Xie Feng's mood at this time is not very good, looking at the strong applause inside the TV screen, his face can not help but black down.

However, although Yu Wenwen for the performance of this group is more surprised, but Xie Feng is not flustered, because he still has this confidence.

It's just that he didn't see this group make a fool of themselves, which made him feel uncomfortable.

In the crowd's applause, Xu Ling and Yu Wenwen walked off the stage, just to see Xie Feng's face is not very good in front of the TV screen.

Xu Ling also took off the mask at this time, with some joking expression, staring at each other, "Xie Feng, what's the matter with you? Why don't you look so happy? "

"Well, it's just a little achievement. Do you think you can win?" Xie Feng didn't give in at all. He was still arrogant.

"Wait and see." Xu Ling doesn't argue either. He knows that when he finishes singing on his side, the popularity card has already taken effect.

Finish saying, Xu Ling also does not wait, thank you! Feng want to say something, pull Yu Wen, Wen went to one side, there is a special place for players to rest.

"Wow! Wenwen, your combination is too strong. " Here two people have not found a place to sit down, there ah Jie ran over, excited praise.

Ah Jie has no idea that Yu Wenwen's singing guest is Xu Ling. Just now, after seeing the face after taking off the mask, he was so surprised that he almost didn't cry out.

"Sorry, ah Jie, I didn't tell you before." Think of ah Jie before worried about their appearance, Yu Wenwen slightly apologetic back.

"I know, I know! Save your strength. You have to tell me early. Maybe you won't feel like that! " Ah Jie's face was grinning, a very understanding look.

"I think you can definitely compete with Xie Feng for the first place this time!" Ah Jie didn't wait for the two to respond, then he said again.

"Ah Jie, if you want to behave normally, you will certainly be able to compete for this position. All the players who come here are not weak." Xu Ling patted the latter on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

Ah Jie sniffed the speech and shook his head with a bitter smile. "Mr. Xu Ling, I already know that there is a big gap between us. The final fight in this competition must be for Wen Wen and Xie Feng. The rest of us are just on stage to make time."

"Ah Jie Ge, don't say that. In the first round, you are the first one to advance. This time, you can definitely make everyone's eyes shine. Come on!" Yu Wenwen looked at ah Jie's dejected expression and immediately encouraged him.

Although so said, but the competition is the competition after all, if really according to the strength, ah Jie really can't compare with Xie Feng.

Xu Ling shook his head and said nothing more, but finally warned, "don't be nervous, don't give yourself too much pressure! It's just like the performance in training

"Well!" Being encouraged by two people, ah Jie's confidence increased a little. He nodded heavily and went to one side to prepare for his own state.

After ah Jie left, there were only Xu Ling and Yu Wenwen left in the rest room. Except Xie Feng, all the players who had finished performing in front of him probably knew that their performance was not very good, so they left directly, and Xie Feng disdained to come to the rest room.

"Brother, just now, I really can't help crying. Why do they think I sing well?" With the surrounding quiet down, Yu Wenwen suddenly with a face of doubt expression, looking at Xu Ling asked.

Before on the stage, Xu Ling just pointed out to her the audience's reaction, and did not explain it carefully.

"Why do you sing and cry?" Xu Ling did not answer, asked directly.

Speaking of this, Yu Wenwen suddenly blushed, "because... Because I suddenly feel that this song is just like me. It's clear that I simply participated in the competition, but I met someone like Xu Kun. If you were not there at that time, I couldn't imagine what would be the outcome waiting for me."

With these words, Yu Wenwen's expression was still a little frightened.

Xu Ling touched Yu Wenwen's head with a smile, "this is the reason. No matter you are a creator or a singer, if you want to really sing a song well, you must integrate with this song!"

After a pause, Xu Ling went on to explain, "although you are crying, it is just like this that the judges and the audience feel your inner strength!"

Xu Ling explained more abstruse, Yu Wenwen just nodded.

"So... Do you think we can beat Xie Feng?" Yu Wenwen suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Ha ha, you really care about this." Xu Ling laughed for a while and joked.

"Brother ~" Yu Wenwen's just recovered face turned red again. She glanced shyly at Xu Ling and got angry.

At this time, Xu Ling put on a serious expression, "Wenwen, didn't I say that? This time we are here for the championship

Looking at Xu Ling's confident face, Yu Wenwen, for some reason, trusts him very much and agrees with Xu Ling's words in her heart.

The two of them chatted with each other. Through the TV screen, the host on the stage called out the last player on the stage - ah Jie!

The other two don't care. They still pay more attention to ah Jie. After all, ah Jie is their companion.

So hearing the news that he was going to play, Xu Ling and Yu Wenwen came out of the lounge and walked to the place where they could clearly see the backstage TV screen.

Yu Wenwen is shouting "come on!" to ah Jie who is going to the stage

Ah Jie heard Yu Wenwen's cry and immediately turned back to make a winning gesture. His expression was not as nervous as he had just lost confidence. As he was approaching the stage, he was obviously more open.

For ah Jie's state, Xu Ling silently praised him. No matter what the result is, at least his attitude towards the challenge is worthy of affirmation.

On the other hand, Yu Wenwen is even more nervous than herself. Her eyes are staring at ah Jie's leaving figure, and her body is shaking.

"Don't worry, ah Jie will play his best this time." Xu Ling comforted Yu Wenwen.

Ah Jie, standing on the stage, is more relaxed than he was for the first time. He is probably under the guidance of his singing assistants. When he performs, he even knows how to interact with the audience

So after a performance, he did not make the audience lose interest, but pulled up another low atmosphere after Yu Wenwen left.

Although the audience's response was not as enthusiastic as Xie Feng and Yu Wenwen, it was a very good result compared with other players.

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