The main reason why Li Mengling believed Xu Ling's complicated things was that he showed his hand in the daytime and cured Chen Guobiao's body, which was seriously injured.

There is such an example in front of his eyes, Li Mengling has to believe it, because there is really no other explanation to explain this kind of thing.

Now that he has made it clear what he has done, Xu Ling will have a chat with Li Mengling next, but most of them are Li Mengling's questions and Xu Ling's answers.

The two people talk like this. Li Mengling also knows the identity of Xu Ling. It turns out that he is the son-in-law that master Chen has been talking about!

"I didn't expect Yunxi to have a husband like you." Li Mengling couldn't help looking at Xu Ling more and sighed.

From the tone of the other party, Xu Ling heard a hint of disbelief, and immediately shook his head in response, "it's just nominal, don't worry about it."

"When Xiyun decided to marry, I was still abroad, otherwise I would certainly dissuade her." Li Mengling looked Xu Ling up and down again and said harshly.

It seems that she is not satisfied with Xu Ling.

Originally, she thought that Mr. Chen had some excellent skills after Xu Lingshi cured him, but after hearing the explanation from the other party, she immediately understood that this person was not capable, just had bad luck.

Although what Xu Ling said has yet to be verified, at present, we have to believe it first.

"Yes, yes, I'm just a small radio anchor. I really don't match a big star like Chen Yunxi." Xu Ling also doesn't want to argue with Li Mengling. Years of experience tells him that the last thing a man should do is argue with a woman, because you can't argue, whether it's reasonable or unreasonable.

"Well, you know a little bit about yourself." Seeing that Xu Ling didn't get angry because of his disdain, instead, he acknowledged with humility, and Li Mengling's tone also eased a little.

Next, they fell into a long silence.

"By the way, listen to your tone, you and Chen Yunxi are friends?" After awkwardness for a while, Xu Ling found a topic to talk about.

"Yes, she and I grew up together, and we are very close friends." Speaking of this topic, Li Mengling immediately nodded and said.

"Oh, so it is." Xu Ling nodded, which was the end of the topic.

After Xu Ling finished, the scene quieted down again.

Two people are immersed in their coffee, silent, the whole room filled with embarrassment.

After a while, Xu Lingshi couldn't stand the atmosphere in the room. He drank the cup of coffee directly and proposed, "now that everything is finished, if there is nothing else for Doctor Li, I will leave."

Xu Ling's words seemed to be in line with Li Mengling's idea. She stood up and said, "well, I probably understand what you mean, but if I look for you later, you must be on call. Do you hear me?"

"What? Why On hearing Li Mengling's words, Xu Ling immediately glared and exclaimed.

"Why do you say that! What you said is like a fantasy novel. Do you think I can believe it? " Li Mengling held his chest in both hands, a natural look.

Xu Ling choked for a while speechless, want to argue, but a think they still have a handle in the other hand, they had to stiffly complain to swallow back to the stomach.

"Do you hear me?" See Xu Ling silent, Li Mengling directly and harshly repeated a sentence.

"I know... I know." Xu Ling helpless should come down, face is still full of unwilling.

"What? You're not happy with that? " Hearing Xu Ling's affirmative response, Li Mengling is still reluctant and finds fault in the other party's attitude.

"No, I'm very happy. It's a great honor for Dr. Li to come to me." Xu Ling quickly changed his face, a pair of bright spring, how happy to be.

"Well, that's about the same." Although I know that Xu Ling is unwilling, but at least now the performance is still good, Li Mengling reluctantly let him go.

"Well, if Dr. Li doesn't have anything to tell me, I'll leave." Xu Ling doesn't want to stay here for a second now. This woman is much more difficult than she imagined.

Li Mengling did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Xu Ling didn't hesitate. He bowed and left. He thought that he was also a popular novel writer, a member of the provincial Literature Association, a famous radio anchor and a series of honors. Now, like a running dog, he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

It's too much!

Xu Ling has already said this, and Li Mengling has no reason to stop him.

Out of the coffee shop, Xu Linggang from just the thrill of mind, immediately found himself in another problem.

It's located in the suburb. It's too late to make an appointment with Li Mengling. I explained it in tears. It's been more than an hour before and after. Now it's completely dark when I go out.

The bright moonlight sprinkles on the ground, like a layer of frost, which also represents Xu Ling's cold heart at the moment.

Don't talk about buses, even taxis don't go this way.

Isn't it? Is it going to walk back? Xu Ling yelled in his heart. When he came, he didn't expect this.

"Xu Ling, why are you still here?" When Xu Ling was at a loss, a voice suddenly came from the roadside.

Looking up, a Volkswagen Beetle stopped steadily in front of him. In the car, it was Li Mengling who had just separated.

"This..." Xu Ling wants to say that he can't go, but he can't say it. After all, he wants to have less relationship with this woman.

Doctors are cold-blooded, this sentence is really not cover.

"Get in the car. There can't be any public transport here now." Seeing Xu Ling's hesitation, Li Mengling directly saw through Xu Ling's idea, "click" to open the co driver's door and speak.

Xu Ling hesitated again and again, and finally bit his teeth and got into the car.

The dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, he has been caught by the other party, and he is not afraid to trouble her again.

On the car, Xu Ling directly said his address, the purpose is very obvious: take me there.

"Hey, you guy, you really think I'm your driver!" Li Mengling felt a little uncomfortable about Xu Ling's attitude and immediately complained.

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