The reaction of the people inside made Xu Ling a little strange. Did the original owner of the body ever make his father-in-law angry again.

Want to reach here, Xu Ling can't help but feel embarrassed. He doesn't know anything. How should he respond at that time?

"Come in, please." Just when Xu Ling was still thinking wildly, Chen Yunqian suddenly pulled him back.

Xu Ling didn't expect that there were so many situations, but at this time, he couldn't help thinking about them. He nodded slightly and followed Chen Yunxi to the room with a worried mood.

Inside the room, an old man was half lying on the bed, smiling at the people coming in.

Xu Ling knows that this is Chen Guobiao, the father of Chen Yunxi, the current chairman of the board of directors of sounds of nature.

Looking at Chen Guobiao's expression, Xu Ling was puzzled again. It seems that he didn't offend him!

"Xiaoling, I didn't expect that you would come to see me one day." Xu Ling is still hesitating here. He doesn't know what to say. Chen Guobiao talks first.

"As a child, I will come to see my father when he is suffering." Xu lingnao scratched his head in a more official way.

"Good, good! I'm so glad that you're willing to recognize me as a father Chen Guobiao's tone is full of joy, and he wants to get up and have a closer look at Xu Ling.

Seeing this, Xu Ling immediately stepped forward and comforted the old man on the bed. "Dad, you haven't recovered yet. Lie down first!"

Now that Xu Ling has come to him, Chen Guobiao doesn't struggle to get up. He reaches out and touches the person in front of him. His eyes are full of excitement.

"Dad, why did you have an accident?" After exchanging greetings with the old man for a while, Xu Ling suddenly asked.

As the chairman of a large company, it is natural for him to be equipped with drivers, and these drivers must have been trained professionally. It is with such preconditions that this accident is so strange!

"I don't know about that. Lao Yang usually drives very steadily, but this time he doesn't know what's going on. It seems that the other party's car hit the top on purpose." When it comes to this issue, Chen Guobiao's eyebrows are also wrinkled, as if he is very puzzled about the situation at that time.

"If you think about it, are there any missing details, such as what the driver in the other party's car looks like?" Listen to Chen Guobiao said so doubtful, Xu Ling can't help but ask again.

"Brother, how can you be the same as the police? You came to see your uncle. Why do you ask so many questions? My uncle has just recovered. Don't let him use his head!" Xu Ling's voice just fell, Chen Guobiao has not responded, standing on one side of Yu Wenwen is the first to say, the tone is full of complaints.

Being reminded by Yu Wenwen, Xu Ling immediately responded that her purpose was to visit the elderly, but not to investigate the case. Then she gave an embarrassed smile and changed the topic, "by the way, Dad, how do you feel now?"

"It's OK. The recovery is almost over. If the doctor didn't have to let me stay in hospital for observation, I would have gone out long ago!" Chen Guobiao patted chest, feeling very strong said.

But as soon as he finished, he coughed violently.

This let Chen Yunxi quickly run up, with a angry tone, "OK, Dad, you don't try to be brave, the doctor said you didn't recover, you certainly didn't recover!"

"Cough... Alas, the older you are, the more useless you are. Just fall like this, that's it." After another cough, Chen Guobiao recovered and waved to Chen Yunxi not to worry. Then he sighed helplessly.

"You forgot how many laps the car had turned, didn't you?" Chen Yunxi is very impolite to dismantle her father's platform.

Chen Guobiao's old face was red, and he hurried away from the topic, urging him to say, "don't talk nonsense. How many circles have been broken up? It's a small accident." yes, Yun Xi, are you still busy? Hurry up

Chen Yunxi is probably confused by the arrival of Xu Ling. She will be reminded to react immediately. She looks at her watch and looks worried. "Then I'll go first, Dad. You must listen to the doctor and don't try to be brave!"

"Don't worry!" Chen Guobiao nodded in response.

Getting her father's affirmative answer, Chen Yunxi nodded to everyone again. Then she stopped looking at Xu Ling for a while and pushed the door out without saying anything.

After Chen Yunxi left, the whole room fell into silence.

Xu Ling sits by the bed, looking at Chen Guobiao, and wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say. He and the man in front of him are really not familiar with each other. He can't pull out some old things.

Fortunately, at this time, the doctor pushed the door in, looking at the room surrounded by many people, can't help but frown, "how so many people here, don't know patients need to rest?"

Xu Ling was startled by the sound. Turning around, she saw a beautiful woman with short hair in a white coat.

"Ha ha, Dr. Li, it's OK. They all come to see my family. It's OK." Chen Guobiao seems to have more respect for the one in front of him, so he politely explains it.

"What you need now is rest, rest, visit, not so many people together!" The doctor Li was still reluctant. With that, he went to Xu Ling, who was closest to Chen Guobiao, and said with some reproach, "tell me about you. How can you be so polite that you don't even know that the wounded need to rest? So many of you come to see him, is it for him? It's killing him

Dr. Li's voice and color were fierce, which scared Xu Ling hard to speak. He was stunned for a long time, then nodded and replied, "sorry, this time we are really abrupt. I don't know the guidance of Dr. Li."

In the hospital, we should listen to the doctor. After all, the patients still need her to take care of them.

"Well, it's good to know. You can do whatever you want. I'm going to change the dressing for Mr. Chen." Seeing that Xu Ling's attitude was not bad, Doctor Li nodded, and his tone was no longer so blunt, and said to the public.

"That's OK, Xiao Ling. I remember you have to work in the afternoon. Don't delay. I have no problem here. Let's work hard." Chen Guobiao also told everyone.

"Well, Dad, take good care of yourself and listen to Dr. Li." Xu Ling nodded, then stood up and left the room with Yu Wenwen.

In such a process, Yu Wenwen didn't say a word from beginning to end, which made Xu Ling feel strange. He was afraid that Yu Wenwen, who had always had a temper, would go back when Doctor Li was so strict. He didn't expect that she was honest and didn't look like herself at all.

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