Youth group.

Many colleagues talked about it.

"Hey, brother Li, have you heard? The children's story program has been withdrawn. "

"Ah? Why? The audience rate of this program has been rising all the time. I heard that it broke the record of our group yesterday. "

"What's the use of breaking records? Don't you remember the other day when Xu Ling let editor Zhu down in front of everyone? Now that sister Wu is gone and chief editor Zhu is in power, can we have his good fruit to eat? "

"That's true. Chief editor Zhu is not easy to offend."

"Well, now Xu Ling is finished. It's a pity that he has good talent. That fairy tale is really good."

"Well, what's the use of talent? Usually, Xu Ling is just too tactless and looks down on others. Even chief editor Zhu doesn't pay attention to him. He's a jerk. He'll leave the radio station sooner or later. "

Xu Ling just laughs at these people's remarks. When he goes to the children's story office, he finds that Zhang Wenming is packing his things, even wrapping up the big teapot he often holds.

Seeing Xu Ling coming, Zhang Wenming said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Xu, you must have heard about the news from the stage, haven't you?"

"It's just a small man's ambition." Xu Ling nodded and asked, "Uncle Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Wenming said helplessly: "what else can I do? Roll the blanket and go away!"

"No, it's not, is it? Hasn't there been an announcement yet? "

"Mr. Xu, the cancellation of the program is a matter of certainty. We can't twist our arms and legs." Zhang Wenming shook his head. "Before, the deputy director talked to me and said that I was approaching retirement age. It's better to retire ahead of time so as to make way for new people."

Xu Ling looked up and asked, "what do you think?"

"I think what the deputy director said is reasonable." Zhang Wenming patted Xu Ling on the shoulder. "Lao Zhang, I've given it to Taili all my life. Now that I'm retiring, it's nothing to do a good thing for Taili. But, Mr. Xu, I have wronged you. "

"What grievances can we talk about?" Xu Ling does not care to smile, "it's not the first time to leave from the stage. I don't have any feeling. It's a big deal to find a job."

At 1 p.m., Zhu Xu, the new leader, held the first meeting of all members of the youth group.

In the first half of the conference, Xu Ling, sitting below, was almost sleepy.

Funny, Zhu Xu said it with relish.

"Cough!" Zhu Xu suddenly coughed a few times and called them back from their absentmindedness.

"A few days ago, the leader of the station issued a notice to cancel the children's story program in our group. This morning, the deputy director also mentioned it to me. Now, let me just say a few words on this opportunity of meeting. Please listen carefully. "

Looking up at Xu Ling's position, Zhu Xu said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, this program is really not good. Even after some people take over, it's a mess, and they are shameless to write their own manuscript, which makes people laugh."

After that, Zhu Xu laughed to himself.

Although we do not know where to laugh, but also followed by laughter.

The leader's face, who can not give, did not see Xu Ling's end?

Instead of laughing, Xu Ling stood up and said angrily, "editor in chief Zhu, what you said is a bit too much. The listening rate of children's story shows has been rising all the time. How can it become a bad sentence in your mouth?"

See Xu Ling dare to contradict him in public, Zhu Xu not from the ground fire.

Before Zhu Xu got angry, Chen he stood up and pointed to Xu Ling's nose and said, "Hey, do you know any etiquette? When leaders speak on this, do you have the right to interrupt? "

Zhu Xu's dogleg is online, please check.

Xu Ling snorted coldly, "don't say that editor in chief Zhu is just the temporary position of sister Wu, just say what you said before, don't you beat yourself in the face? I don't know etiquette. Do you know etiquette? "

"You..." Chen he was speechless.

"Chen he, sit down first!" After drinking Chen he, Zhu Xu said to Xu Ling, "Xu Ling, I know you have a sharp mouth. I don't want to argue with you. It's the leader's intention to cancel the program. If you have any opinions, go to the leader and don't argue with me here."

After a change of words, Zhu Xu said, "however, although the program has been withdrawn, you can stay on the stage. Our colleagues can have a show. As a leader, I'm not good enough to embarrass you as a newcomer. Well, that's it. Let's break up. "

When Zhu Xu stepped down from the stage and passed by Xu Ling, he patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Xu, do a good job. Take back your wild son and learn more from your predecessors. Well, let's start from the simplest way of being a man, ha ha!"

After that, Zhu Xu walked away with a smile on his face. Chen he, who was behind him, gave Xu Ling a thumbs up, and then suddenly fell down, "Xu Ling, we have a long way to go."

When Xu Ling returned to the office, Zhang Wenming welcomed him with a smile. "Congratulations, Mr. Xu. Although the program was cancelled, it's still on the stage. I'm sure I'll have a chance to turn over in the future."

Xu Ling is not so optimistic, he said: "Uncle Zhang, I would rather leave with you than stay here."

"What do you mean by that? Why don't you stay?"

"Uncle Zhang, you know, Zhu Xu is a master who never loses. Do you think his revenge is over?"

"Slap me in the face, and you'll get rid of each other. What else does he want?"

"Uncle Zhang, what you think is too simple." Xu Ling shook his head and explained, "I have signed a contract with Taili. Unless Taili kicks people, otherwise I will have to work here for three years."

"Look at my memory, I forgot about it." Zhang Wenming patted his forehead, "chief editor Zhu's move is really cruel. I've tied you up here for three years, but I still don't get in touch with my own job. Isn't it intentional to leave you here? After three years, when you go out to look for a job, you still have no experience and have to start from scratch. "

Xu Ling: "that's right."

Zhang Wenming thought about it and said, "but don't worry. When sister Wu comes back, you can go back to battle again. His Zhu Xu is just a temporary one. What he says doesn't count."

Xu Ling suddenly asked, "Uncle Zhang, do you think sister Wu can come back again?"

"Sister Wu is going out on business, but she is not dismissed by the Taiwanese. She will come back to take charge of the group's affairs ten and a half days later, three or five days earlier."

"You think too simply."

Xu Ling shook his head, didn't say much, and turned to pack up.

In his mind, he vaguely remembered the last words Wu Qinglian said to him before he left.

"It's the deputy director's intention to send me out on business this time, and Zhu Xu is the nephew of the deputy director. So, you have to bite your teeth to get through this

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