After explaining to Xu Ling, Wu Qinglian left the radio station in a hurry and rushed to the airport.

As for what she said before she left, Xu Ling naturally kept it all in mind.

Zhu Xu had a problem with him.

This time, he was in charge again and became the number one person in the youth group. Everything in the group was arranged by Zhu Xuyi.

With Zhu Xu's villain bearing, once he gains power, he will not easily let go of those who have offended him, such as Xu Ling.

What's more, the bad luck effect of Lucky Dice has not been invalid.

"Well, it's a blessing, not a misfortune. It's a misfortune. Let it be

Xu Ling sighed, determined to be a Buddhist youth, everything with fate.

At noon, when he got home, Xu Ling was surprised to find that the big round table in the living room was full of rich dishes, and the heat could be seen.

Xu Ling was shocked. When he heard Yu Wenwen's beautiful voice coming from the kitchen, he understood it instantly.

Across a room, Xu Ling yelled: "Wenwen, what a good day is it today, making such a table of good wine and good food?"

Not long after, Yu Wenwen came out of the kitchen with a plate of delicious red braised meat.

Her face brimmed with a bright smile, said: "brother, you wash your hands to eat, we ah, eat and chat! Otherwise, the food will be cold. "

Xu Ling felt reasonable and nodded. After washing her hands, she sat opposite to Yu Wenwen.

"Come on, brother, try my craft. Does this braised pork taste good? "

Yu Wenwen picked up a thin and fat braised meat and put it into Xu Ling's bowl with a smile on her face.

"OK, I'll try it."

Xu Ling picked up the braised meat, put it into his mouth and tasted it carefully.

The flavor of braised pork is very strong. It has a sweet smell. It's like barbecue. It's fat but not greasy. It melts in the mouth. It's really wonderful.

"Emmm... It's delicious. Wenwen, your skill is comparable to that of a five-star chef!"

Xu Ling thumbs up and praises Yu Wenwen sincerely.

"If it's delicious, eat more!"

Yu Wenwen picked up chopsticks and prepared to pick up some more pieces of braised meat for Xu Ling, but she was stopped by the latter.

"It's not urgent to have a meal. Let's talk about what good thing you met today." Xu Ling put down his chopsticks and looked forward to it.

Yu Wenwen winked playfully, "brother, would you like to guess first?"

"Good." With a smile, Xu Ling lowered her head to think about it and said, "is it your sister-in-law who's going to hook you up?"


Yu Wenwen opened her lips slightly, "brother, how can you guess so accurately? Is it not my sister-in-law who told you in advance? "

Xu Ling shakes his head. "You quit your job. I have nothing to do here. Apart from entering the entertainment industry, what else can you do?"

"Emmm, OK." Yu Wenwen nodded slightly and said, "you are right. My sister-in-law did come to me this morning to discuss with me about entering the entertainment industry."

Xu Ling picked to pick eyebrow, "she comes here to look for you?"

Yu Wenwen nodded, "however, my sister-in-law ran back in a hurry after she finished. He said he wanted to catch a plane to Shanyan city and continue filming. "

Xu Ling added: "tell me more about what Chen Yunxi talked about with you."

Yu Wenwen thought a little and asked, "brother, do you know the grassland Music Carnival held every year in Shanyan city?"

"I know something about it."

Xu Ling nodded slightly, and the music festival will be held in some big and emotional cities all over the country.

Among them, the grassland Music Carnival in Shanyan city is quite famous, almost every year, and some famous singers and bands will be invited to perform.

As for ticket prices, they are not as expensive as concert tickets.

Less than 200 tickets, you can enjoy a feast of hearing, it is worth the money.

  Although most of the singers and bands invited are lukewarm, three famous stars will be invited to sit in each phase of the festival. On the one hand, it is to highlight the mood and enhance the quality.

Xu Ling suddenly asked: "don't tell me, among the three big stars invited this time, is there Chen Yunxi?"

Yu Wenwen nodded, "sister-in-law is shooting in Shanyan City, just in time."

Xu Ling asked again, "but what does this have to do with you?"

"Hee hee, brother, you just haven't been there." Yu Wenwen gave a mysterious smile and explained: "this music festival has three stages, one for ordinary singers, one for famous stars, and the last one is specially prepared for ordinary people. It's a small-scale talent show. At that time, there will be many celebrities from the entertainment circle..."

Yu Wenwen said only half of the words, but Xu Ling fully understood the meaning.

It seems that Chen Yunxi has arranged everything. Xu Ling should not worry too much.

Xu Ling said with a smile: "now that she has arranged for you, you should be well prepared. Don't drop the chain then. "

"Look what you said." Yu Wenwen didn't look at him angrily, and then waved a powder fist in front of Xu Ling, "brother, do you look down on me?"

Xu Ling flurried to wave a hand, "have no matter, just admonish you one or two just."

Yu Wenwen just smiles, "brother, will you go to Shanyan city with me then?"

Xu lingchong kneaded Yu Wenwen's small head, "this is of course."


When Xu Ling went to work in the afternoon, she found a strange thing.

Those colleagues who still cordially greet him in the morning now see that they have dodged to one side, pretending they don't know each other. Some even point at him behind his back.

What's going on?

Xu Ling was puzzled, so he wanted to ask an acquaintance.

However, those people were hiding from him as if they were hiding from disaster, and there was no one to understand the situation.

Finally, she was the female clerk who sent letters to readers before, quietly pulling Xu Ling aside and telling the truth.

"You said Zhu Xu had withdrawn the children's story program?" Xu Ling's face was surprised, "isn't the listening rate of this program soaring all the time? What's the reason for him to take the show off? "

"That's right." The woman clerk shook his head helplessly. "But now the size and size of the group has the final say of Zhu's editor. Besides, he is standing behind the deputy director. Even if there is any suggestion, we can't mention it."

Xu Ling snorted.

This Zhu Xu is a real villain.

Villain revenge, all day long!

"Mr. Xu, I advise you not to compete with editor in chief Zhu any more. You have to bow your head when you are under the eaves."

After the woman clerk put down a sentence, she went back to her post and did not dare to entangle with him any more.

Xu Ling raised his eyes and looked at the colleagues around him. He suddenly laughed and strode into the radio station.

Look up at the sky and laugh, go out, our generation is not Penghao people!

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