Last week, the curtain came down in the perfect ending of Yu Wenwen's winning the championship. On Monday, Xu Ling got up early today.

For nothing else, it's all because the Three Kingdoms program has come to the end. This series of programs are famous for their good reputation on the radio. At the end, Xu Ling doesn't want to think of anything.

The more careful you should be in the end, which is the truth you know when you are young.

After getting up to wash completely, Xu Ling is about to start calling out Xiaoya to see what Professor Yi Zhongtian said again. Suddenly, his mobile phone rings.

Pick up a look, Yu Wenwen three words into the eye.

"Hey, what can I do for you, champion?" Xu Ling answers the phone and laughs.

"Brother!" The opposite side obviously heard Xu Ling's tone of teasing, and immediately got angry. Then, the front of the conversation turned, with a mysterious tone, "I'll tell you something."

"What's the matter?" As soon as Xu Ling listens to Yu Wenwen's tone, she knows what's wrong with her. When Chen Yunxi came to her home before, Yu Wenwen, who informs herself, used this tone.

"My sister-in-law won't let me say it, but I think I still have to tell you about it!" Yu Wenwen's tone is very serious, like an undercover.

"Chen Yunxi?" Xu Ling was puzzled for a while. Last night, he didn't respond to the Feiyan he sent to the other party. He would hear Yu Wenwen say that again. What's wrong.

"I tell you, my sister-in-law's father is in hospital. He said that there was an accident." Yu Wenwen's voice is very small. As soon as she hears it, she knows it's a covert call.

Chen Yunxi's father?

That's my father-in-law!

Xu Ling Leng for a moment, suddenly a slap thigh reaction, good guy, he almost forgot that he and Chen Yunxi have not divorced.

"In hospital! Have you suffered multiple injuries? " Xu Ling immediately asked.

"Well, my sister-in-law said she was seriously injured. Last night, she held me and cried." Yu Wenwen continues to reveal to Xu Ling.

So, Xu Ling can't help but feel nervous. When she asked her last night, she said she was OK and didn't have to worry about it.

"Do you know which hospital to stay in?" Xu Ling sighed and asked again.

"I'll go to see you. My sister-in-law has something to do today. Let me help him to visit the old man. If you want to go, come with me." Yu Wenwen said that after receiving Xu Ling's confirmation, she hung up.

By Yu Wenwen notice to this news, originally wanted to write Xu Ling also had no mood.

Chen Yunxi is just the same. She doesn't say anything to herself. But when you think about it carefully, it's no wonder that Xu Ling couldn't do anything before, let alone share Chen Yunxi's troubles. Now it's normal for the other party to rely on him for nothing.

Although his father-in-law has never seen him once, since he was injured, his son-in-law has to go and have a look.

Of course, it's not enough just to see. Xu Ling ran to the room to look for it, and finally found a plaster at the bottom of the cabinet.

Wanshu master paste!

This thing was obtained by Xu Ling when he smoked ten times in a row for the first time. At that time, the only thing he used was the card that made his wish come true.

This medicine stick has never had a chance to use, but hearing the news Yu Wenwen said, Xu Ling immediately thought of this thing.

The doorbell rang as soon as the house was finished.

Don't think about it. It must be Yu Wenwen.

Xu Ling quickly ran to open the door. Sure enough, Yu Wenwen's worried little face appeared at the door.

"So soon?" Although early on, Xu Ling was a little surprised.

But after seeing the car behind the girl, I was relieved. Now the coauthors are all picked up by the car, and there is a full-time driver.

"Hurry up and get on the bus with me, don't talk nonsense!" Yu Wenwen didn't say a word more, so she directly took Xu Ling to the car.

"Wait, I'll lock the door!" Xu Ling didn't expect Yu Wenwen to be so resolute. She yelled and took the door with her.

Then he got on the bus with Yu Wenwen.

"Uncle Chen, how did you become a driver for this girl today?" Xu Ling got on the bus, saw the driver, and immediately recognized the man.

Xu Ling is Chen Yunxi's husband's business. Although the outside world doesn't know about it, there are still insiders. Chen Bo is one of them.

When Xu Ling went to Chen Yunxi's house, he met the old man several times.

"When the master has an accident, the young lady won't let the uncle know. Wenwen will tell me that if I can call you up, I will go against the will of the young lady. After all, it's not good to keep this from you." When he started the car, Chen explained to Xu Ling.

"Well, thank you, Chen Bo." What the other party said was enough to prove that he looked at himself from the perspective of his own people.

A few people talk, the car drove to the door of the hospital.

After getting off the bus, they followed Chen Bo and went to the inpatient department.

Take the elevator, three people have come to the top floor, just stopped, here is belong to the super member special floor, with the elevator door opened, Xu Ling immediately felt different.

First of all, the most prominent feature is that the whole floor has no smell of disinfectant.

Chen Bo got off the elevator and walked about several tens of meters before he stopped in front of a door.

And they just came to the door, the door suddenly "click" opened!

An unexpected face appeared in front of us - Chen Yunxi!

"Sister in law!"


In addition to Xu Ling, the remaining two people all issued a burst of exclamation.

Chen Yunxi didn't care about the two, but fixed her eyes on Xu Ling, who was standing at the back, "how did you come?"

Tone revealed a wave of doubt, after asking, and looked at the front of Chen Bo and Yu Wenwen.

Needless to say, Xu Ling's presence here must be the reason for these two people.

"My father is hurt. Why don't you tell me?" Xu Ling then stepped in front of Yu Wenwen and Chen Bo and looked at Chen Yunxi and said.

"You... What did you just call?" Different from what Xu Ling thought, Chen Yunxi didn't explain to herself. Instead, she looked at herself in surprise and asked.

"Father? What's the matter? What's the problem? " This once again made Xu Ling feel at a loss. Did she do something different from the original owner.

"Xiao Xi, who's here?" At this time, in the room, came a sound some weak voice.

"Dad, Uncle Chen, they're here." Chen Yunxi quickly responded to the room.

"Why don't you let them in and stand outside?" The voice in the room asked again.

"That father, and Xu Ling also came." After much hesitation, Chen Yunxi said the name again.

"What did you say? Here comes Xu Ling! " The sound inside increased several decibels, but I can't tell whether I'm happy or angry.

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