Xie Feng in the backstage, after hearing his familiar accent coming from the masked man, smiles even more.

"Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? How dare you sing Cantonese songs Xie Feng doesn't seem to care that there are still people on the side, so he scolds coldly.

However, no matter what other people think, Xu Ling, who is on the stage, sings very seriously with the blessing of geshen potion.

"The sea and the sky" this song of beyond once swept the world where Xu Ling lived. It can be said that this is not only a song, but also a kind of faith!

How many people have listened to this song and shed tears, and how many people ignite their fighting spirit in this song!

I love freedom in my life

I'm afraid I'll fall down one day

Betrayed the ideal

Anyone can

I'll be afraid that one day you will share with me


Xu Ling, full of passion, sang this part of the chorus in the pure voice of Huang Jiaju.

The young man fighting for his dream is just like Yu Wenwen now. Even if he encounters setbacks, he will not give up easily!

After singing the previous paragraph, Yu Wenwen soon went to the street.

How many times?

In the face of coldness and ridicule


Yu Wenwen uses Putonghua, which is the special concern of Xu Ling, because she does not have time for unified training. If she is forced to sing Cantonese, she may not know how to pronounce it at the scene.

Therefore, Xu Ling explained that Yu Wenwen sang in Mandarin!

This time, the switch seems to have a good effect.

Xu Ling can see that the judges nodded slightly when Yu Wenwen spoke.

Of course, Xu Ling can sing all the songs by herself, but after all, this is a competition with Yu Wenwen as the main body. Anyway, the contestants still need to show themselves!

Therefore, when Xu Ling was composing the music, he ordered these matters:

She is the lead singer, and Xu Ling is responsible for harmony and tuning, as well as singing when necessary.

The expression of this song is like the change of a person's mood. At the beginning, it is a slow talk. At that time, the mood is relatively stable. With more and more talk, the mood in the heart is more and more excited.

Yu Wenwen, in the process of singing, seemed to be touched by the lyrics. When she was about to finish singing this song, she even made a slight sob!

Either she has suffered too many grievances today, or she doesn't want to be defeated like this. The figure of insisting on her dream in the lyrics seems to be reflecting herself. For various reasons, Yu Wenwen finally can't help but release her emotion at this time.

"Did you hear that, Yu Wenwen seems to be singing and crying?"

"Yes, I heard it too. My goddess cried!"

"Hey, why do you cry when people cry?"

"Wuwuwuwu, this song is really moving, really moving!"


More and more people under the stage feel the sobbing sound of Yu Wenwen's singing.

That kind of moving appearance, the broad masses of people raised a strong desire to protect! More fans who like Yu Wenwen very much roar that they are going to go on stage to comfort her.

As the song comes to an end, the last sentence is a solo without accompaniment. At this time, Xu Ling has completely stopped the harmony, and Yu Wenwen alone has finished singing with a crying voice.

After singing a song, the audience did not shout "champion" as Xie Feng did after his performance, nor did they feel as lifeless as other non featured players after their performance.

It's a sad and miserable look. Everyone seems to be infected by Yu Wenwen. They all look at the stage with tears in their eyes.

Not only the audience, but also the judges, Wang Zijian, who has always been merciless at the expense of others, are all red eyed.

It lasted for a long time, even Yu Wenwen's mood was calmed down, and everyone had not recovered.

As a result, it is a lively and exciting music event, no matter on the spot or on the TV screen, there is no sound.

The director in charge of the camera didn't know how to move the camera at this time.

"Old... Teacher, we're done." Yu Wenwen couldn't help saying that she had been airing on the stage for a long time.

She knew that she didn't control her emotion, but the judges' attitude of not judging and not letting her end made her extremely uncomfortable.

Yu Wenwen doesn't think it's a good phenomenon to cry when performing live. At least, in the songs she knows, no matter how sad the songs are, the singer can keep a good mood.

Therefore, Yu Wenwen thinks that she may live up to Xu Ling's expectation this time. She has told her that she must not be nervous and relax.

However, after singing that part of the song, I unconsciously felt a burst of sadness rush to my heart, and then, my mood was out of control without any sign!

Alas, Yu Wenwen sighs in her heart and looks at Xu Ling with apology. However, to her surprise, Xu Ling does not show any reluctance, but nods to her with a confident smile.

This expression in Yu Wenwen's eyes is more like encouragement, comfort, she also had to take a strong smile, nodded back.

"You... Yu Wenwen, I always forget to ask you, how old are you now?" After the reminder of the contestants, the judges also recovered. Wang Zijian rubbed his eyes and asked after thinking for a while.

"Just in his early twenties."

"What's the purpose of your coming to this competition?" Wang Zijian continued to ask questions that should have appeared in the first round.

"I... I want to realize my dream of becoming a singer!" After thinking about it, Yu Wenwen used a more appropriate reason.

"Good! What I want to say is that your dream has come true! At this moment, right now, you are definitely a qualified singer With that, Wang Zijian stood up and clapped his hands.

Under his leadership, almost everyone on the field did not speak, just clapped their hands in silence.

Wang Zijian's comments made Yu Wenwen look confused. She didn't respond to what the other person said.

But judging from the applause feedback from the scene, it seems to be a good phenomenon.

"Brother, are they... Cheering for us?" In the boiling environment at the scene, Yu Wenwen asked Xu Ling.

"Of course! I said, "we will win!" Xu Ling with a natural tone.

"But how? I sing so badly Yu Wenwen was so excited that she wanted to cry. Her emotions that she had held back suddenly burst out again, and her eyes became red.

Xu Ling did not speak, patted each other on the shoulder, pointing to the stage.

The bursts of cheers and praise directly replaced Xu Ling's response to Yu Wenwen.

"Look at the reaction. Do you still think you sing badly?" Xu Ling with a smile, gently explained some.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you... "The excited Yu Wenwen didn't care about her image any more. She was tearful and kept bowing in all directions to thank her.

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