightly!

It turns out that after the show ended and everyone returned to the backstage, Yu Wenwen's singing guests even teased her! Besides, there were also some people who used to make moves. However, there were so many people at that time that they didn't do anything more excessive.

"There were so many people at that time that he didn't dare to do too much. You said he would ask me out alone tomorrow. What should I do?" Finish the matter, Yu Wenwen then asked pitifully.

"Wenwen, are you telling the truth?" Xu Ling is paying more attention to it now.

"It must be true. I am idle to frame him up!" Yu Wen complained.

"Good! Come to me first tomorrow morning, and I'll accompany you at noon! " Xu Ling immediately drew up a plan, "however, I can't accompany you openly. You go to the banquet normally. I'll observe in secret. If he really dares to do something wrong, I'll let him look good!"

Now, Xu Ling has to do two-way preparation. Who knows if the guest really just discusses the competition or wants to do something to Yu Wenwen.

But if the situation in the future

Xu Ling's eyes can't help but get cold. She dares to move her mind to my sister. Whether you are a star or Mingyue, you will be overwhelmed.

"Well, that's good, too!" Yu Wenwen agrees very much with Xu Ling's proposal.

"Well, let's have a rest early. Don't think about it. I'll be with you tomorrow. Don't be afraid of anything!" Xu Ling finally comforted and hung up the phone.

Slightly planning for tomorrow, Xu Ling suddenly remembered Yu Wenwen's performance on the stage today. With a smile, she opened Xiaoya in her mind and entered the personal panel.

After the last lucky draw, Xu Ling cleaned up her reputation. This time, it's more than 800.

Only a few days later, Xu Ling knew that most of the popularity was increased after Yu Wenwen finished singing that song. To say, the influence of this concert is really extensive.

Looking at the reputation of more than 800 people, Xu Ling stubbornly resisted the idea that he wanted to draw a lottery. It's all here. Why can't he bear to draw ten times?

Thinking of this, Xu Ling closed the personal panel, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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