"Thank you, Dr. Li!" Xu Ling did not dare to make a mistake and immediately changed into a gentle tone

Although complaining, Li Mengling still kindly sent Xu Ling to the door of her house. After warning her again to pay attention to her contact, he drove away.

Open the door into the home, Xu Ling only feel physically and mentally tired, he suddenly a little realize Chen Yunxi tired.

The feeling of acting is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

In particular, it's Xu Ling's ability to suppress tears. Tonight, Xu Ling has improved a lot.

After a little rest, Xu Ling came to the study to finish the novel, and then came to the bathroom to take a shower to dispel the fatigue.

After everything was done, Xu lingjiu was lying in bed before ten o'clock.

After thinking about life for a while, Xu Ling suddenly turned over and sat up, shouting, "Xiaoya!"

"Hello, host!" I'm afraid Xiaoya is the only voice speaking so politely with Xu Ling today.

"Open personal panel!" Xu Ling ordered.

As soon as the voice fell, the virtual panel appeared. Looking at her reputation, Xu Ling was surprised to find that today's reputation has risen by more than 500!

Although the program of "Three Kingdoms" is a blessing, generally speaking, Xu Ling's program of "zhidaoguang" will gain a reputation of at most 200 a day.

But it's more than 500, and it's finished in one day today!

The other three hundred, don't think, can only be Li Mengling! Because today she saw what she had done.

Only one person can do so, which is enough to show the strong influence of Li Mengling!

Want to reach here, Xu Ling quickly ran to the study, open the computer, search from Li Mengling this person up.

This does not search do not know, a search startled, Li Mengling directly occupied the front page! A big picture is as like as two peas of a person who was not long ago.

In Chen Bo's introduction, Xu Ling has probably felt that Li Mengling is a powerful person, but now through searching cat Encyclopedia for popular science, she is even more surprised.

Good guy, I've got another big man this time!

Xu Ling turned off the computer and went back to her bedroom. She immediately responded and said to Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, I want ten cigarettes in a row!"

We can't wait to die. We must take a chance to get something that can solve this problem.

"The lucky draw interface is ready. Do you want the host to confirm the start?" Soon, the familiar round board appeared in front of Xu Ling.

Ten in a row, you can spend 1000 reputation at a time, and you can get an extra boutique prop. Although you will get a debuff, Xu Linghuo goes out in order to get rid of Li Mengling.

"Confirm!" Without hesitation, Xu Ling called.

The pointer immediately began to rotate, just like before, before Xu Ling could react, ten props had been placed in the item list.

Take a look, in addition to those ordinary daily necessities, there are two bottle props and a card.

Xu Ling quickly took out the three things.

To his great disappointment, one of the props in the bottle turned out to be fat house happy water!

Xu Ling even doubts whether it's out of date if she can get it from Xiaoya.

Look at another bottle. It's a little comforting for Xu Ling.

Kitchen God potion!

Just like its name, after drinking, it directly gives users the power of God of food.

Say good or not, say bad or not. Although it is a blessing for Xu Ling, it has little effect on the current situation.

Without hesitation, he drank the medicine, and Xu Ling began to look at the card again.

There's only one big word on the card - bad luck!

The others don't have any introduction. However, just looking at this word, Xu Ling knows that this card is not something to use on herself.

Because of this word, it's really disgusting!

Ignoring other things, Xu Ling did not wait for Xiaoya to remind her this time, but said, "give me the hidden high-quality props!"

Nonsense, this ten even smoke, is to rush this thing to come over!

High quality props are always the most anticipated thing.

"Good host, opening the gift box of exquisite props." Xiaoya, everything is going according to the rules.

As soon as Xiaoya's voice fell, Xu Ling felt a flash in front of him. After closing his eyes slightly, he looked forward to what he had got.

"Congratulations to the host, get disposable props, forget water!" Without waiting for Xu Ling to observe completely, Xiaoya said it directly with joy.

Love forgetting water?

Doesn't that sound like something for your own use? Xu Ling in the heart of the abdominal Fei.

"What's the use of this?" Xu Ling quickly asked, for what he did not know, must first understand, after all, good or bad is also a thousand.

It took me a lot of work to earn it!

"Love forgetting water can erase the memory of the drinker in the last three days. It's a disposable product!" Xiaoya explained in detail.


After hearing Xiaoya's explanation, Xu Ling immediately brows a pick, an impulse rushed to his heart.

Three days!

Memory erasure!

Isn't that what you need?

"Xiaoya, I love you!" Every time it was like this, Xu Ling called out directly and loudly.

If the other party has entity, Xu Ling really wants to hold it up and kiss it.

"Xiaoya loves the host, too!" Xiaoya is not shy at all. After all, it's artificial intelligence. It comes back directly.

Take out the water, Xu Ling began to plan how to let Li Mengling drink this thing.

But thinking of this, Xu Ling couldn't help frowning.

There is really no intersection between Li Mengling and himself. If we want to discuss something, it's impossible. They can't go on with the discussion just for an hour.

Let alone discuss anything else.

There's no common topic, OK?

Although Li Mengling asked Xu Ling's phone to come over and let him be on call, if she didn't contact Xu Ling in the past three days, wouldn't this medicine be useless?

"The next host will get a 24-hour debuff!" Just when Xu Ling was in a mess, Xiaoya's voice remembered again.

When it comes to Xu Ling's mind, his eyes brighten. This time, when Xu Ling hears that he has debuff, he is not frightened, but full of expectation.

Now, here's the chance!

"Come on, tell me what debuff is!" When Xu Ling was talking, she was a little excited.

"A stiff pillow." Xiaoya said two words briefly.

With that, Xu Ling only felt a deep pain in his neck, and then he tilted his neck unconsciously.

Sure enough, it's still so unreasonable.

Xu Ling shakes his head helplessly when he gets debuff again, which brings out his cold sweat.

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